• 那些隐藏厚厚的灰泥下面

    The paintings were concealed beneath a thick layer of plaster.


  • 抽象纳入到很多收藏中。

    His abstracts are held in numerous collections.


  • 经过更加仔细的查看,那幅证实赝品。

    On closer examination the painting proved to be a fake.


  • 因为有些直接其他擦掉上面创作的,所以价值可能随着所描绘迁移过程结束而消失。

    Because some paintings were made directly over others, obliterating them, it is probable that a painting's value ended with the migration it pictured.


  • 认为最有价值的幅。

    This picture is considered as the most valuable one among his pictures.


  • 想让你们南瓜围绕的年轻女人

    One other painting I really want you to look at is of a young woman surrounded by pumpkins.


  • 这些线条深深地雕刻平坦石质平原上形成了大约300幅复杂动物猴子蜥蜴

    These lines are deeply carved into a flat, stony plain, and form about 300 intricate pictures of animals such as birds, a monkey, and a lizard.


  • 但是如果增强他们的狩猎运气这些主要动机,那么就很难解释为什么只有少量长矛刺过迹象

    But if improving their hunting luck was the chief motivation for the paintings, it is difficult to explain why only a few show signs of having been speared.


  • 那幅脱落掉下来底部刀片成了碎片。

    The painting started to drop down in its frame and was shredded by some blades hidden in the bottom of the frame.


  • 如果家们记住一点,只有太阳照射得发高部分月球明亮的,他们来就会得更好

    Artists could make their pictures better if they kept this in mind - only those parts of the moon which are lighted up by the sun are bright.


  • 艺术认为应该描写真人真事年代诞生让世人感到震惊并不单单是对一般恶梦的简单描绘,而是恶梦体验一次真实再现。

    In an age when art was supposed to depict an actual person or event, it came as a shock that this was a painting not of a nightmare, but of the nightmare as a generalized experience.


  • 结论那些好好的箱子里,只不过是以垃圾箱里而告终的。

    The conclusion was that the paintings, still in their crates, had ended up in the trash, he said.


  • 但是如果能够成功地过去几个世纪来人们眼光去,你惊人的发现。你会发现一个我们一直以来想当然,引导认识完全不同蒙娜丽莎

    But if ever you succeed in seeing the painting as people saw it in centuries past, you will discover something astounding: the Mona Lisa looks entirely different from what we have been led to believe.


  • 最近神经学家将电级植入大脑皮层,以便记录单一神经元活动,单一神经元认为单个思想或者联系

    Recently neuroscientists have implanted single electrodes in the cortex to record the activity of single neurons believed to be associated with a single thought or image.


  • 就是喜欢克莱尔原因那么专注的看着我时,我感觉我就是她的唯一。

    This is why I love to be drawn by Clare: when she looks at mewith that kind of attention, I feel that I am everything to her.


  • 展览会上件作品就有着这种风格,自命不凡地悬挂一间狭窄展厅尽头中的衣袖直接肩处伸出。

    The only surviving example hangs in the exhibition, displayed rather pretentiously at the end of a narrow room with its sleeves straight out from the shoulders, cross-like.


  • 首先来说,文艺复兴时期最为常见女性肖像形式是表现出女性的美丽吸引力,而且无一例外面向观众做出微笑

    The first of these, the most common sort of female portrait in the Renaissance, presents the sitter as a beautiful and desirable woman who, true to type, smiles at the viewer.


  • 终于抬起自己新的楼房包括学校正在纷纷拔地而起;墙上

    Gradually it is lifting its head: new buildings, including a school, are rising; paint has been daubed on walls.


  • 那幅雕刻木头表面上。

    Carve the picture was carved on the surface of wood.


  • 有着会微笑的眼睛戴者宽边的帽子,使看上去很年轻。其实他时候已经40中后期了。

    With his smiling eyes and wide-brimmed hat, he has a youthful look, but he was in his mid to late 40s when the likeness was painted.


  • 是想她躺医院病床弟弟绷带碘酒红的受伤的脸。

    I think of how her brother's face was in his hospital bed, bruised under the bandages and stained with something like iodine.


  • 经过照片扫描数据库查对认定雷诺一幅作品《年轻巴黎女子》,大约年前瑞典

    After photographs are scanned and databases checked, the painting is identified as the other Renoir, Jeune Parisienne, stolen nearly five years ago in Sweden.


  • 菲利普观者将当作件表现艺术家眼光独特作品来欣赏不是拧笨拙做作捧上神坛的艺术架构上的一颗螺丝钉。

    Phillips let viewers appreciate each painting as a unique product of an artist's vision, rather than as a mere cog placed in the unwieldy and contrived structure of canonised art.


  • 莱纳德•劳德成了主人之后,作品长期借给了新廊。

    Once Ronald Lauder became owner of the painting, it went to the Neue Galerie on long-term loan.


  • 盖福德先生坐着个人经历书本的叙述提供线索

    Mr Gayford’s personal experience of sitting contributes a thread to the narrative.


  • 彼得·保罗谈到拉弗蒂同事指控传闻”时,告诉没有哪个学者质疑真伪或是字条真实性。

    Peter Paul, who referred to the allegations by Lafferty's colleagues as "hearsay," told me that no scholar had questioned the authenticity of the picture or of the note tucked inside the frame.


  • 决大多数肖像都有意的传达出个清楚简单的意向:保留人物的特征,同时种概括的表现形式靠拢:或是表现美丽,或是表现社会地位,或是表现虔诚

    Most portraits, by design, convey one fairly simple idea: They preserve the particulars of their sitters while bringing them into conformity with a general type, whether of beauty, rank or piety.


  • 大堂一角一层新的玻璃后面,挂一张名为生命之树在恐怖袭击中幸免于难到大堂来了。

    In a corner of the lobby, behind a new sheet of glass, was a piece of art, called "the Tree of Life," which had survived unscathed. It had been moved to the lobby.


  • 大堂一角一层新的玻璃后面,挂一张名为生命之树在恐怖袭击中幸免于难到大堂来了。

    In a corner of the lobby, behind a new sheet of glass, was a piece of art, called "the Tree of Life," which had survived unscathed. It had been moved to the lobby.


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