• 普遍观点认为,我们脾气暴躁、留不住男人单身母亲

    The prevailing theory seems to be that we're all hot-tempered single mothers who can't keep a man.


  • 小说关于士兵的,侧重他们关系尤其是儿子母亲男人和他们的妻子之间关系

    Your novel is about soldiers, but it focuses on their relationships, especially the bonds between sons and mothers, and men and their wives.


  • 哈姆雷特一点也愿意母亲这种男人

    Hamlet did not in the least want his mother to marry such a man.


  • 成功男人背后总有一个优秀女人不是妻子就是母亲如果两个都是,那确实享受着双倍福分

    No man succeeds without a good woman behind him. Wife or mother, if it is both, he is twice blessed indeed.


  • 这位母亲:“是说你和那个年纪大一已经男人结婚?你想和他结婚,除非死了。”

    You mean you want to marry this man twice your age who's been divorced two times already? You'll only do it over my dead body!


  • 首领其它有权威位置通过年长男人沿袭土地权利则通过母亲沿袭。

    The chiefs "titles and other authoritative positions were passed down primarily through the senior male line. However, land rights were inherited via the mother" s line.


  • 可是那可怜母亲糊涂一点儿也不知道目前这个男人感情

    But her poor foolish mother little knew her present feeling towards this man.


  • 因此男人将会离开父亲母亲,与妻子结合成为一体

    For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.


  • 去年8月3日男婴死亡之后,3被控谋杀——由于法律原因无法具名男婴母亲及其男友以及第二个男人:房客詹森·欧文

    Charged with murder - the boy's mother and her boyfriend, neither of whom can be named for legal reasons, and a second man, Jason Owen, who was a lodger in the house.


  • 那个男人听见了的话后,脸色发白什么也没,他最近离了婚双胞胎女儿也随母亲了。

    The man, overhearing Zichen's claim, had paled but said nothing-he had recently divorced, and his twin daughters had moved away with their mother.


  • 终日无所事事,除了母亲服装店帮忙,就是游走旧金山不同男人之间,并意外怀孕了人工流产

    There was nothing to do but work in her mother’s dress shop, sleep around in San Francisco, get pregnant, have an abortion.


  • 如果父亲与另外一个男人结婚那么谁母亲呢?

    "IF my dad married a man, who would be my mom?"


  • 母亲总是自己当成顶门立户男人但是别人却不是这么想。

    My mother always let me think I was the man of the house, but everyone else knew differently.


  • 她——那个再也没有见过面的女生——会长,母亲父亲活得更长,她们的美丽智慧他这样的男人,像他父亲这样的男人保全尊严

    She-the girl student, whom he had never seen again-would outlive him, just as his mother had outlived his father, their beauty and wisdom the saving grace for a man like him, a man like his father.


  • 吸血鬼母亲警告过女儿要提防的那种男人除了没料到他们涂了更多眼线唇彩之外。

    He is the man her mother warned her about except with more guy-liner and lip gloss than either of them could have ever predicted.


  • 我们抛弃我们生活方式发现我们自己正是这些地方寻找她们从来就没有找到母爱所迷失激情:杜松子酒男人大学,我们自己母亲以及我们彼此

    In rejecting the lives of our mothers, we found ourselves looking for stray volts of mother-love in the very places they would never be found: gin, men, the college, our own mothers, and one another.


  • 男人母亲女性更可能成为终生伴侣女人长得像父亲男人也更为着迷,周三出炉的报道如是说。

    Men tend to wind up with life partners who look like their mother, while a woman is lured to a partner who looks like her father, scientists reported on Wednesday.


  • 采访数百刚果女性时,听到无数关于男人宁愿子弹穿透头颅,也不亵渎自己孩子姐妹母亲故事。

    In interviews with hundreds of women, I heard countless stories of men who chose to take a bullet in the head, literally, rather than violate their child, sister or mother.


  • 例如感到她们父亲抛弃女人倾向选择一个情绪不稳定丈夫苛刻母亲抚养大的男人选择挑剔他们妻子

    Women who felt abandoned by their fathers are likely to choose emotionally unavailable husbands, for example, and men raised by hypercritical moms will be drawn to wives who pick on them, he says.


  • 以为母亲回答思玉不结婚是因为没有遇到合适男人那样的话,他可以母亲为什么觉得合适。

    He had expected his mother to reply that Siyu had not met the right person-and then he could have questioned why his mother thought him a good choice for her.


  • 大多数男人,如果说让他们母亲他们老婆,他们听了都会震惊吧。

    Most human men would be appalled at the idea of their mothers helping them to get laid.


  • 即将迎娶自己儿子母亲希兹维来说,检测呈阳性毁掉构建遗留的传统文化上的明天。按照这里的传统,男人是必须要结婚并且延续香火。

    For Sizwe, who is about to marry the mother of his son, testing positive would also destroy a future constructed on the remains of a traditional culture that commands marriage and heirs.


  • 安东尼奥了解到母亲信任和喜爱一个男人病毒传染给了

    Antonio learned a man she'd trusted and loved had infected her.


  • 但是所有关于无意识寻找爱人这些理论,什么女人她们父亲一样的男人结婚男人她们母亲一般的女人等等,上去都是过时的让人厌倦的精神分析理论,吧?

    But all this stuff of the unconscious looking for love, women marrying men that are like their father, men finding women like their mother, sounds like tired, old psychoanalytic theory, yes?


  • 母亲的话,母亲对特格拉的作为生气,特格拉破坏和富有的男人订婚,为了追随保罗

    This is her mother talking because her mother is very upset that Thecla has done this because Thecla broke off her great engagement to the richest guy in town in order to follow Paul.


  • 母亲的话,母亲对特格拉的作为生气,特格拉破坏和富有的男人订婚,为了追随保罗

    This is her mother talking because her mother is very upset that Thecla has done this because Thecla broke off her great engagement to the richest guy in town in order to follow Paul.


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