• 一发现帮助有针对性开发疫苗研制以协助大西洋鳕鱼疾病管理驯化过程

    This finding will potentially allow for the development of more targeted vaccine development - aiding disease management and the process of domestication of Atlantic cod.


  • 如果我们制定艾滋病毒疫苗战略上取得进展相信我们也将其它疾病疫苗研制上取得进展。

    If we can make progress in developing vaccine strategies for HIV, then I'm convinced that we will make progress in developing vaccines for other diseases too.


  • 状病毒持续感染细胞系建立对病毒感染机理研究减毒活疫苗研制有一定现实意义。

    Establishment of persistent infection cell line of human rotavirus might help to study the mechanism of human rotavirus infection and attenuated live vaccine of human rotavirus.


  • 细菌基因突变技术开发应用细菌疫苗研制、细菌基因功能研究和基因治疗提供了新的技术手段

    The development and application of bacterial mutation technique offers new tools for research on new bacterial vaccine, bacterial genetic function and genetic therapy etc.


  • 本文着重描述记忆性T细胞分群分化形成维持的一般规律及其HIV疫苗研制中的意义

    In this review, the classification, differentiation, formation and duration of memory cells, and also the possible target role for development vaccines will be presented.


  • 目的进一步研究丙型肝炎免疫发病机制、临床治疗疫苗研制提供接近自然感染状态理想细胞模型

    Objective To provide a better cell model of closely nature infectious state for further understanding the immunopathogenesis, clinical treatment and vaccine development of hepatitis c.


  • 专家说过,‘疫苗研制一个复杂科技工程发现病原研制疫苗平均需要50—70的时间’。

    Some experts have said, 'vaccine is a complex science and technology projects, from the pathogen was found that the vaccine developed an average of 50-70 years'.


  • 目前大约10国家至少10个疫苗研制机构正在进行示范项目研制评价主要针对H5N1亚型疫苗

    At present, at least ten vaccine developers in about as many countries are carrying out demonstration projects to develop and evaluate vaccines primarily against the H5N1 subtype.


  • 技术研究蛋白质之间的相互作用寻找肿瘤特异性抗原治疗性肽以及在新型诊断试剂疫苗研制中都有重要用途

    The technique is widely used in exploring protein-protein interactions, finding specific antigens of tumor, cancer targeting therapeutic peptides, new diagnostic agents, and vaccine development.


  • 寻找到最佳HIV疫苗研制方法整个领域范围内,都有力推动令人期待的HIV疫苗候选研发以及后期评估

    Optimizing HIV vaccine manufacturing processes should help expedite the development and evaluation of promising vaccine candidates across the entire field.


  • 研制新的疫苗其他一切医学研究之前。

    The search for a new vaccine will take priority over all other medical research.


  • 即使感染时候感冒病毒也会发生变异而且新的病毒毒株经常出现,以至于制药研制针对其中一种变异疫苗血清已经过时了

    Colds mutate even while they're infecting you, and new strains pop up so often that by the time drug-makers create a vaccine against one variation, the serum is already out of date.


  • 已经研制出来了。

    Vaccines have already been developed.


  • 们取得了进展,但要研制疫苗还需要相当长的一段时间。

    They are making progress, but it will be quite a while before any vaccines are ready.


  • 界各地的科学家竞相研制和测试疫苗,以帮助人们抵御新冠病毒。

    Scientists around the world are racing to create and test vaccines (疫苗) to help protect people against the novel coronavirus (新冠病毒).


  • 在,制药公司希望能在12到18个月内研制出有效的疫苗

    Now drug companies are hoping to create working vaccines in 12 or 18 months.


  • 30多个科学家小组正在努力研制新冠病毒的疫苗

    More than thirty groups of scientists are working to develop a vaccine for COVID-19. (scientist)


  • 来,他在20世纪60年代初研制出了“糖丸”疫苗

    Later, he developed the "sugar-coated pill" vaccine in the early 1960s.


  • 1959年,顾成功研制出第一种脊髓灰质炎活疫苗

    In 1959 Gu succeeded in developing the first polio live vaccine.


  • 主要疟疾代表专家供资人举行一系列会议确定克服研制疟疾疫苗所面临种种挑战方法

    Leading malaria community representatives, experts, and funders held a series of meetings to determine ways to overcome challenges facing the development of a malaria vaccine.


  • 感谢一项非凡的科技工作迅速研制两种新的脊髓灰质炎疫苗现在能提供用于所有国家

    This is also thanks to an extraordinary scientific effort: the rapid development of two new polio vaccines that are now available for use by all countries.


  • 大多数正在研制通用流感疫苗甚至没有提供B流感病毒的预防。 科学家们把重点集中在了A型流感上,因为它往往会造成严重疾病流行病

    Most of the universal vaccines under development do not even try to provide protection against influenza type B. They focus on type A, which tends to cause more severe disease and pandemics.


  • 例如可能着手研制疫苗并不需要同时决定是否进行接种,接种范围多大以及优先考虑哪些接种

    For example, you can proceed to develop a vaccine, but you do not simultaneously need to decide whether to proceed with immunization, what its scope will be and who priority recipients will be.


  • 另外非洲科学家们针对羊群中的传染病研制疫苗。正是这种传染病贻误了在作为非洲牧羊人主要市场阿拉伯国家的商机。

    African scientists, too, are developing a vaccine to stop sheep catching an infection that has put off Arab countries that used to be the main markets for African herders.


  • 研究者研制合成疫苗也许能够预防任何目前存在流感——或者任何将出现的流感。

    One group of researchers has developed a synthetic vaccine that might be able to protect against just about any type of flu in existence--or that might come into existence.


  • 世卫组织支持通过脑膜炎疫苗项目(适宜卫生技术规划世卫组织之间伙伴关系)研制这样一种疫苗

    WHO supports the development of such a vaccine through the Meningitis vaccine Project, a partnership between the Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH) and WHO.


  • 科学家导致结核病细菌世界不同地方遗传结构如此不同因此防控结核病可能需要不同地区研制不同的疫苗

    The bacterium that causes tuberculosis (TB) is so genetically distinct in different parts of the world that tackling the disease could require separate vaccines for each region, say researchers.


  • 科学家导致结核病细菌世界不同地方遗传结构如此不同因此防控结核病可能需要不同地区研制不同的疫苗

    The bacterium that causes tuberculosis (TB) is so genetically distinct in different parts of the world that tackling the disease could require separate vaccines for each region, say researchers.


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