• 表示黑客行动涉嫌针对娱乐行业个人电脑入侵”罪名。

    An FBI spokeswoman said Operation Hackerazzi involved "computer intrusions targeting individuals associated with the entertainment industry."


  • 但是没有阻止苹果公司一直以来竞争对手——微软公司——平板电脑入侵统治多年的商业计算领域感到焦虑

    But that hasn't stopped Apple's perennial rival, Microsoft, from fretting over the tablet's intrusion into the world of business computing, which it has dominated.


  • 一名入侵闯入作战指挥部设法删除电脑文件中的17000个名字

    An intruder broke into the campaign headquarters and managed to erase 17,000 names from computer files.


  • 更为糟糕的是,操作系统供应商可以通过互联网入侵个人电脑

    In a worse case, operating system providers could invade a personal computer through the Internet.


  • 黑客那样,入侵个人电脑数据

    It acted like a hacker, invading personal computers and data.


  • 电脑病毒在复制改编入侵以及传播模式几乎生物病毒相同,“似乎”它们就是生物病毒。

    Computer viruses replicated, adapt, infiltrate, and spread in patterns nearly identical to biological viruses, "as if" they were biological themselves.


  • 德曼其他电脑专家黑客入侵凸显了网上投票缺陷,而且这些缺陷目前无法弥补

    Halderman and other computer experts say the penetration highlights flaws in online voting that cannot be fixed at present.


  • 有人可能会为什么入侵别人大脑研究人员却说,使用电脑造成神经损害已有先例

    Some might question why anyone would want to hack into someone else’s brain, but the researchers say there’s a precedent for using computers to cause neurological harm.


  • 奈特入侵哈德森老师电脑可以他们拿到期末考题

    Nate has hacked into Mr. Hudson's computer. He can get a copy of the final exam for them.


  • 使用一法案进行的诉讼,较为典型的起诉对象是入侵他人电脑系统黑客

    More typically, prosecutions under the act have involved people who hack into computer systems.


  • 受过大学教育的“河湾”在2003年3月20美军入侵伊拉克一名电脑程序师。 她在博客说,她失去了工作,因为那时伊拉克妇女单独出门上班已经是很危险的事情。

    University-educated Riverbend worked as a computer programmer before the invasion which began on March 20, 2003.


  • 这次的袭击直到上周三证实很快一家加拿大广播公司报道一事件,迹象表明电脑已经被入侵了有一时间了。

    While the attack was not confirmed until late Wednesday, shortly before a Canadian Broadcasting Corporation report about it, signs that something was wrong have been evident for some time.


  • 邮件包含了PDF文件企图安装一个名为有毒常春藤恶意程序以便入侵完全控制受害人电脑

    The e-mail contained a PDF file that was intended to install a malicious software program known as Poison Ivy, which was meant to give an intruder complete control of the victim's computer.


  • 需要成为深入了解诸如超频CPU或者入侵注册表之类问题的专家但是因为从事IT行业,所以人们期待能够解决一般的电脑故障。 (如果你手下的IT技术人员没有达到这样的水准,那么开除他们。

    You don\\\'t need to be an expert and understand how to overclock a CPU or hack the registry, but if you work in IT, people expect you to be able to do some things.


  • 我们网上购物的时候,我们需要支付商品电子支付黑客入侵我们电脑窃取我们的信息网上购物安全

    When we shop online, we need pay for the commodities by electronic payments, but hackers can invade our computers and steal our information, this is not safe for online shopping.


  • 因为它们有着相同漏洞如果入侵电脑那么所有电脑可以入侵

    Because they share the same flaws, if you can hack into one, you can hack into them all.


  • 需要自己安装而且需要将服务端上传到入侵电脑运行服务才能达到控制目的

    The need to install, and need to upload the server to the invasion of computer and run the service, to achieve the goal of control.


  • 通过跟踪这个恶意程序获得入侵使用服务器电脑访问权限,McAfee识别出了72个受危害公司组织

    Through tracing this malware and also gaining access to a "command and control" computer server used by the intruders, McAfee identified 72 compromised companies and organisations.


  • 他们入侵电脑破坏电话系统

    They break into computers and break the phone system.


  • 对于大众传媒来说,“黑客”(hacker)是入侵电脑

    To the popular press, "hacker" means someone who breaks into computers.


  • 恶意软件与日俱增(间),典型用途偷盗密码其他数据或者打开电脑的“后门[注4]”以便入侵控制。

    Malware is exploding (see chart 2). It is typically used to steal passwords and other data, or to open a "back door" to a computer so that it can be taken over by outsiders.


  • 安全专家用户点击网络钓鱼(phishing)邮件——设计用来获取敏感信息访问入侵网站——时电脑便会遭受病毒感染

    Machines become infected when users click on phishing e-mails, designed to try to gain sensitive information, or visit compromised websites, according to security experts.


  • 通过大型广告活动进行宣传,让其他Windows电脑制造商抢占封面如果他们害怕苹果在今后十年大肆入侵市场的话。

    Introduce it with a mammoth AD campaign that shows the makers of other Windows PCs running for cover, as if they've been fearing Apple's monstrous entry into their market for decades.


  • 然而进入网络电脑报告潜在入侵熊猫互联网安全2008报告。

    It doesn't, however, report new computers on the network as possible intruders, as Panda Internet Security 2008 does.


  • 保罗应该保守这个秘密一定个人谈谈奈特入侵哈德森老师电脑

    Paul, I'm supposed to keep this a secret, but I have to talk to someone. Nate hacked into Mr. Hudson's computer.


  • 由于怀疑黑客入侵一些西方公司老板中国之后便扔掉自己手机笔记本电脑

    The bosses of some Western firms throw away phones and laptops after they have been to China assuming they have been hacked.


  • 由于怀疑黑客入侵一些西方公司老板中国之后便扔掉自己手机笔记本电脑

    The bosses of some Western firms throw away phones and laptops after they have been to China assuming they have been hacked.


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