• 捕获需求一般从组织结构上下文范围开始分析界定目标系统边界。

    RE must begin with an organizational and contextual analysis to determine the objectives and boundary of the target system.


  • 目标责任成本管理工程项目管理中心内容此文如何界定目标成本进行了探讨

    The cost management by objective is the central part of engineering project management. This paper makes a probe into how to define object cost.


  • Activitystreams格式使聚合多个跟踪公司交互商业社交媒体网站界定目标成为可能

    The Activity streams format also creates possibilities for aggregating multiple streams to track a company's interactions and quantify progress towards goals across commercial social media sites.


  • 需要界定目标观众

    You need to define your target audience, says Mr Feulner.


  • 答案一部分明确界定央行努力什么——例如消费者物价通胀率达成目标

    Part of the answer is to define explicitly what the central bank is trying to do-for example, hit a target for consumer-price inflation.


  • 审计开始就没有明确地界定审计目标工作范围

    The audit objectives and scope of work were not clearly defined at the start of the audit.


  • 如果使用过滤器操纵请求确保目标界定反映变更请求uri领域

    If you are using a filter that manipulates the Request URI, make sure that your goal is defined so that it reflects the changed Request URI field.


  • 教育界定目标构成评价形式方面,对有代表性的理论研究进行比较分析。

    Teachers' inductive education theories are compared in this part from the aspects as follows: conception, objective, component, evaluation, form, etc.


  • 当前大学生道德建设目标体系标竿”设置、内容界定结构设计等方面存在诸多问题急需进行重构。

    Currendy, There are many problems in seting scale, dividing content, and devising frame while we are to construct the moral object system of the undergraduate.


  • 会计信息风险界定会计目标为导向

    The definition of accounting information risk should be directed by accounting target.


  • 目标社区是不是界定非常清晰

    Is your target community well identified and defined?


  • 因此目标关系经常影响任务界定完成

    Thus, relationship goals frequently affect how the task is defined and completed.


  • 一些项目中,随着项目进展目标需修订或重新界定产品特性逐步确定。

    In some projects the objectives are refined and the product characteristics defined progressively as the project proceeds.


  • 提出了城市河流生态系统健康最终目标目标整体修复思想,界定河流生态系统修复活动须遵循的原则

    The integrative multi-object restoration, aiming at ecosystem health of urban river was proposed, and the principles for ecosystem restoration of urban rivers were given.


  • 研究目的:计量耕地过度性损失界定耕地保护理性目标破解耕地保护指标分配难题

    The purpose of the paper is to measure the excessive loss of cultivated land, define the rational target of cultivated land, and resolve the quota distribution issues of cultivated land protection.


  • 第三部分科学探究科学探究能力进行界定明确科学探究能力要素培养目标

    The third part has a clear definition for scientific inquiry and scientific inquiring ability and the main factors and training targets of scientific inquiring ability.


  • 任何旨在揭示儿童语言习得奥秘理论首先必须恰当界定语言,确切地说,就是要明确研究目标

    Any theory aiming to account for the development of child language would have to, first of all, define language adequately, or clarify its object of inquiry, to be more exact.


  • 结论研究理论上界定应用型医学人才概念制定应用型医学人才为目标实习医师临床能力培养模式

    Conclusion This study defined the concept of applied medical personnel in theory, establish clinical competence training model that aim at applied medical personnel.


  • 论文一部分导论,提出了为何选题相关概念作了界定,论文研究条件限制研究目标、对象、范围方法选择。

    In the first chapter, the writer explains the reasons to study the topic, defines the related concepts, and illustrates the research objectives, domains, methods and limitations of the study.


  • 本文在相关文献研究基础首先界定并购定价风险概念,将其内容单一的收购目标企业实际支付价格偏离期望价格的可能性及其程度扩展由于定价的不准确而导致的并购结果不确定性。

    Base on the researching of literature, this paper was to define the concept of the risk of evaluation in M&A at first, extended it from price departure to the uncertainty of trade outcome.


  • 主要界定说明学习行为特征相关概念、阐述学习行为特征的研究现状及本文的研究目标

    Mainly define some concepts related to "learning behavioral characteristics", elaborate the developing of studies in "learning behavioral characteristics" and this study's objection.


  • 如果界定风险波动”,什么大多数分析家这样做先生格拉斯曼:“历史已经表明股市没有更多波动大于债券”的长远目标

    "If you define risk as volatility," which is what most analysts do, Mr. Glassman says, "history has shown that stocks are no more volatile than bonds" over the long term.


  • 如果没有审计假设企业审计陷入目标无法设定、责任无从认定、风险无以界定、随时可能替人代过尴尬境地。

    Without audit postulates, enterprise audit will be caught in such a dilemma that objective, responsibility and risk cant be made clear, even punishment is imposed on for others error.


  • 两者概念界定特征目标方面存在较大差别形式内容性质方面具有相近性。

    There exist considerable differences in the definition of concepts. features and aims ect. , while they also show similarities in forms, contents and features etc.


  • 本文首先现代质量管理学关于质量的概念出发,对审计质量概念作了界定,在评价涵义基础上,明确了审计目标是审计质量评价的核心标准。

    At first, this paper defines the concept of audit quality based on the modern quality management, then point out that the audit object is the nuclear standard of audit quality appraisal.


  • 本文界定议事范围建立目标责任制定期召开一把手”碰头会方面进行了探讨。

    This paper explores various aspects such as limiting the range of subjects, setting up system of objective responsibility, summoning heads meeting regularly, etc.


  • 本文学习目标为导向,动态界定大学英语教学词汇范畴

    Derived from goal of studying, this paper proposes a dynamic construal approach to lexical categories in college English teaching.


  • 本文学习目标为导向,动态界定大学英语教学词汇范畴

    Derived from goal of studying, this paper proposes a dynamic construal approach to lexical categories in college English teaching.


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