• IC预支费电能表作为一时代产物技术满足电力产业电能计量控制治理提出的越来越高的要求

    As a product of this era, IC card prepaid power meter meet the electric power industry's ever-increasing demands which about energy's measurement, control and management from the technical.


  • 动态安全方法可使电力系统实时安全监视防御控制科学更有效,有着广阔的在线应用前景。

    Dynamic security region (DSR) is a more scientific and effective method for real-time security monitoring, assessment and control of power systems, compared with traditional "point-wise" approaches.


  • 课题研究开发基于DSPSVC(动态静止型无功补偿)控制系统嵌入式计算机技术电力电子技术结合的一个实例

    This topic research and develop SVC (Static Var Compensator) control system based on DSP, was the embeded system computer technology and electric power electronic technology integrate example.


  • 电力监控系统安全防护要求所建立生产控制大区管理信息大区的系统分区,较成体系地构建核电厂的系统分区框架

    Based on the system partition of the large area of production control and the area of management information, the system partition framework of the nuclear power plant is established.


  • 有源电力滤波器APF畸变电流检测控制方法不仅是决定补偿性能关键因素而且影响到APF的应用范围。

    The detection and control methods of distortion currents for active power filters are key factors affecting not only the compensation performance of APF, but also the extension application.


  • 介绍一种电力开关远程控制系统中基于单片机通信系统协议设计实现

    In this paper, the design and implementation of communication protocol of remote control system for power switch is introduced.


  • 所以现代电力系统中的无功功率电压控制一个非常重要问题需要很好解决

    So reactive power and voltage control in modern power system is a very important problem that need to solve well.


  • 等离子电源等离子提供能量的电源,涉及到焊接工艺学电力电子学控制理论计算机科学技术众多领域。

    Plasma spray welding power source, which gives energy to plasma arc welding, involves welding technology, power electricals, control theory, computer science and technology, and so on.


  • 文中多代理技术目前电力系统暂态稳定分析控制、倒计划故障诊断等方面应用做了概要介绍

    In this paper, an introduction of its applications in power system transient stability analysis and control, planning of switching operation, and disturbance diagnosis is presented.


  • 电力市场中,一个很重要参数供电可靠性负荷控制电价规划密切相关。

    In power market it is an important parameter for it is related to power supply reliability, load control and power pricing.


  • 串联混合型有源电力滤波器电路结构系统特性控制方法进行探讨分析。

    The circuit structure, control method and system characteristics of the hybrid type series active power filter are discussed.


  • 功的优化控制关系到电力企业自身的经济效益。

    A reactive power optimization and control system is becoming more and more important for electric power companies.


  • 充分发挥PMU广域量测系统(W AM S/PMU)电力系统安全预警、保护控制中的作用,研究节点相角-电压空间上保证暂态稳定的动态安全域的边界性质。

    To make full use of the WAMS/PMU in the security monitoring, protection and control of power system, PDSR in phase angle-voltage space was studied.


  • 针对电力系统运行方式复杂时变特点提出了智能化稳定评估控制模型

    For the complex, time-varying characteristics of power system, a smart model for transient stability assessment and control is proposed.


  • 研究联络线故障水平电力系统稳定性影响,对于电力系统安全稳定评估校核,以及暂态稳定预防控制都有着重要意义。

    The research on the fault level of tie line is of significance for the security and stability evaluation of power system as well as the preventive control of transient stability.


  • 通过连续快速控制励磁机电发电机要求相匹配提高发电机对于电力系统稳态暂态稳定性限度

    Increases both the steady state and transient stability limits of the generator with respect to the power system by continuous, fast control of the exciter voltage to match the generator requirements.


  • 控制结构合理功能适用、可靠性户外真空断路器配套使用,电力10KV户外架空线路进行有效保护控制

    The recloser controller has logical structure, applicable function, high reliability, and can protect and control effectively aerial line outdoors of 10 KV electric power with outdoors vacuum breaker.


  • 课题目标是要图形平台一体化指导思想,实现能够满足电力数据采集监视控制(SCADA)要求图形系统系统可扩展矢量图形(SVG)作为图形交换格式

    This page aims at developing a graphic system that can meet requirements of SCADA in power systems and create graphic files in SVG format under the guidance thinking of the universal graphic platform.


  • 计算机网络通信技术用来电力系统模型控制中心模型相联接

    The communication technique of computer network is used to link the power system model with the control center model.


  • 论述提高电力负荷控制终端可靠性应采取措施介绍了超大规模集成电路在双向控制终端设计实现

    This paper discusses the measures to increase the reliability of the power Load control terminal, and introduces the design and realization of two way power control terminal with LSI.


  • 随着电网规模不断扩大,电网结构越来越复杂人们逐渐认识到了电力负荷模型电力系统分析运行控制中的重要性

    With the constant expansion and more complex structure of power grid, people gradually realized the importance of electric load model in power system analysis, operation and control.


  • 研究结果表明控制策略实现励磁控制汽门调节的动态解耦,应用该方法显著提高电力系统暂态稳定性

    The simulation result shows that the control strategy can realize the dynamic decoupling control of excitation and valve and so it can considerably increase the dynamic stability of power system.


  • 电力系统动态数字实时仿真成为规划电力系统设计检验电力系统控制保护以及调度设备主要工具

    The dynamic and digital real-time simulation of power system is believed as an indispensable tool for power system planning, protective and control devices designing and testing.


  • 电力操作电源发电厂变电站重要的二次设备控制负荷动力负荷提供直流电源

    As important devices, power operating supplies provide DC power for loads in power plants and substations.


  • 介绍使用电力系统输入-输出反馈线性化模型非线性励磁控制设计控制器的设计运行无关。

    A design for nonlinear excitation controller using an input-output feedback linearized model of the power system is presented. The controller design is independent of operating points.


  • 有效接地电力系统保护控制中,电容电流一项重要参数

    Capacitance currents is an important parameter for protection and control in effectively earthed power systems.


  • 大功率GTO逆变器用铁路电力牵引PW M控制一般工业领域中的变频调速系统的PWM控制有很大不同

    High power GTO inverter is used for railway electric traction. Its PWM control is significantly different from variable frequency drive system in conventional industrial area.


  • 提出应用系统控制参数系统负荷裕度之间灵敏度关系、对电力系统电压稳定进行控制方法。

    This paper describes the application of sensitivity of the loading margin with respect to parameter on control for voltage stability.


  • 提出应用系统控制参数系统负荷裕度之间灵敏度关系及电力系统电压稳定进行预防控制的方法。

    This paper describes the application of sensitivity of the loading margin with respect to parameter on preventive control for voltage stability.


  • SCR电力控制目前收视率高达3000安培的电流。

    SCR power controllers are available with current ratings up to 3000 amps.


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