• 相机通常安装墙壁天花板屋顶角落灯杆应急电话

    The cameras are typically mounted on walls, ceilings, rooftops, corners, light poles, and emergency call boxes.


  • 开始前,所需要的只是名片一份联系人名单一部电话

    To get started, all you need is a Rolodex or contact list and a telephone.


  • 移动电话汽车,再到有线电视生活中的各个方面有可能使用计算机

    From mobile phones to automobiles to cable boxes, you're more than likely using a computer in some aspect of your life.


  • TCS设计出一种通过移动电话电视互联网联系起来的机

    TCS has designed a box that connects the television to the Internet via a mobile phone.


  • 这些设备个人数据助理(PDA)、手持PC无线笔记本电脑、蜂窝式移动电话(cell phone)、置顶(set - top box)、车辆内部的信息系统用于普及计算其他设备。

    These devices can be PDAs, handheld PCs, wireless laptops, cell phones, set-top boxes, in-vehicle information systems, and other devices for pervasive computing.


  • XHTMLBasic本身可以作为Web客户内容语言移动电话PDA寻呼机置顶

    XHTML Basic in itself could be used as the content language for Web clients such as mobile phones, PDAs, pagers, and set-top boxes.


  • 摩托罗拉作为世界顶级无线电话有线调制解调器有线电视机顶制造商今年一月母公司放弃。

    Motorola Mobility, best known as a maker of wireless phones, cable modems and cable TV boxes, was spun off in January from its parent company.


  • 将其软件业务延伸到了诸如电视机顶移动电话其他设备之上,它还建立(后来出售了)旅游媒体方面网络公司新的领域拓展

    The firm has extended its software into other devices, like television set-top boxes and mobile phones, created (and later sold) web businesses in travel and media, and moved into new areas.


  • 这个星期早些时候无意中找到了一照片有几张是弟弟。我电话母亲这些照片哪里拍的。

    I thought about how earlier this week, I discovered a box of old photos - some of me and my brother - and I had to call to ask my mom where I was in them.


  • 因此用户可以任何受支持设备上访问多媒体门户包括PCPDA机顶移动电话如图7 中所示。

    Therefore, the user can access the multimedia portal from any supported devices including a PC, PDA, set-top box, and mobile phone, as illustrated in Figure 7.


  • 这些设备各种各样,包括IP模拟电话PDA机顶(Set-Top Box,STB)、PCDSL家庭网关Residential Gateway)调制解调器无线接入点(WirelessAccessPoint路由器TV

    These devices are heterogeneous and includes IP and analog phones, PDAs, set-top boxes (STB), PCs, DSL or Residential Gateway modems, Wireless Access Point routers, TVs, and so on.


  • Android设计开始就是不同设备——从电话机顶到上网本——上运行的。

    Android was designed from the beginning to work across a variety of devices from phones to set-top boxes to netbooks.


  • 诺基亚6131网站提供每个人都有机会探讨电话彩色世界”,不断扩大的通航帆布优良的颜料

    The Nokia 6131 website gives everyone the chance to explore the phone and also "Color the World", with an ever-expanding navigable canvas and excellent paint box.


  • 所需要就是公寓大楼地下室里找到控制然后调节电话线

    All you have to do is to find the panel box in an apartment cellar and adjust a few wires.


  • 私人电话简短——不要接听需要用去纸巾电话

    Keep personal phone calls brief and fewand never take a call that will require a box of tissues to get through.


  • 私人电话最好——并且永远不要那种用掉纸巾才能打完电话

    Keep personal phone calls brief and fewand never take a call that will require a box of tissues to get through.


  • 可可罐头电话装置固体传导声音方式另一个证明

    The cocoa-tin telephone system is another proof of the way in which solids transmit sounds.


  • 连线两个罐头起来,线两端各自固定每个罐头底部小孔上紧以后,就做成了相距远的好的一部电话

    Two tins, connected with string fixed through a hole in the bottom of each tin and stretched tight, form a good telephone over a few yards.


  • 平心而论,我们确实做了调查工作四处电话参加测试会议聚会,试图感受市场情况,说到底整个过程并不靠谱。

    In fairness, we did do survey work, calling around, and attending white box conferences and venues to try to get a feel for that market, but in the end, the process was political.


  • IPTV机顶具备网页浏览媒体播放互动网络游戏音视频电话功能

    IPTV STB should have functions including Web page browsing, streaming media playing, interactive online game playing, making audio or video calls and so on.


  • 想让电话母亲饼干来

    I want you to call your mother and ask her to send you another box of cookies.


  • 链接伴侣一个应用程序连接链接伴侣电视控制链接伴侣电话

    Link Mate is an APP connecting to the Link Mate box to watching TV and control the Link Mate box on phone.


  • 链接伴侣一个应用程序连接链接伴侣电视控制链接伴侣电话

    Link Mate is an APP connecting to the Link Mate box to watching TV and control the Link Mate box on phone.


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