• 通过使用这些工具,可以创建贷款申请提交工作流客户完成表格启动工作流程所必需表格工作流策略

    These let you create the loan application submission workflow and the form workflow policy necessary to launch the workflow when the form is completed by the customer.


  • 如果没有确定发行价计划不要提交s - 1申请提交申请后时间的等待可能带来灾难性果。

    Don't submit an S-1 if you don't plan to price. Waiting on file for extended periods of time can be catastrophic.


  • 贷款代理人客户提交个贷款申请这个提交操作会自动创建事件,这个事件会触发定制的事件处理器处理这个申请

    When the loan agent submits a loan application for his client, the submission automatically creates an event that triggers the custom event handler to act upon the application.


  • 场景中表格贷款申请完成将启动表格提交工作流

    In this scenario, the form is the loan application, and after it's completed, the form submission workflow is launched.


  • 朱炎抽签开始购票者就可以从容地提交他们购票申请

    Once the lottery starts, ticket buyers can submit their applications for tickets' at a leisurely pace, 'Mr. Zhu said.


  • 申请提交文档银行员工将收到通知,告知文档可供进行审核

    After the applicant submits the document, a bank employee receives notification that the document is available for review.


  • 复核申请信息无误点击提交按钮

    You should carefully check all the information you have supplied before clicking theSUBMITbutton.


  • 贷款申请文档提交FileNet服务器调用FileNet流程。

    When the loan applicant submits the document to the FileNet server, a FileNet process is invoked.


  • 进入Waitingfordocument状态,会贷款申请发送电子邮件,要求向FileNet服务器提交必要文档

    Upon entering the Waiting for document state, an E-mail is sent to the loan applicant to submit the necessary documentation to the FileNet server.


  • 期限以前提交完整更新申请认证课程于期限失效。

    Programs that do not submit a complete renewal application by the renewal deadline will no longer be ICF accredited programs.


  • 比较轻松有趣的时刻比如收到某个员工孩子戒掉了奶嘴提交申请

    It can also have its lighter moments, such as receiving a submission when an employee's child gave up his pacifier.


  • 商务出差费用补助结算他们申请提交5个工作日进行

    Settlement of expenses and allowances for business travel will be made within 5 working days after their submission of claim.


  • 个人浦东新区税务局申领填写提交税务登记申请税务局审核颁发税务登记证。

    Personal to the Pudong New Area Inland Revenue Department to apply and fill in the application form for tax registration. Tax registration certificate issued by the tax bureau.


  • 工程完工,业主必须提交有关工程采用LEED设计要求的概况描述申请美国绿色建筑委员会(usgbc)进行评估

    Upon completion of construction, he must submit a project description outlining the LEED design features incorporated into the building for formal USGBC evaluation.


  • 收到参展申请回复5个工作日提交展品审核资料

    Please submit the exhibit documents to be verified within 5 working days after receiving the Fair's reply to your application.


  • 提出贷款申请申请因故撤销申请退回再次提交法人客户法定代表人

    Corporate customers and their legal representatives who retreated loan application due to some reason, or did not submit again after loan application was returned.


  • 个人上海浦东新区工商局领取一张“企业名称预先核准申请”,填写提交工商局名。

    Shanghai Pudong New Area Industrial and Commercial Bureau person to receive a business name pre approved application form, fill in after submitted by Industrial and Commercial Bureau search.


  • 申请收到仲裁申请副本应当内向劳动争议仲裁委员会提交答辩书

    Within ten days after receiving a copy of the written application for arbitration, a respondent shall submit a statement of defense to the labor dispute arbitration commission.


  • 网员升级申请选择所需“网员类型提交申请审核通过支付相应费用变更成功。

    Login>Member User>Upgrade Apply, choose intended Type of Member and then submit application. Upgrade will be completed when application is approved and membership fee is paid.


  • 纳税户在申请电子申报由纳税人使用计算机填写各种申报表财务报表等,使用电子信息方式提交申报表。

    Taxpayers can apply for electronic declaration, fill in the various declaration forms and financial report forms, and submit these forms on line.


  • 申请提交申请相应审批人收到类似于QQ消息提示以便审批人及时申请进行审批

    After the application submitted by the applicant, the corresponding approval will receive a message similar to the QQ prompt, so that the approval of the application for approval in a timely manner.


  • 拥有能源号网站供应商账号供应商,在提交业务申请,可通过系统账号登录并随时查询您的业务受理情况。

    Suppliers with an account on Energy Ahead can inquire handing progress of their business via logging into the system after submitting a business application at any time.


  • 申请材料经过奖学金确认有效,由接收院校审核入学资格汉办提交录取人选。

    Once application materials are verified by the Division of Scholarships of Hanban as valid, host institutions will then review the eligibility of applicants and submit the admission list to Hanban.


  • 只要在校的研究生博士研究员有资格提交申请

    As long as applicants are graduate students or postdoctoral fellows at the time their applications are submitted, they are eligible.


  • 国际学生学士申请必须在2014年2月15之前提交考试成绩

    International transfer and postbaccalaureate applicants must submit exam scores from an exam taken on or before February 15, 2014.


  • 申请得到处理就可以提交一份新的申请提供更正收款人姓名邮寄地址

    Applications received after that you can submit a new application and provide corrected payee names and mailing addresses.


  • 申请得到处理就可以提交一份新的申请提供更正收款人姓名邮寄地址

    Applications received after that you can submit a new application and provide corrected payee names and mailing addresses.


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