• 迈阿密研究机构菲尔发起调查发现,爱人传递给你的讯息不仅减轻痛苦抚平悲恸,能使两人关系更进一步。

    Research by Tiffany Field of the Touch Research Institute in Miami has found that a massage from a loved one can not only ease pain but also soothe depression and strengthen a relationship.


  • 调查2003年印第安纳大学加利福尼亚大学还有尤他大学以及卡罗莱纳大学研究者发起

    The surveys were launched in 2003 by researchers at Indiana University; the University of California, Irvine; the University of Utah; and the University of South Carolina.


  • 该项美国童子军(美国最大女孩团体)发起的研究调查女孩自身生活满意度,以此评估她们自尊程度

    Conducted by the girl Scouts of the USA, the survey also asked the girls questions regarding how happy they were with themselves and with life in general to measure self-esteem.


  • 这项国际科学论坛酒精饮料研究组发起调查指出,酒精诱发肝病主要原因过度饮酒对肝脏造成损伤

    Alcohol remains a major cause of liver disease, said the report by the International Scientific Forum on alcohol Research. But it is excessive alcohol that does the damage.


  • 俄勒冈州立大学发起调查中,展示给了消费者三个卷心莴苣其中两个边缘中心有着不同程度棕色

    In a study at Oregon State University, consumers were shown three samples of iceberg lettuce, two of them with varying degrees of light brown on the edges and at the base.


  • 这项英国资格评估与认证联合会考试发起的调查表明最为优秀学生分钟平均23.9次,高出正常水平

    The survey, undertaken by AQA exam board, found that on average the most successful pupils' heart beat reached a level that was 23.9 beats per minute (bpm) faster than normal.


  • 这项加利福利亚大学瑞迪儿童医院发起的研究调查了67名肥胖小孩57名正常体重小孩。

    The study tested 67 obese and 57 normal-weight children, and was led by researchers at the University of California-San Diego and Rady Children's Hospital.


  • 根据此项排名,哥斯达黎加全球绿化率幸福指数最高国家多米尼加共和国牙买加分列其后调查智囊机构经济基金会发起

    Costa Rica is the greenest and happiest country on the planet, according to the rankings developed by think tank the New Economics Foundation, followed by the Dominican Republic and Jamaica.


  • 调查史丹佛大学的威廉·安德雷发起的调查曾经写过影响力的科学论文的学者签署了ACC有关的公共文件的学者组成。

    The survey, led by William Anderegg at Stanford University, included only researchers who have at some point written scientific assessments or signed public documents in relation to ACC.


  • 此项研究普利茅斯委员会发起调查了423名五岁以下儿童上网习惯,他们平均年龄四岁

    The study, conducted by Plymouth Council, surveyed the internet habits of 423 under-fives, with an average age of four


  • 调查时尚健康杂志发起共有来自全国范围内的69000参与,其中超过九成的人表示生活大都市倍感孤独。

    The survey, conducted by Fashion Health magazine, polled 69,000 people nationwide, of whom more than 90 percent said they felt lonely living in big cities.


  • 调查时尚健康杂志发起共有来自全国范围内的69000参与,其中超过九成的人表示生活大都市倍感孤独。

    The survey, conducted by Fashion Health magazine, polled 69, 000 people nationwide, of whom more than 90 percent said they felt lonely living in big cities.


  • 本月初,中国青年报发起一项全国性调查显示,在2284位受访者中,有70%以上的人表示身边就有这样的“”,同时有18%的表示自己就是“带饭族”。

    A national survey led by China Youth Daily earlier this month showed that over 70 percent of the 2, 284 questioned were aware of Daifanzu and 18 percent admitted to being one.


  • 另一康奈尔大学食品标示实验室发起调查发现百分之九十三的受调查承认他们会他们从不的食品。

    Another study, by the Cornell University food and Brand Lab, found that 93 percent of respondents acknowledged buying foods they never used.


  • 这项调查系统管理提供商VKernel发起2500个虚拟化环境上运行的超过550,000个虚拟调查中得到的结论。

    The survey was conducted by systems management vendor VKernel and was drawn from 2500 virtualized environments representing over 550, 000 virtualized machines.


  • 开斯特大学Malcolm Tight发起的这项研究对1945年以来的学术工作量进行了调查

    The study, by Malcolm Tight of Lancaster University, examined surveys of academic workloads since 1945.


  • 今日妈妈育儿网发起调查发现,妈妈们母乳喂养管教子女各个方面进行较量。 该调查涵盖了2.6万位母亲

    The poll of 26, 000 mothers by TODAY Moms/Parenting.com found that they will compete on everything from breastfeeding to discipline.


  • 这项调查复旦大学新闻学院10年六月发起的总共调查来自上海十七高校的900女性,其中有百分之四十是上海本地学生。

    The survey was conducted by the Fudan University, journalism school in June 2010 with over 900 women participants from Shanghai's 17 universities.


  • 根据哈佛商业评论能量专案公司发起的调查雇主满足以下四点核心需求时,员工满意他们的工作

    According to a survey conducted by Harvard Business Review and The Energy Project, employees are more gratified at work when employers meet four core needs.


  • 这项调查华盛顿研究中心发起的调查发现大多数美国作战老兵认为西方国家更多关注自己国家内部事务而不是对外事务

    The poll, by the Pew Research Center in Washington, found that a majority of American war veterans thought the West should focus more on domestic issues than foreign affairs.


  • 中国青年报发起调查显示超过89.7%的受访者表示办公室复杂人际关系搞得焦头烂额。

    According to a survey organized by China Youth Daily, more than 89.7 percent of participants said they are confused about the sophisticated relationships in an office setting.


  • 时代周刊发起调查显示,美国民众认为农场生活这个国家最好的生活方式,也就不足为奇了。

    Little wonder that a poll taken by the New York Times finds a majority of Americans seeing farm life as superior to any other kind of life in this country.


  • 本次调查住宿集团蓟花酒店发起的,针对游客在节假日里常见的抱怨,邀请了2000参与。

    The survey was conducted by accommodation group Thistle Hotels, which asked 2000 people about their regular holiday peeves.


  • 欢迎参加英国大使馆文化教育处IBM发起关于中国外资企业多元化问题的调查”研究项目。

    Welcome to the "Diversity at Foreign Enterprises in China Survey" initiated by British Council and IBM.


  • 迪马尔科说,发起的关注群体调查显示年轻人福特之前古驰端庄的马衔扣乐福鞋(horse-bitloafers贾姬Jackie bag)没有什么记忆

    Focus groups conducted by Gucci have shown that young people have little memory of pre-Ford Gucci with its demure horse-bit loafers and Jackie bags, says di Marco.


  • 这项调查芝加哥顾问公司史派克集团发起表明百万富翁优先考虑仍然偿还贷款节约

    The survey conducted by Spectrem Group shows that millionaires' priorities are still to pay down debt and save money.


  • 参与方式主要关键公众接触公民会议咨询委员会、公民调查公民发起接触协商斡旋

    Participation of key major public engagement, civic meeting, the advisory Committee, the civic investigation, launched by the citizens of contact, consultation and mediation, etc.


  • 参与方式主要关键公众接触公民会议咨询委员会、公民调查公民发起接触协商斡旋

    Participation of key major public engagement, civic meeting, the advisory Committee, the civic investigation, launched by the citizens of contact, consultation and mediation, etc.


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