• 最初杰里勋爵领导调查在枪击匆匆完成,爱尔兰民族主义者视之为涂脂抹粉

    An initial investigation headed by Lord Widgery shortly after the shootings was regarded by Irish nationalists as a whitewash.


  • 这项研究康信托基金资助,是理解大脑规划支持的其诸多项目之一。

    The research was funded by the Wellcome Trust, one of many projects supported under its programme of Understanding the Brain.


  • 这项研究是由威信托下的药物发现发起的,研究者希望利用这个发现开发新的抗肿瘤药物。

    Under the Wellcome Trust's Seeding drug Discovery initiative, the researchers hope to use their findings to develop a drug which could be used to fight cancer.


  • 尼斯西亚部族建立的,这些尼西亚公元452年定居环绕着尼斯泻湖岛上

    Venice was founded by the Veneti clans, who settled on the islA. D. in the lagoon that surrounds Venice in AD 452


  • 瑞森发起民调显示大多数供应商认为他们能力设备降低10—15%的能耗且不牺牲性能

    A poll carried out by Verizon found that most of its suppliers thought they would be able to reduce power consumption in new equipment by 10-15% without loss of performance.


  • 能源问题上,众院去年通过克·斯曼马基提出的“排放总量限制与交易”议案,但参院有关立法与此几乎没有相似之处。

    As for energy, the Senate legislation bears little resemblance to the cap-and-trade bill steered through the House last year by Henry Waxman and Edward Markey.


  • 尼乌斯于1929年卡尔·命名

    Tanius was named by Carl Wiman in 1929.


  • 来自英国BBC网站报道称,当地时间9月13日,布拉德福德大学、阿伯里斯特斯大学英国边境共同组成的研究团队布拉德福德举办的英国科学节发布套联合开发的电算化摄像系统,可对人面部表情进行检测,从而判断其是否在撒谎。

    The system, developed by a team from the universities of Bradford and Aberystwyth in conjunction with the UK Border Agency, was unveiled today at the British Science Festival in Bradford.


  • 这项研究英国医学研究理事会康信托基金会联合资助完成的,以便更好地理解如何最好的照顾入院婴儿特别是早产儿

    The research was funded by the Medical research Council and the Wellcome Trust so it could be better understood how to best take care of hospitalised infants, especially premature babies.


  • 内维·坎贝尔饰演的悉妮又重回荧幕了,一旦出现声尖叫的电影中,那么意味着鬼脸杀手又兹堡横行肆虐了。

    Sidney, played by Neve Campbell is back on screen. And if you see her on Scream, it only means that Ghostface is out to wreak havoc, now in the town of Woodsboro.


  • 本周委员会要求宣布初版的建议,委员会是约翰·克斯爵士主持(如)。

    This week the commission asked to do that, chaired by Sir John Vickers (pictured), gave its first recommendations (see article).


  • 立雅环境摄影比赛BBC野生动物杂志伦敦自然历史博物馆创建,已经存在45了。

    The WPY competition, now in its 45th year, is owned by BBC Wildlife Magazine and London's Natural History Museum.


  • 加拿大国家微生物学实验室提供一个流动现场实验室于昨天到达今天热建立明天开始工作。

    A mobile field laboratory provided by the Canadian National Microbiology laboratory arrived yesterday, was set up in Uige today, and will become operational tomorrow.


  • 纽约大学朗格医学中心迈克尔-兹曼医生带领研究小组发现,有11%父亲患有抑郁症的儿童,出现行为偏差情感问题

    The team, led by Dr Michael Weitzman at NYU's Langone Medical Center, found that 11 per cent of children with depressed fathers had behavioural and emotional problems.


  • 在项目区沃尔福参观项目资助建设医疗中心学校以及其它城市基础设施

    There Wolfowitz will visit health centers, schools and other urban infrastructure built with the support of the Bank’s community-based urban development project.


