• 提出一种考虑电磁功率突变暂态稳定闭环紧急控制方案

    A transient stability closed-loop emergency control method considering the abrupt change of electromagnetic power is proposed.


  • 文章对坐标变换过程中的电磁功率变性原则进行了讨论

    This paper also discusses the principle of the electromagnetic power unchangeableness to some extent.


  • 导出基波电磁功率稳定谐波电磁功率脉动谐波电磁功率计算公式

    Then, the calculation formulas of the fundamental and steady harmonic as well as pulse harmonic electromagnetic powers are derived.


  • 传统PSS使用本地可测量发电机电磁功率转速作为输入信号抑制低频振荡

    The traditional PSS use the local signal such as the generator electromagnetism power or shaft speed as its input to restrain low frequency oscillation.


  • 赫芝偶电磁合成任意长度偶极天线在球面上电磁功率密度之时变玻因亭向量。

    The near and far electromagnetic field are synthesized by summation of the electromagnetic field of short current segments or Hertz dipoles.


  • 分析稳定性预测过程电磁功率突变产生原因及其影响提出了计算修正的方法

    The reasons and the influence of sudden change of the electric power of generators during stability prediction are analyzed. Moreover, corresponding correction method is proposed.


  • 同时本文在二群失稳模式假设,得出了机组电磁功率转子相对惯性中心角变化曲线正弦曲线

    Meanwhile, under two-group instability modes, it is discovered that the curves between electric power of generator unit and rotator's angle in relative to center of inertia is a sine curve.


  • 通过简化异步发电机模型,将异步电机引入计算变量;将风电机组的机械功率电磁功率之差作为等式约束加入算法中。

    Making use of simplified asynchronous generator model, the paper introduced slips into variables, taken mechanical and electrical power unbalances as equation restrains to add in the algorithm.


  • 高温开发下一代军用电子器件例如功率雷达电磁武器所有电动飞行器,遇到关键障碍

    High thermal temperatures are a key barrier in the development of next-generation military electronics, such as high-power radars, electromagnetic weapons and all-electric aircraft.


  • 电流穿过功率发射器中的线圈时会产生电磁接收器输送电量

    As electricity moves through the power transmitter coil, it creates an electromagnetic field that sends a charge to the next coil.


  • 微波功率测量成为电磁测量的重要部分。

    Microwave power measurements have taken an important role in electromagnetics.


  • 本文阐述微波功率模块MPM可靠性有关设计电磁兼容(EMC)设计。

    This paper has introduced the thermal design and Electromagnetic Capability (EMC) related to the Reliability of Microwave Power Module (MPM).


  • 采用不同搅拌功率铝合金熔体进行电磁搅拌观察分析几种搅拌工艺得到材料显微组织

    The melt of aluminum alloy in the electromagnetic field was stired by different stirring power and the microstructure of the material that was got from different stirring technology was observed.


  • 提出功率电磁脉冲作用MESFET热效应分析时间尺度统一算法

    We propose a unified time scale algorithm for thermal effect of MESFET under irradiation of high power electromagnetic pulses.


  • 研究开关电源中印刷电路板寄生参数功率器件瞬态特性产生传导电磁干扰现象

    Conducting Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) in switching power supplies caused by parasitic parameters and transient characteristic of power electronic elements is studied in this paper.


  • 针对电磁-永磁混合磁悬浮系统功率控制中的电流积分问题,开展电流积分作用研究

    In allusion to the current integral action in zero-power control of hybrid suspension system with electro and permanent magnets, the negative effect was researched.


  • 多电平变流器具有输出谐波小功率容量大电磁兼容性特性越来越引起人们重视

    Multilevel inverters have been paid more and more attentions because of their good characteristics with low output harmonics, high power capacity, good electromagnetic compatibility and so on.


  • 功率密度电机电磁结构因素影响,转轴强度,钢度

    Affected by electromagnetism and structure, the rotor shaft of big length to diameter ratio high power density asynchronous motor shows low intensity and bad rigidity.


  • 嵌入式系统往往工作频率高、环境恶劣含有功率器件电磁兼容问题处理尤其重要

    Embedded system usually has high work frequency in the foul environment, contains the power parts of an apparatus, so the disposal of electromagnetic compatibility problems are very important.


  • 利用自制波导网络分析仪研究不同纤维材料含水率电磁波的屏蔽效能功率吸收率之间关系

    The relationship between the moisture content in different textile materials and the shielding efficiency and power absorption of microwave was studied with self-made waveguide-network analyzer.


  • 由PW M脉宽调制器驱动功率驱动电路输出电流信号驱动比例电磁

    This output transferred thorough PWM driver circuit and changed into current signal to the proportional magnetic valve.


  • 降低功率回路控制器电磁干扰提供新的途径。

    It provides a new idea to reduce the EMI from power circuit to the microcontroller.


  • 利用电磁分析软件验证了宽边加宽波导输出多工功率容量达到GW量级。

    The power handling capacity of the multiplexer with widened waveguide is demonstrated to be GW level by a full wave analysis software.


  • 研究功率电磁脉冲测量技术,提出一种应用标准增益喇叭天线宽带数字示波器进行电磁脉冲辐射电场测量方法

    In order to study the measurement technique of high power electromagnetic pulse, standard gain horn and wideband digital oscilloscope are adopted to measure the electromagnetic pulse waveform.


  • 介绍电磁轴承控制原理功率驱动电路要求

    Presents the control principle of electromagnetic bearing and the requirements of the power drive circuit.


  • 通过脉冲功率电源电路参数电磁参数分析,建立两者之间的关系方程并电源电路进行了设计。

    Analyzing the circuit parameters of pulse power source and the parameters of EM gun, an equation concerning the two kinds of parameters was obtained and the source circuit was designed.


  • 电磁脉冲装置效能产生功率脉冲特性决定。

    The effectiveness of an EMP device is determined by the power generated and the characteristic of the pulse.


  • 本文就射频电磁场对人体健康危害以及功率电视发射天线电磁污染问题作了简要论述

    This paper makes a brief discussion on the harm upon human health by radio-frequency electromagnetic field and electromagnetic contamination problems of small power television emission antenna.


  • 采用垂直入射具有金属衬底均匀等离子体模型,对不同入射频率的电磁衰减以及总出入射功率进行了数值模拟。

    In a model with vertical incidence of plane electromagnetic wave into plasma slabs with metal underlay, the attenuation of electromagnetic wave and reflected power are deduced.


  • 雷达材料吸波性能通常以吸波材料对电磁功率反射系数来表示

    The absorbing property of radar absorbing material is usually expressed by the power reflection coefficient of the absorbing material toward the electromagnetic wave.


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