• 澳洲天文无线经验但是南非成本准入限制优势

    Australia has more experience with radio astronomy, but South Africa has the advantage of lower costs and ease of access.


  • 永祥多晶硅公司周围丰富石灰石工业使永祥多晶硅项目具有良好的资源优势

    The abundant resources of water, electricity, salt, halogen, limestone, coal, and industrial silicon, etc around the Yongxiang Polysilicon endows the company with great advantage.


  • 本文根据生产实践总结了巨型渣重技术质量经济优势

    In this paper, the technologic, qualitative and economic advantages on gigantic ingot ESR process are summarized on the basis of the productive practice.


  • 目的评价微波高频氩气4种方法治疗胃肠道息肉治疗效果及其优势

    Objective To evaluate the therapeutic effect and advantages of 4 methods including caloric pole, microwave, high frequency electric and argon knife in the treatment of gastrointestinal tract polyp.


  • 强化机组优势突破燃气机组的关键技术实现国产化

    Consolidate the advantages of hydropower and thermal power units and make breakthrough in key technologies of gas, wind and nuclear power units in order to realize localization of these technologies.


  • 论述云南磷矿资源开发利用中的优势问题介绍结果

    Advantages and existing problems in development and utilization of phosphorous ore resource in Yunnan and the result of electric separation of phosphorous ore is described.


  • 本文介绍软件无线基本思想及其通用卫星模拟器设计中的应用优势

    This paper introduces the concept of software radio and the application and advantages of software radio for the design of generic satellite simulators.


  • 第二分析应用软件无线技术优势基础上提出一种数字化超宽带接收器设计方案

    In the second chapter, at the foundation of analysis of the application software wireless technology's advantage, a plan of all digital Ultra-Wideband receiver is brought forward.


  • 这种改进互连结构发挥互连网络并行运算中的优势利用了互连网络来弥补光互连网络实现不足

    This revised BIN structure not only keeps up the advantages of parallel calculation, but also overcomes the disadvantages of implementation of the original optical BIN by applying electronical BIN.


  • 激光起爆技术的能量起爆方式独特具有常规起爆无可比拟优势

    Laser initiation has unexampled advantages due to its unique optical initiation mode by contrast with conventional electrical initiation way.


  • 技术性能介绍石油化工工艺管道优势目前蒸汽伴热缺陷

    The advantages of electrical traced pattern and the disadvantages of traditional steam traced pattern were introduced in the technological performance for the petrochemical process pipeline.


  • 另外,本文还设计了励磁交直流磁设计结果表明永磁体积重量效率方面都很优势

    The result shows that the permanent magnet generator presents here has a series of advantage in size, weight, and efficiency over the wound-field generator.


  • 作为距离室内通信手段红外线具有无线无法比拟的优势

    As the means of close quarters, indoor communication, infrared ray is preponderant to radio.


  • 游《文明征服》表现出那样完美。16世纪历史哥白尼伽利略推动了我们如今可见的西方优势地位。

    As nicely shown by the computer game, Civilization and of course, history as recent as in the 16th century when Copernicus and Galileo set the path for western ascendancy as we see today.


  • 传统刺激技术相比,TMS许多优势这使得TMS成为神经功能研究领域一个非常重要工具

    Compared with the conventional electrical stimulation, it has many advantages that it seems to become a very important tool in doing research into the function of nervous system.


  • 其它方法相比利用磁法进行地下水勘查具有明显优势

    The applications effect of Groundwater exploration by using TEM is better than other electric prospecting methods.


  • 持续加强中国地区真正意义上服务公司优势,服务的范围包括创意媒介互动以及刚刚拓展的线下促销执行。

    The agency continues to be one of the few in China delivering a true 'full service offering with creative, media, digital and now expanded promotions capabilities.


  • 研究结果提供了工作记忆汉字空间信息保持分离及其优势半球动态变化的生理学证据

    The results provided electrophysiologic evidences of dissociation and dynamic hemispheric dominance of maintaining Chinese characters and spatial Information in working memory.


  • 介绍了室温非制冷型热薄膜红外探测器原理优势

    This article comprehensively describes the properties and operating principles of pyroelectric infrared detector using thin films.


  • 讨论了渣重熔钢锭生产锻件时优势提出工艺的改进方法

    The advantage for manufacturing the roll sleeve forging with ESR ingot is described in this article, and the upgrading method for the original process has been set forth.


  • 微机系统(MEMS)技术凭借精密集成加工特点,具有微型化成本可靠性可大批量生产优势接触器件领域大有可为

    MEMS , owning the advantages of ultra fine integrate process , miniaturization, low cost, high reliability and batch manufacturing, pose very promising future in the micro electric contact device.


  • 相和铁液晶对于制备稳态lcd不是必需的采用传统的向列相液晶却有某些显著优势

    Cholesterics or ferroelectrics are not necessary to make a bistable LCD, and using conventional nematics offers some substantial AD vantages.


  • FPGA分布式计算并行处理流水线结构上独特优势,自然成为设计软件无线系统首选技术之一。

    FPGA has become the first choice for designing the software radio system because of its unique advantages in distributed computing, parallel processing and pipelining.


  • 一体化模式优势突出

    Coal and Electricity Integration Mode has prominent advantages.


  • 直拥有抗摔性能好、飞行成本低、飞行压力优势,非常适合直入门者使用。

    The mini electric helicopter is cut out for the beginner for its crash-proof, low cost of flying and easy for handling.


  • 直拥有抗摔性能好、飞行成本低、飞行压力优势,非常适合直入门者使用。

    The mini electric helicopter is cut out for the beginner for its crash-proof, low cost of flying and easy for handling.


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