• 控制流行性脑膜炎提供疫苗国际协调小组大规模预防接种运动提供178,000三价疫苗

    The International Coordinating Group (ICG) on vaccine Provision for Epidemic Meningitis Control has provided 178,000 doses of trivalent vaccine for a mass vaccination campaign.


  • 正在准备开展以99 400人为目标疫苗接种运动目前临近地区正经历脑膜炎球菌暴发乌干达同步开展运动

    A vaccination campaign targeting 99 400 people is being prepared and will be synchronized with Uganda, which is currently experiencing an outbreak of meningococcal disease in the neighbouring area.


  • 地中海区域麻疹死亡率能显著降低是因为强化了疫苗接种运动包括若干具有难以抵达地区国家

    The significant decline in measles deaths in the Eastern Mediterranean region was the result of intensified vaccination campaigns including several countries with hard-to-reach areas.


  • 1940年代至1960年代之间一些非洲国家进行广泛大规模疫苗接种运动,导致黄热病几乎完全绝迹

    Between the 1940s and 1960s, widespread mass vaccination campaigns in some African countries had resulted in the almost-complete disappearance of yellow fever.


  • 根据疫情调查结果决定瓦希古亚卫生开展反应性的大规模疫苗接种运动目标人群为366 052

    On the basis of the outbreak investigation, it was decided to carry out a reactive mass vaccination campaign targeting 366,052 people in the health district of Ouahigouya.


  • 为了达到抑制某传染病需要进行一大规模公共健康运动促进接种疫苗

    For this to curb an epidemic would require an enormous public-health campaign of the sort used to promote vaccination. But that campaign would be of a different kind.


  • 作为一项预防措施,世界卫生组织联合儿童基金会正在帮助卫生部其它卫生合作伙伴开展预防破伤风麻疹方面疫苗接种运动

    As a preventive measure WHO and UNICEF are supporting the Ministry of health and other health partners in vaccination campaigns against tetanus and measles.


  • 卫生部在世卫组织技术协助下开始Tappita接种疫苗计划反应性大规模疫苗接种运动扩大邻近地区

    The Ministry of Health (MoH) with technical assistance of WHO, has started to vaccinate Tappita District and plans to extend the reactive mass vaccination campaign to neighbouring districts.


  • 卫生部在世卫组织技术支持下,正在计划于4月25影响地区周围地区开展应对性大规模疫苗接种运动

    The Ministry of Health (MoH) with technical assistance of WHO, is planning a reactive mass vaccination campaign in the affected and surrounding districts starting on 25 April.


  • 基于这些情况卫生部决定于2008年8月阿比让开展一场大规模疫苗接种运动目标人数为1938161

    On the basis of these results, the Ministry of Health has decided to carry out a mass vaccination campaign in Abidjan, in August 2008, targeting 1 938 161 people.


  • 今后全部位于西非世界12个负担最重国家能够推行特别疫苗接种运动4800进行免疫接种。

    Over the next four years, the world's 12 highest-burden countries, all of which are in West Africa, will be able to implement special vaccination campaigns to immunize more than 48 million people.


  • 下这样的新年决心并不意味着放弃每年流感疫苗接种,10次的结肠镜检查——或保持均衡饮食规律运动

    My New year's resolution does not mean I won't get my annual flu shot or a colonoscopy every 10 years - or eat a balanced diet and get regular exercise.


  • 这种受过良好教育人们村子啊盲目信仰已经导致了令人丢脸的优生运动甚至愚蠢的关于疫苗的耸言。

    That kind of blind belief in the well-lettered has led to everything from the disgrace that was the eugenics movement to the nincompoopery of the vaccine scare.


  • 援助机构正在受旱灾影响的国家进行疫苗接种运动数百万儿童接种疫苗设法控制疫情蔓延

    Aid agencies are conducting vaccination campaigns in drought-affected countries to immunize millions of children against this killer disease and to try to contain its spread.


  • 中国初生婴儿提供乙型肝炎疫苗而进行筹款运动。含基金介绍、乙型肝炎信息活动详情照片集

    Description: A campaign to raise funds for vaccination of newborns in China against hepatitis B. Provides the foundation's background, information on hepatitis B, event schedule and photo gallery.


  • 可行的替代药品皮质类固醇过敏疫苗那些使用抗组缓解症状的人们可以通过运动或调解饮食配合治疗。

    Possible alternatives are corticosteroids or allergy shots. But people who only find relief with antihistamines may have to exercise or adjust their diet to compensate.


  • 可行的替代药品皮质类固醇过敏疫苗那些使用抗组缓解症状的人们可以通过运动或调解饮食配合治疗。

    Possible alternatives are corticosteroids or allergy shots. But people who only find relief with antihistamines may have to exercise or adjust their diet to compensate.


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