• 卡萝尔·格雷戈里是个有才华艺术家擅长把喜爱的电影元素融入香甜松软蛋糕,制出精巧无比的艺术之作

    Carole Gregory, a talented artist, creates astonishingly detailed cakes by transforming her favourite blockbuster films into sweet, spongy masterpieces.


  • 活动亮点:借势电影《将爱》:大量电影元素应用活动的传播中,利用电影热度电影线下宣传资源为活动带来人气。

    Highlight: 1 Integration of the film: many contents of the film were used in the campaign to have attracted wide attention based on the film's hotness and offline promotion resources.


  • 电视电影制作人通常会融入不良行为元素

    TV and movie producers often incorporate an element of bad behavior.


  • 部将青少年爱情故事惊悚科幻电影喜剧元素一体电影

    It's a teenage love story, a thriller, a science fiction film, and a comedy, all in one film.


  • 对于来说,喜欢这些电影,很还有一些周边元素我都喜欢,像主题公园什么的

    For me, I love the films, I love the books and there's elements that I love around it... like the theme park.


  • 一旦电影摄制结束不再参与其中的元素,我所做的就是支持这部电影

    I'm not involved with any of the elements once the film is finished except to help support the movie.


  • 实际应用时候这些元素可能取自电影清单数据库

    But in reality, these elements are likely to come from a database of movie listings.


  • 现在一位法国制片人合作一部影片根据我的小说《情人飞碟》改编,一部居于卡夫卡科幻之间,带有超现实元素电影

    I'm working with a European producer for my next film, which is based on my novel UFO in her Eyes; it's kind of a Kafka, science-fiction film with surreal elements.


  • 认为这部电影不是奇幻类,尽管有些奇幻元素在里头。

    I think it (the new film) is not a fantasy. There are some elements of fantasy, but it's not fantasy.


  • 促销同时运用四个主要元素时,一定交叉电影促销中常见

    A certain amount of crossover occurs when promotion USES the four principal elements together, which is common in film promotion.


  • 一下那些一夜成名的电视电影也会发现一个共同元素故事

    When you look at the blockbuster television and movie competition, you'll find a pretty common element here, too: story.


  • 乔治·卢卡斯的《星球大战使用了许多西部元素,而卢卡斯确实说过用《星球大战》复活西部片曾经创造的电影神话

    George Lucas's Star Wars films use many elements of a western, and indeed, Lucas has said he intended for Star Wars to revitalise cinematic mythology, a part the western once held.


  • 太空旅行系列片电影西部片传统借用许多元素

    Many elements of space travel series and films borrow extensively from the conventions of the western genre.


  • 从没见过一部充满中国元素这么成功电影

    I've never seen such a successful film filled with Chinese elements.


  • 修正主义西部片主题:“修正主义”类型研究专用术语,用以描述改换了某种类型片当中的传统元素电影

    Revisionist Westerns Main article: Revisionist Western 'Revisionist' is a term used in genre studies to describe films that change traditional elements of a genre.


  • 撰写电影剧本一个技术活儿,不过一旦掌握了相关技术,剧作者就可以专注故事其他使剧本成功的元素了。

    Writing screenplays for movies is a technical process, but once the technical aspects are mastered, a writer can focus on the story and other elements that make a screenplay great.


  • 电影《阿凡达》里,潘朵拉星球生物圈里所有元素都在一个网络之中,磷光植物翼手龙鸟,纳威自己也接入了这个网络。

    In the movie Avatar, the Na 'vi people of Pandora plug themselves into a network that links all elements of the biosphere, from phosphorescent plants to pterodactyl-like birds.


  • 这部电影融入许多技术元素但是一部充满谜题电影不是高科技道具秀。

    The film has many technical elements, but this is the sort of film that is more about the puzzle, rather than the gadgetry.


  • 毫无疑问这部电影具备了阴谋傲慢家庭内讧一类经典故事所有元素:古奇这个名字常常“骄奢淫逸”的代名词

    The film certainly has all the ingredients for a classic tale of intrigue, hubris and family infighting: the Gucci name has often been synonymous with fiery behaviour alongside enormous wealth.


  • 价值上万亿美元的股市交易一样迅速、耀眼鲁莽这部电影具备最为时尚的好莱坞电影中的干劲奢华和讥讽等元素

    Moving as fast, boldly and recklessly as a trillion-dollar fat-fingered stock-market transaction, the film has the drive, luxe and sarcastic wit of the snazziest Hollywood movies.


  • 布鲁地区真枪实弹的枪战,紧密克鲁尼特写镜头卡司上的其他演员这些元素我们暗示了,并不是一部普通的杀手电影

    Stark shots of the mountainous Abruzzo region and intense close- ups of Clooney and the supporting cast give the film an intimate feel not normally associated with assassin stories.


  • 动画剧集《星际牛仔》、《枪神》、《方武侠》则混合科幻电影西部片元素

    Anime shows like Cowboy Bebop, Trigun and Outlaw Star have been similar mixes of science fiction and Western elements.


  • 宝莱电影几乎包含了一切元素——喜剧歌唱黑暗秘密舞蹈情节爱情故事失败者战胜困难打斗有时甚至会有魔法

    Bollywood movies have everything - comedy, singing, dark secrets, dancing, melodrama, love stories, underdogs overcoming obstacles, fights, and sometimes even magic.


  • 它的一个场景,甚至于每一,都充满久远而令人不安的味道,这味道又似曾相识;就好象会一部集合了这一切元素更好电影埋藏在我的内心深处,等待我帮助它冲破牢笼。

    Every scene - every frame - comes tainted with the nagging, lingering whiff of deja vu; a sense that there is an altogether better movie nestled deep inside, waiting to burst forth.


  • 比利时导演让·皮埃尔·达登吕克·达登的作品 《罗尔娜的沉默拍摄比利时列日,电影超越了实用性自然主义的叙事手法,采用了大量象征性戏剧化元素

    In “Lorna’s Silence” (Sony), the Belgian directors Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne, shooting on location in Liège, use symbolic and theatrical elements to transcend practical naturalism.


  • 我们成为了一部立体电影取得成功非常重要元素

    We have become a very important component in the success of a 3d movie.


  • 由于这种不稳定性,人类很难做到斯塔克那样将新元素储存方舟反应堆中,再说电影它们还需接近光速移动。

    Because of this instability, it's very difficult to store elements as Stark does in his arc reactor: They need to be moving at nearly the speed of light.


  • 由于这种不稳定性,人类很难做到斯塔克那样将新元素储存方舟反应堆中,再说电影它们还需接近光速移动。

    Because of this instability, it's very difficult to store elements as Stark does in his arc reactor: They need to be moving at nearly the speed of light.


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