• 顾名思义量子重力可以想象成一个组成

    Loop quantum gravity can be visualised, as its name suggests, as a mesh of loops.


  • 伽利略20倍的望远镜而且眼睛状况很糟糕很可能土星搞错了,并因此得出结论-土星是一个行星两个卫星组成的

    With his 20-power telescope and with his eyes in bad shape he might have mistaken Saturn's gaseous ring to surmise that it was formed of one planet with two moons as satellites.


  • 这样解释为什么这些隆起处十分光滑两极地区却崎岖不平了,说明他们细小微粒组成的这些微粒土星发现的很相似

    That would fit with observations that the ridges are very smooth compared with the rugged polar regions, implying they are made from fine particles similar to those found in Saturn's rings.


  • 图中黑洞的灰色部分,被称为体,它们气体星尘组成

    The grayish structure surrounding the black hole, called a torus, is made up of gas and dust.


  • 土星外面有冰冷土星可能遥远时期它的一颗冰和岩石组成卫星的遗留物,而颗卫星已经被土星这个巨大的气质行星撕裂、吞噬了

    The icy rings of Saturn could be what's left of an ancient ice-rock moon that got stripped and swallowed by the gas-giant planet. Christopher Intagliata reports.


  • 中心结构核心轮毂组成

    Its core is formed by two hubs that have a five-ringed structure at their core.


  • 芬克博士研发出这种纤维绝缘聚碳酸酯材料制成空心组成,空心杆的内部有一种30微米的压电聚合物材料制成

    Dr Fink's fibre consists of a hollow rod of an insulating polycarbonate material with a 30-micrometre ring of a piezoelectric polymer running along its length.


  • 顶层的日冕日冕电离气体组成

    At the top is the super-hot corona, which is made of structures such as loops and streams of ionized gas.


  • 这些成千上万个,数十亿岩石粒子组成,这些粒子被认为彗星小行星粉碎卫星碎片

    The ringsthere are thousandsare made up of billions of ice and rock particles, thought to be pieces of comets, asteroids, or shattered moons


  • 离心基本构造部分组成的分别是叶轮,泵体,泵轴承密封填料函。

    Basic structure of the centrifugal pump is composed of six parts, namely: impeller, pump, pump shaft, bearing, seal ring, stuffing box.


  • 里面菲律宾黄缅茄﹐类似象牙物质﹐枫木绿宝石孔雀石粉红象牙木组成的主要装饰

    Inside of that is the main deco ring of Orange Tindalo, Ivorine, Maple, Recon Turquoise, Recon Malachite and Pink Ivory wood. All main woods are outlined in black!


  • 为了保证铰关节轨迹追踪精度,采用了位置反馈速度反馈电流反馈组成伺服系统

    The servo systems having high precision is composed of a position feedback loop, a velocity feedback loop and a electric current feedback loop.


  • 涂层一有机硅粘结剂、铝粉玻璃各种提高稳定性腐蚀性的添加剂组成

    The coating consists of epoxy-silicon bond, aluminium powder, glass filler and various additives to improve heat stability and corrosion resistance.


  • 最初这些斑点周围成千上万的孢子组成

    Initially, these spots have colored halos around them, which are made of thousands of tiny spores.


  • 嘌呤:嘌呤是原子组成结构化合物的统称。

    Purine: Any of a class of heterocyclic compounds with a two-ring structure composed of carbon and nitrogen atoms.


  • 一个原子六个氢原子组成

    Benzene is a ring that's made up of six carbon atoms and six hydrogen atoms.


  • 根据红外光谱特征分析推测泌物的化学成分可能主要是、长链脂肪酸脂肪醇某些芳香化合物组成

    Based on the infrared spectra, it was suggested that the scale insect's waxes be composed most by long-chain hydrocarbons, fatty alcohols, fatty acids and some compounds with aromatic rings.


  • 文章还给出了内、外组成有限裁剪条多义线实例

    Furthermore, an example of polyline clipping based on a multiply connected domain formed by finite loops is presented.


  • 介绍用于电力系统清扫绝缘子表面污垢风力清扫一个绝缘和风力推动碗、毛刷、刮板等组成

    This paper introduces a kind of wind power ring for cleaning contamination on insulator surface in power system, which consists of a insulation ring, the bowls moved by wind, brush ring and scraper.


  • 性搅拌适用土地基一种新型复合桩,桩体泥土桩内包钢筋混凝土组成

    The reinforced mixing pile is a new kind of composite pile used in soft ground engineering which is composed of cement-soil ring and reinforced concrete core.


  • 永磁特殊永磁机构,若干充磁方向均匀变化的永磁组成

    There is a kind of special permanent magnetic mechanism-magic ring which is made up of permanent magnet segments with different magnetization direction.


  • 应该一个建筑游戏场地和绿化共同组成有机整体,并有利于儿童主动地游戏、交往观察

    This environment should be an organic unity composed of buildings play ground, trees, flowers, etc., which facilitates children to play, interact, and watch actively.


  • 一种新型十字万向联轴器其特征在于十字轴头是十字轴(2)与四个(3)组成

    The utility model relates to a cross axle universal coupling, which is characterized in that a cross axle head is composed of a cross axle ring (2) and four axle extensions (3).


  • 福娃作为北京2008年奥运会官方吉祥物五个可爱的小伙伴组成,他们颜色分别代表奥林匹克的颜色——绿

    The Fuwa, the official mascots of the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, are five childlike characters representing the five colors of the Olympic Rings - blue, black, red, yellow and green.


  • 两个推进剂每个末端圆顶组成

    The two propellant tanks are composed of domes on either end, barrels, and rings.


  • 这种测试固定分等级系列不完整间隙组成这些径向厚度间隙直径的五分之一。

    The test consists of locating the gaps in a graduated series of sizes of incomplete rings whose radial thickness and gap are equal to one-fifth the diameter of the ring.


  • 看到一个彩色同心组成图像。

    You will see a system of concentric colored rings.


  • 五个直径大约30ft的圆形组成

    The tower consists of five circular steel rings, approximately 30 feet in diameter.


  • 五个直径大约30ft的圆形组成

    The tower consists of five circular steel rings, approximately 30 feet in diameter.


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