• 如果评估通过,这个贷款申请自动转移Approved 操作

    If the assessment is positive, the loan application is automatically moved to the Approved work basket.


  • 结果定制事件处理器贷款申请SubmitLoan操作Rejected操作

    As a result, the custom event handler moves the loan application from the SubmitLoan work basket to the Rejected work basket.


  • 假设想要员工感兴趣各种类型内容重新配置门户或者工作环境并包括进行度假申请功能

    Suppose you want to deploy a portal or workplace environment that pulls together various types of content of interest to employees, including the ability to make vacation requests.


  • 然而遭受重挫欧元国家所面临诸多困难似乎不能令主要来自东欧大量申请推迟尝试加入欧盟

    Yet all the current troubles of the hardest-hit euro-zone countries do not seem to have put off a raft of applicants, mostly in eastern Europe, from trying to join the club.


  • 现在开始努力获取另一次成功,即得到欧盟委员会欧洲央行申请准许2011年1月1日加入欧元

    Now it is set to pull off another coup, gaining green lights from the European Commission and the European Central Bank in its bid to adopt the euro on January 1st 2011.


  • 申请到达SubmitLoan操作时,这个贷款信息发送ILOGJRules规则引擎进行评估

    After the application arrives in the SubmitLoan work basket, the loan information is sent to the ILOG JRules rule engine for evaluation.


  • 8月29日基金扩大粉尘”,意味着因为生活工作人生了现在能够申请保险

    On August 29th the fund expanded the "dust zone", which means that more people who fell ill because of living or working in the area can now apply for coverage.


  • 走进批发行商业但是每当她走到一个商号,打算进去申请工作时,勇气消失了。

    She walked into the wholesale district, but as the thought of applying came with each passing concern, her heart shrank.


  • - 26一个先进遥控开关系统扬声器商店示范诸如录音棚录音传呼系统类似申请

    The WPR-26 is a sophisticated, remote controlled speaker switching system for in store demonstration and similar applications such as studio recording and paging systems.


  • 由于伦敦成功申请到了2012年奥运会举办权,很多伦敦希望这个住房教育工作机会能够得到改善

    Since London won the bid to hold the Olympics in 2012, many Londoners hope that housing, education and employment for many people in this area will improve.


  • 参加马拉松中国田协注册运动员申请等级达标的运动员赛前40分钟到专门检录进行检录。

    Registered athletes of CAA and athletes for rating shall check in at the certain area 40 minutes before the competition.


  • 必须国会议员申请

    The Congressman of the district must be petitioned.


  • 负责地面员工申请控制证件参观证,包括所有运行站点

    To apply for Apron Passes and visitor badges at all operated stations for ground staff and business related persons.


  • 上海浙江江苏居民去上海英国签证申请中心递交申请

    Residents of Shanghai, Zhejiang and Jiangsu should apply at the UK Visa Application Centres in the consular catchment area of the British Consulate-General in Shanghai.


  • 广东广西福建湖南海南居民广州英国签证申请中心递交申请

    Residents of Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Hunan and Hainan should apply at the UK Visa Application Centres in the consular catchment area of the British Consulate-General in Guangzhou.


  • 广东广西福建海南居民广州英国签证申请中心递交申请

    Residents of Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian and Hainan should apply at the UK Visa Application Centres in the consular catchment area of the British Consulate-General in Guangzhou.


  • 申请可以他们常驻地申请签证,选择个月平均等待时间其它任一领馆

    Applicants may apply in the consular district where they reside, or at any other consular office where the average wait time for the past month is shorter.


  • 要求结婚登记男女双方共同到广西壮族自治民政厅涉外婚姻登记处提出申请

    The man and the woman, who apply for marriage registration, shall apply in Foreign Marriage Registration Office of Department of Civil Affairs of Guangxi Zhuang Region.


  • 如果某个创意可能触及高官们的舒适,则尽早提出预算申请或者提议一家处在截然不同的细分市场中的公司建立合作伙伴关系

    If an idea you may reach comfort zone for senior officials, the proposed budget request as soon as possible or offering with a distinct market segments in the company establish a partner relationship.


  • 去年12月由于该厂拒不履行处罚决定松江法院提出申请,对进行了强制执行

    Last year in December, due to the factory refused to carry out the decision on punishment, Songjiang District, also apply to the court and to carry out the enforcement of.


  • 目标成像后,仪器放到支架上病人成像资料传到电脑里病人数据库申请

    After target area has been imaged, the device is placed into cradle and image data of that patient is transferred to PC and to patient database application.


  • 卫生行政管理部门受理校验申请之日三十完成校验

    Thee district administrative department of health shall complete the examination and check within 30 days from the date when it accepts the application for examination and check.


  • 卫生行政管理部门受理申请之日三十做出是否批准变更决定

    Thee district administrative department of health shall make the decision on whether to approve the change or not within 30 days from the date when it accepts the application.


  • 一旦申请通过,特卡波星空正式成为世界第一个星空自然保护”。

    Once approved, the night sky of Lake Tekapo will be the world's first ever "star conservation area".


  • 卫生行政管理部门受理申请之日三十做出是否批准变更决定

    The district administrative department of health shall make the decision on whether to approve the change or not within 30 days from the date when it accepts the application.


  • 卫生行政管理部门受理申请之日三十做出是否批准变更决定

    The district administrative department of health shall make the decision on whether to approve the change or not within 30 days from the date when it accepts the application.


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