• 仅有30%男性他们愿意做出这样的牺牲

    Only 30 percent of men said they would rather forgo intimate relations than cyber ones.


  • 超过90%受访男性他们送给爱人一个拥抱作为礼物一部分

    More than 90 percent of the men polled said they would be giving a hug as part of their gift.


  • 研究人员发现一般情况下,男性他们理解他们需求的”妈妈他们配偶就往往认为他们温柔多情的”。

    The researchers found that, in general, men who said they had moms who "understood their needs" had mates who described them as "affectionate."


  • 40%女性认为约会邀请应该买单,14%的女性却认为费用应该平摊不过大多数未婚男性他们约会买单。

    Although nearly 40 percent of women think whoever asked for the date should pay for it, 14 percent said the bill should be split, but most unmarried men said they would cover the cost of the date.


  • 如果火花已经熄灭,那么通过电子通讯工具分手途径。43%女性27%的男性他们收到过内容不是的错,都怪”的短信

    And when the spark is extinguished, digital dumping is the new way to break up, with 43 percent of women and 27 percent of men reporting getting a text along the lines of "it's not you, it's me."


  • 根据周一发布项调查70%的美国男性他们觉得保养车子照料自己的身体容易。

    Almost 70 percent of American men said they find it easier to care for their cars than their personal health, according to a survey released on Monday.


  • 布洛克大学安东尼.波捷特本周的国家科学院学报上发表文章一个男性亲生哥哥数量会影响成为同性恋几率,而且他们是否生活在一起无关。

    The number of biological older brothers a boy's mother has carried--whether they live with him in the same household or not--affects his chances of being gay.


  • 俄罗斯男性跻身该榜第十,受访者对于普通女性来说,他们的毛发过多

    Russian men crept in at tenth place amid accusations they are too hairy for the average woman.


  • 15%男性10%的女性他们陷害过某个同事

    Fifteen percent of men and 10 percent of woman also said they had sabotaged a colleague.


  • 调查男性所做家务活他们得到承认的多。女人之所以他们的贡献“视而不见”,是因为他们不会表功。

    Men do far more housework than they are given credit for, according to research that claims women do not notice because their male partners "don't make a fuss".


  • 超过三分之一受访男性承认他们偷偷使用这些物品尽管有31%的女性她们伴侣偷这些物品时将他们个正著。

    More than a third of men questioned admitted to using these items in secret, despite 31 per cent of women claiming to have caught their partner using them.


  • 研究人员眼泪无味男性志愿者不能区别他们的是眼泪还是盐分。

    The researchers said the male volunteers could not distinguish the smell of the tears from that of the salt solution and that tears were odourless anyway.


  • 迪恩菲尔德教授:“觉得男性来说是个预警他们应该一改生活习惯,提高生育小孩几率。”

    Professor Dirnfeld said: "I think this is a warning to men to change their habits to improve their chances of having children."


  • ElliotNiesta男性并未意识红色居然会影响他们女性感觉

    Elliot and Niesta say men aren't aware of the effect the color red has on how attractive they perceive women to be.


  • 美国联邦调查局3中东男性抓获,他们藏匿于运货卡车中,试图安检

    The FBI says 3 men of Middle Eastern descent were caught trying to slip past a checkpoint in a cargo truck.


  • 五分之一男性他们为了酒吧而对女友撒谎四分之一男性违心地赞过女友穿件衣服很漂亮

    One in five males said he would lie to his girlfriend to go to the pub and almost a quarter of men have told a partner she looked good in an outfit, despite thinking the opposite.


  • 五分之一男性他们为了酒吧而对女友撒谎四分之一男性违心地赞过女友穿件衣服很漂亮

    One in five males said he would lie to his girlfriend to go to the pub and almost a quarter of men have told a partner she looked good in an outfit, despite thinking the opposite.


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