• 飞船外部活动信息系统电子设备模型,为未来太空漫步提供帮助

    The Extravehicular Activity Information System, which is a suite of prototype electronic devices to help with future spacewalks.


  • 220这种专家已经美国电子商店部署

    An army of 220 of these experts is already deployed in electronics stores around the US.


  • 关于电子产品出口肯定有一明确规则,但是现在似乎我们有着太多零星的规则,”Linnell

    "There certainly should be a clear set of rules about exports of electronic devices and right now we sort of have a patchwork of rules," Linnell said.


  • 2007年9月14日美国国防部宣布EDO公司获得了一份订单美国防部交付2250CREW 2.1”车载电子干扰系统,交付日期为2008年4月

    On September 14, the Department of Defense announced that EDO Corporation has received orders for 2,250 additional 'CREW 2.1' vehicle-mounted electronic jammers, to be delivered by April 2008.


  • 希望你们在做习题时候注意到,有时候问的是拥有,量子轨道,有时候问的是拥有一,量子数的电子数。

    So you'll notice in your problem-set, sometimes you're asked for a number of orbitals with a set of quantum Numbers, sometimes you're asked for a number of electrons for a set of quantum Numbers.


  • 德国电子工程巨头西门子最近发布了超声波扫描仪可以让孕妇看到待产胎儿3维影像

    And Siemens, a German electronics and engineering giant, recently launched an ultrasound scanner which allows expectant mothers to see their unborn child in 3-d.


  • 朋友给他孩子新的战略游戏盘,电子游戏可以世界上其他游戏爱好者一起网上的。

    And my friend bought the child a new game of strategy for the computer, but this game is played on-line in real time with other people from around the world.


  • 开源工具包括文字处理程序、一个电子数据表生成器、一个演示工具绘图软件数据库程序。

    This suite of open source productivity tools includes a word-processing program, a spreadsheet creator, a presentation tool, drawing software and database program.


  • 使用电子接收盒已经削减专业音响系统价格这样组成的“无线”系统,恐怕还是太多绕去的导线了。

    You still undercut the price of a professional sound system, but for a wireless system, you wound up with a lot of wires.


  • 全新电子刺激代替真实世界各种感觉

    His various senses in the realistic world would be replaced with a series of new electric stimuli.


  • EA-18G维护教练机EAMT三种设备用来训练海军维护技术员支持EA-18G独一系统主要是AEA航空电子设备

    The EA-18G Maintenance Trainer (EAMT) is a set of three devices used to train Navy maintenance technicians to support the EA-18G's unique systems, primarily the AEA avionics.


  • 2000年十月公司开始称为电子集市网络系统引入中央邦村庄

    Starting in October 2000 it began to introduce a network of internet kiosks, called e-choupal, in villages in Madhya Pradesh.


  • 如果反驳电子游戏视力不好,他拿出它有利于拓宽视野说辞

    If I fired back that playing video games wrecked one's eyesight, he'd trot out a study proving that they improved a person's field of vision.


  • 事实上开发针对电子垃圾认证标准的工作2006年就开始了,标准最终演变成为2010年一月出台的R2认证标准。

    The process for developing a certification for e-waste actually began in 2006, and that system eventually became R2 certification in January 2010.


  • 通过iPhone主页,可以访问电子邮件客户端短消息功能数字照相机以及被称为(widgets)的小应用程序。

    From the home screen, you can get to the iPhone's E-mail client, text-messaging capabilities, digital camera and collection of mini-applications called widgets.


  • 压机相当于有80电子齿轮可按用户实际用气气量压力自动实现优化控制

    Each machine air compressor is equivalent to 80 sets of electronic gear, according the user of actual use gas production and pressure, automatic optimization control.


  • 工厂生产各种规格阴极管霓虹灯霓虹制品霓虹电子电源、型霓虹灯工程

    Factory production specifications cold cathode, Windows neon lights, a variety of neon products, electronic matching neon power, and a large neon light works.


  • 可能SpeedyJ.(荷兰电子音乐制作人)会有所合作。自己编排作品即将问世,暂且叫做“开餐时间”(Meal Time),是和爱飞克斯兄弟员工还有我们公司新来艺术家们合作的。

    There'll also be something with Speedy J. I've also got a compilation coming out, maybe called Meal Time, with Aphex Twin, my stuff and new artists from my label.


  • 我们采购特基拉龙舌兰杏仁电子咖啡

    We want to buy Tequila, Bed Covers, Shrimp, Almond, Electronics and Coffee Bedspreads.


  • 对于电子商务来说,免费系统、一元左右域名空间库存就可以开始了,如果淘宝完全免费开店

    In terms of e-commerce, a set of free system, a year of one thousand yuan of domain name and space, zero inventory can begin to do, if is clean out treasure to store, is completely free open a shop.


  • 每个电池模块单独配备一电子管理系统优化充电放电速度

    Each module is fitted with its own, personal electronic management system to optimise its charging and discharging rates.


  • 本文激光扫描技术红外技术电子技术为基础,研究设计了一激光扫描自动激励红外无损检测系统

    Considering laser scanning technique, infrared method and electronic technology, studied and designed a set of infrared NDT system with laser scanning automatic heat loading method in this paper.


  • 包括虚拟数字钱币电子出纳转帐借贷系统以及各种形状大小的智能卡。

    It includes a virtual numeric currency, an electronic system of withdrawals, transfers and loans, and Smartcards of all shapes and sizes.


  • 此外为了同时测量对撞点处正、负电子位置带有8电极的特殊束流位置探测器(BPM)将安装对撞点两侧。

    Moreover, in order to measure the positions of both positron and electron in the IP at the same time, two special BPMs with 8-bu.


  • 公司耗资数千购买电子订单管理系统

    The company invested thousands in an electronic order-control system.


  • 根据猪肉气味特征,建立用于猪肉新鲜度识别的电子系统

    An electronic nose system was designed for monitoring meat freshness according of pork smell.


  • 根据猪肉气味特征,建立用于猪肉新鲜度识别的电子系统

    An electronic nose system was designed for monitoring meat freshness according of pork smell.


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