• 板载差分放大器提供真正远端输出电压采样输出

    Onboard differential amplifiers provide true remote output voltage sensing of both outputs.


  • 借助输出电压采样霍尔元件,设计电流电压反馈电路,形成闭环控制系统

    A closed loop control system is formed by current and Voltage feedback system by means of HALL sensor and potentiometer.


  • 针对开关动态对节点电压采样干扰,引入滤波,滤高频动态的同时避免常规低频滤波延时

    Band pass filter is adopted to remove the high -frequency switching disturbance in node voltage measurements and avoid the time delay of common low pass filter.


  • 最后设计调试了永磁电机直接转矩控制系统包括IPM驱动保护电路电流电压采样电路以及转速采样电路

    At last, the control system including the drive and protect circuits of the IPM and the current sample circuits and so on are designed.


  • 文中将动态数据系统应用于电阻电压采样数据处理建立动态模型。数学模型有关判据用于监测与控制焊接过程。

    The dynamic data system (a kind of time series analysis technique) is used in the processing of the data collection for electrode voltage and ARMA stochastic dynamic models established.


  • 被称为“同步向量设备30更快的速度采样电压电流——向电力公司系统操作员提供有关电网健康状况信息更为精确

    Devices called synchrophasors can sample voltage and current 30 times a second or faster-giving utilities and system operators a far more accurate view of the health of the grid.


  • 硬件设计电压电流采样电路IGBT驱动电路以及通讯人机接口电路进行了设计。

    In part of hardware design, voltage and current sampling circuit, IGBT driving circuit communication and man-machine interface circuit are designed.


  • 系统以DSP为控制核心自动识别适应不同电压电流等级,采用程控放大变化采样频率获得优化的阵列测试效果

    The tester with DSP core could get excellent results by judging and adopting the different value of voltage and current, programmed amplifying and changing the frequency of sample.


  • 由于采样时刻电压误差在下一个控制周期内得到补偿,因此转矩和磁链的误差始终很小,二者脉动很小。

    The voltage and flux errors at the sampling instant can then be compensated for in the next control period, so the errors are always kept small, which leads to small fluxes and torque ripple.


  • 数据显示键盘输入电压电流采样通信则放入相应中断处理程序

    Interrupt disposal program includes the date display, keyboard input, voltage and current sampling and communicating.


  • 常规直接转控制系统每一采样周期施加电压空间矢量

    Only one space voltage vector is applied in each sampling period in the implementation of the conventional PMSM DTC system.


  • 系统硬件设计DSP 3.3V电源的获取、电压电流采样模块IGBT驱动、一般IO信号处理故障监测串口通信电路进行了研究分析。

    The overall hardware design scheme is performed, such as DSP 3. 3V power, voltage and current sampling module, IGBT driving circuit, I/O signal processor, fault detection module and COM circuit etc.


  • 单片机焊接电流电弧电压电流给定、脉冲周期占空比值电流、收弧电流衰减时间时间等焊接参数进行采样计算和控制。

    The welding current, arc voltage, preset current, the period and ratio of pulse, base current, down slope time, gas pre and post flow time are sampled, calculated and controlled by microprocessor.


  • CPU自动采样保持信号处理判断自动输出电压

    The CPU makes automatic sampling, reservation, signal processing, and judgment, and generates the optimum voltage.


  • 通过程序设置采样通道输入电压量程使各种不同输出电压量程的仪器相匹配。

    The input voltage ranges of sampling channels can be set up by programme to match it with output voltage ranges of various instruments.


  • 因此,在一些特殊及精度要求不高的场合,根据采样电流电压测量,通过特定方法估算转子位置转速的无位置传感器控制策略得到广泛应用

    Thus, sensorless control strategy which only according the sampling of the current and voltage to estimate the rotor position and speed by specific methods will be widely applied.


  • 方法实际输出电压期望输出电压比较偏差作为负反馈一个采样周期开关调制函数矩阵

    The discrepancy between the actual output voltage and expected output voltage of the matrix converter is calculated and added to the switch modulation matrix in the next sampling period as feedback.


  • 大功率半导体激光器驱动电源内置通过控制采样电阻两端电压调节电流大小。

    Current driver of high power LD with inner constant voltage source adjusts the output current of the driver by controlling the voltage of the sampling resistance.


  • 该方法频率测量精度高,实行频率跟踪采样提高了电压计算

    Simulation shows that the frequency measurement has preferable precision and voltage calculating is improved by frequency tracking.


  • 讨论谐波正弦电压(电流)采样直接进行波变换计算基波、谐波电压(电流)有效值频率方法

    It's discussed that the method of RMS and frequency measurements directly from the wavelet transform data associated with each sampling sine voltage (current) element pair containing harmonic.


  • 确定直流母线电压线性采样电路以及迟滞电压比较电路。

    The linear sampling circuit of direct current bus and the hysteresis voltage comparator circuit are confirmed.


  • 通过电压峰值采样保持电路IGBT串联二极管反压进行采样,后经DSP A/D转换模块反压设定值进行比较

    Sample the negative voltage on the diode series with IGBT by Peak hold switch circuit, and cut-in A/D module in the DSP, compared with setting value.


  • 本文介绍了以单片机为基础交流电压电流直接采样设计实现并用锁相环CD 4046实现相位角的采样

    The paper introduced a design and realization of direct sampling of AC Voltage and current based on a single chip micro - computer and used PLL CD4046 to realize phase Angle sampling.


  • PLC采样发电机剩磁电压,通过软件编程取剩磁电压周期获得原动机的点火转速信号

    PLC samples the remanence voltage of generator and measures its period with software to get the signal of fire speed.


  • 方法以电网电压同步信号,在电网电压信号过零点采样直流侧电容电压通过周期离散控制可以获得负荷电流有功分量

    The new control way can realize linear control for DC-bus voltage and get the fundamental component of the load current synchronously with a little of calculation.


  • 采样保持电路电压电路设计

    Sample and Hold, Voltage Reference Circuit design.


  • 模拟端口采样时,返回个与信号针脚3电压比例的,范围0至1023之间

    When you sample an analog port it will return a value between 0 and 1023, proportional on the voltage (05 volts) on the signal pin (pin 3).


  • 软件设计首先完成了PWM信号的输出时序控制,并设计了键盘输入功能模块、LED显示功能模块、电流电压信号采样功能模块,以及模糊神经算法学习软件功能模块。

    The software design implemented PWM output and sequence control module, keyboard input module, LED display module, current and voltage sampling module and fuzzy neural algorithm self study module.


  • 采样得到电机定子电压电流转换数字后输入转速估计系统估计转速,实际得的转速进行对比

    The sampled stator voltages and currents were conversion to digital quantity and given to speed estimation system for estimating speed, then contrast it with the actual measured motor speed.


  • 采样得到电机定子电压电流转换数字后输入转速估计系统估计转速,实际得的转速进行对比

    The sampled stator voltages and currents were conversion to digital quantity and given to speed estimation system for estimating speed, then contrast it with the actual measured motor speed.


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