  • 美国著名杂志福布斯》日前选出美国史上最怪的发明美国发明家勒斯1908年设计的棺材潜望镜获此殊荣。

    The US magazine Forbes has selected the grave periscope, a 1908 invention by George Willems, as the kookiest invention in the country.


  • 第一个怪圈油菜田里一系列单纯圆圈组成;然后便是齐斯镇附近麦田出现长达350英尺的太极阴阳图图案的怪圈。

    The first was a series of simple circles in a field of rape; then came a 350ft yin-yang symbol in a barley field near Devizes.


  • 穿过佛罗拉大街,便看到乔舒亚·普林斯·拉莫斯及雷姆·库哈斯共同设计的成银色立方体状的查尔斯·利剧院

    Across the street is the Dee and Charles Wyly Theatre, a silver cube designed by Joshua Prince-Ramus and Rem Koolhaas.


  • 认为,搞清楚这些肥胖超重引起细微心脏功能障碍有利于医生们心脏病人进行早期诊断有效治疗

    Marwick notes that identifying these subtle heart changes in obese and overweight people could lead to earlier, more effective treatments.


  • 只俯冲管鼻藿,安德鲁·帕金森(AndrewParkinson)拍摄,2010年度利雅野生动物摄影师大奖赛中颇受好评

    The drop by Andrew Parkinson, of a fulmar diving, was highly commended in the Veolia Environnement wildlife photographer of the year 2010 awards.


  • 这个3F工作室设计ConverseShoe一个巨大的框模型并内置了多个扬声器可以它上面休息同时收听喜爱的音乐

    The Converse shoe design by 3f Studio is a large model of a Converse shoe that has incorporated speakers for listening to your favorite tunes while lying back on the shoe relaxing.


  • 新闻特拉华州明顿汤姆·哈尔斯华盛顿的罗伯塔·兰普顿报道;戴尔。哈德逊和埃里克·沃尔什编辑

    Reporting by Tom Hals in Wilmington, Delaware and Roberta Rampton in Washington; Editing by Dale Hudson and Eric Walsh.


  • 啤酒BrewersRetailInc公司去经营所用名字是“TheBeerStore”,还有它的所有者是莫尔·库尔斯酿酒公司,英博公司,札幌啤酒厂

    Beer is also sold by the Brewers Retail Inc., which operates using the name the Beer Store, and is owned by Molson Coors, anheuser-busch InBev and Sapporo Brewery.


  • 随着这些设备系统扩展世界平稳靠近普适计算模式一模式帕洛·阿尔托研究中心(Xerox PARC)马克赛(Mark Weiser)所构想。

    As these ecosystems expand, the world will move steadily closer to the ubiquitous-computing model envisaged by Xerox PARC's Mark Weiser.


  • 太阳动力号“项目比利时化学品药物制造商Solvay)、钟表制造商米迦(Omega)及德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)联合赞助的。

    The project is financed by companies including the Belgian chemicals and pharmaceuticals producer Solvay, the watchmaker Omega, and Deutsche Bank.


  • 但是更大程度上,《Salt库尔特。操刀,菲利普·诺伊斯导演的一部动作电影重要的是:Sait要干什么

    But to the much greater extent that "Salt," directed by Phillip Noyce from a screenplay by Kurt Wimmer, is an action movie, the more salient question might be: What does Salt do?


  • 福特迈尔斯,这种做法是错误。 迈尔斯是《找到想要工作即便没有招聘》一书的作者,该书在2009年JohnWiley &Sons(约翰立国际出版公司)出版。

    Wrong move, says Ford R. Myers, author of "Get The Job You Want, Even When No One's Hiring, " (John Wiley &Sons, 2009).


  • 福特迈尔斯,这种做法是错误。 迈尔斯是《找到想要工作即便没有招聘》一书的作者,该书在2009年JohnWiley &Sons(约翰立国际出版公司)出版。

    Wrong move, says Ford R. Myers, author of "Get The Job You Want, Even When No One's Hiring, " (John Wiley &Sons, 2009).


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