• 介绍涉外电厂工程电缆施工管理特点难点方法应注意问题

    This paper describes the features, difficulties, methods and problems of cable installation management in power plant project invested by foreigners.


  • 忧思科学家联盟要求安全工厂组织,其成员大卫·洛克博姆曾是一名电厂工程

    David Lochbaum of the Union of Concerned Scientists, a group that presses for safer nuclear plants, is a former plant engineer.


  • 结合南方地区某一电厂工程实例,探讨了地面物探技术电厂建设前期地质探测中的应用状况。

    To combine with an example of the thermal power plate in south China, application of around geophysical prospecting technique is analyzed and discussed in construction prophase.


  • 本文结合深圳西部电厂工程实例介绍了直径预应力套筒混凝土海水环境中的设计应用情况。

    Prestressed steel sleeve concrete pipeline of big diameter was designed and applied in marine environment in the west power plant in Shenzhen city, Guangdong province in south China.


  • 该文适应火电厂工程要求,指标体系建立指标权重确定模糊综合评价模型建立等方面进行了有益的探索

    This paper does valuably explore on creating index systems, confirming the weights of indexes and establishing the fuzzy comprehensive evaluating model for power plant projects.


  • 陕西神木阳光电厂工程安装质量控制主要保证焊缝施工质量风机找平对中的质量,进度控制就是确保施工节点不变。

    The installation quality of the air-cooling island, which is a turn-key project of Shenmu Yangguang Power Plant, is very important, and its schedule control is also very complicated.


  • 并且为了推广应用,介绍了沙角C电厂工程实行STOCC管理经验以及国产机组工程安装引进STOCC管理的具体做法产生效果

    The experience in applying STOCC management to Shajiao C Power Station project along with the practice and results of the same on erection of China made units are described.


  • 并且为了推广应用,介绍了沙角C电厂工程实行STOCC管理经验以及国产机组工程安装引进STOCC管理的具体做法及产生效果

    The experience in applying STOCC management to Shajiao C Power Station project along with the practice and results of the same on erection of Chin…


  • 能够资助印度建立一个风力电厂,资助巴西建立养猪场以便收集沼气,资助印度尼西亚植树造林工程,提够中国回收工业废气所需的相关设备

    A wind farm in India; a methane-capture scheme for pig farms in Brazil; a forestry project in Indonesia; equipment to capture industrial gases in China—the ETS can finance them all.


  • 燃煤电厂脱硫工程取得突破性进展

    Breakthroughs were made in carrying out desulfurizing projects for coal-fired power plants.


  • 经过长期拖延美国能源公司AES领导联盟成功投得了电厂建设工程项目,建成后供应1,000兆瓦特电量。

    After much delay a consortium led by AES, an American energy company, won atender to build two plants that will supply about 1, 000 megawatts.


  • 研究者希望下一步研究工程深层地面注射来自电厂二氧化碳时,会有什么情况发生试图阻止二氧化碳进入大气中

    The researchers next want to look into what happens when engineers inject liquid carbon dioxide from power plants deep underground, in an attempt to keep the carbon from entering the atmosphere.


  • 研究者希望下一步研究工程深层地面注射来自电厂二氧化碳时,会有什么情况发生试图阻止二氧化碳进入大气中

    The researchers next want to look into what happens when engineers inject liquid carbon dioxide from power plants deep underground in an attempt to keep the carbon from entering the atmosphere.


  • 为了利用太阳能电厂还有一些其他内部结构工程需要去完成

    There are other major intra structure projects to complete in order to utilize the solar farm.


  • 这个风力电厂位于新泽西州大西洋城外海英里处工程完工之后具备25兆瓦装机容量

    Located roughly three miles off the coast of Atlantic city, N.J., the wind farm will have a production capacity of 25 megawatts when complete.


  • 人口三分之一部分工程电厂一个有关

    The third part of its population works at the power plant or has a connection with it.


  • 大多数工程寻找地下蒸汽作为地热电厂动力时,对于地热资源的挑剔程度不亚于这个小女孩。

    Most engineers looking for underground sources of steam to generate geothermal power have similar tastes.


  • 横河印度电厂自动化经验专门技术工程能力得到国家火力发电公司的高度认可

    Yokogawa India's power plant automation experience, expertise, and engineering capability are very highly regarded by NTPC.


  • 据英国广播公司(BBC)1月19日报道,英国亚特提斯资源公司计划印度西海岸库奇海湾兴建一座潮汐电厂。 该电厂的规模达50兆瓦工程2012年初开始,次年竣工。

    The company Atlantis Resources is to install a 50MW tidal farm in the Gulf of Kutch on India's west coast, with construction starting early in 2012.


  • 此外工程尝试设计定位新的电厂最小环境破坏

    Also engineers try to design and locate new power plants to do minimum damage to the environment.


  • 印度推广太阳能核能工程的同时,燃煤电厂未来几十年的重要能源来源。

    While India is making a push to expand solar and nuclear energy projects, coal based power plants will be the country's mainstay for several decades.


  • 本文结合池州电厂二期扩建工程吴泾电厂六期扩建工程,系统地研究温排水对水生生物影响水质影响。

    Combining with the modeling results of thermal discharge from Chizhou and Wujing power plants, the effect of thermal discharge on hydrobiont and water quality researche.


  • 攻击摩托游戏里最快不对,同时应该主要用于骚扰矿车对付运载工程APC但是也可以飞快地摧毁电厂或者兵营。

    The Attack Bike is the fastest ground unit in the game and should mainly be used for harassing Harvester's and destroying Engineer APC's, but it can kill Power Plants and Barracks quite quickly.


  • 分析影响电厂机组检修工程质量因素提出提高机组检修工程质量的措施

    Analyses the factors of influencing units maintenance engineering quality in power plant, puts forward some measures to improve its quality.


  • 电厂烟气脱硫工程调试一门课题

    The debugging of FGD engineering in power plant is a new topic.


  • 公司成立2000年,先后湖南广州各大电厂承包工程

    Founded in 2000, has major power plant in Hunan, Guangzhou, project contracting.


  • 公司成立2000年,先后湖南广州各大电厂承包工程

    Founded in 2000, has major power plant in Hunan, Guangzhou, project contracting.


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