• 信息技术使电子经济成为可能,而电子经济进一步加强富国全球市场控制,从而给穷国家带来毁灭性的影响。

    The electronic economy made possible by information technology allows the haves to increase their control on global market, -with destructive impact on the have-nots.


  • 科学研究设计经济计算方面广泛地应用电子计算机可以使人们繁重计算劳动解放出来。

    The wide application of electronic machines in scientific work, in designing and in economic calculations will free man from the labor of complicated computations.


  • 世界电子透明度越来越多地扩大社会问题以及疫病暴发社会经济破坏

    Increasingly, the world's electronic transparency amplifies the social concern following disasters, and the social and economic disruption following outbreaks.


  • 美国经济其他富裕国家一样,经受钢铁电子以及汽车工业巨变。

    America's economy has survived the shake-up of its steel, electronics and car industries, as have other rich countries.


  • 如今电子产品大行其道时尚瞬息万变共同消费对于经济来说就是一种理想的风向标。

    Collaborative consumption is an ideal signalling device for an economy based on electronic brands and ever-changing fashions.


  • 尽管经济增长率很高老挝仍是基础建设相当原始国家没有铁路,只有一个落后的公路系统十分有限国内外电子通讯

    Despite this high growth rate, Laos remains a country with a primitive infrastructure; it has no railroads, a rudimentary road system, and limited external and internal telecommunications.


  • 1978年以来,电子信息产业飞速发展,给中国国民经济部门带来了深远积极影响

    Since 1978, China's electronic information industry has been advancing at a high speed, having far-reaching and favorable influence on other branches of the national economy.


  • 电子邮件之所以风靡全球,成为人们的沟通工具是因为快速方便经济划算。

    Several reasons why email has become a great tool is that it is fast, convenient, and affordable.


  • 由于预期将出现大量与经济衰退相关问题,今年11月康诺翰向其电子邮件通讯组中的1,800位圣诞老人发出了建议信。

    Anticipating a deluge of recession-related questions, Mr. Connaghan in November sent advice to his email network of 1,800 Santas.


  • 大量负债剩余生产能力使得公司不堪重负,特别是电子行业而其美国经济衰退核心部分。

    Too much debt and excess capacity weighed down firms, particularly in the electronics industry, which was at the heart of the American recession.


  • 电子记录应该快速复制,所有这些也许减少了文学作品的魔力排他性,排他性现在赋予了他们作品的经济价值

    Electronic records should also be instantly replicable-all of which may rob literary archives of the magic and exclusivity that currently gives them their financial value.


  • 如果自己的软件,你也可以通过很多更加有趣方式利用新兴经济优势-电子图书阅读器智能电话

    If you have your own software, you can take advantage of the economics in more interesting wayse-book readers, smartphones, etc. can take advantage of the new economic reality.


  • 他们规模经济获利国家中,工资上升越来越,这样的国家也越来越多,则能够买得起这些电子设备的人也越来越多。

    They are also benefiting from economies of scale as the incomes of more and more people in more and more countries rise to the point at which gadgets are affordable.


  • 担任经济教授电子工程师倪捷已经公司的管理权交给了妻子以便自己更多精力放在行业游说上。

    A former economics professor and electrical engineer, Mr. Ni has given his wife the company REINS so he can focus more on industry lobbying.


  • 日元升值会使日本出口导向型经济大受打击,因为这会让日本在本土以外生产的汽车电子产品越来越,不仅如此,海外利润兑换成日元时,也会大打折扣。

    A strong yen hurts Japan's export-led economy by making its cars and electronics more expensive overseas, and by eroding the value of overseas earnings when converted into yen.


  • 日本为数不多技术先进的经济体之一,在全球半导体行业拥有举足轻重的地位。正是那些小小的芯片驱动着手机计算机各种电子产品正常运转。

    Japan is one of a few technologically sophisticated economies to dominate the global semiconductor industrythose tiny chips that power a myriad of electronics from cell phones to computers.


  • 经济学家认为这次地震海啸可能会影响日本汽车很多电子产品出口,进而在相当长的一段时间里影响世界很多国家。

    Economists say the Japan quake and the ensuing tsunami are likely to have longer term ripple effects around the world, disrupting auto imports and technology products from Japan.


  • 市场早就预见全球经济放缓冲击到电子产品销售,因为此类产品属于非必需消费容易遭受经济低迷影响。

    The global economic slowdown has long been expected to hurt sales of electronic devices, which tend to be discretionary purchases susceptible to downturns.


  • 经济衰退美国零售业带来沉重打击,电子商务可能会颍而出成为赢家。

    The recession is taking a serious toll on American retail, but ecommerce could emerge as a winner.


  • 所以电子邮件经济引擎对不对?是如何工作通告选择?是否标准

    So, the emails are the economic engine, right? How does the selection of the announcements work? Are there any criteria?


  • 事实上,世界各国经济都是通过电子商务因特网和国际资本自由流动紧密相连的。

    The economies of virtually all nations are closely linked through electronic commerce, the Internet, and the free flow of international capital.


  • 事实上,世界各国经济都是通过电子商务因特网和国际资本自由流动紧密相连的。

    The economies of virtually all nations are closely linked through electronic commerce, the Internet, and the free flow of international capital.


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