• 由于无限能力创始人萨滕德拉·辛格博士请愿发生的。

    This happened due to a petition by Dr. Satendra Singh founder of Infinite Ability.


  • 这些并发连接是指异步发生连接,包括由于其他优化(例如用于组合操作数据分发等)增加查询的连接。

    These concurrent connections occur because of asynchrony and do not include connections from the query that were added because of some other optimization e.g.


  • 虽然由于备份不可导致队列管理器恢复失败情况发生但是还是看到过次这样的情况。

    It doesn't happen often, but I have seen several occasions where a restore of a queue manager failed because the backup set was unusable.


  • 实际发生20世纪最后20时间里,由于电子技术使打印廉价,也更方便,所以办公室纸张消耗翻了一番不止。

    What actually happened was that global consumption of office paper more than doubled in the last two decades of the 20th century, as digital technology made printing cheaper and easier.


  • 现象是指光线在时空中传播过程中由于质量物质的引力发生弯曲,这也是爱因斯坦广义相对论所预言的。

    This phenomenon, predicted by Einstein's theory of general relativity, causes light to curve as it flies through space-time that has been dented by the gravity of large bodies of mass.


  • 由于大多数非传染性疾病随着时间推移而发生,因此,这些疾病在全世界增长慢性灾难

    The worldwide increase of noncommunicable diseases is a slow-motion disaster, as most of these diseases develop over time.


  • 通过使用复制,可以避免运行时发生由于节点目标节点之间的数据不匹配导致的数据损坏

    Using master replicates avoids runtime data corruption occurring due to data type mismatch on source and target nodes.


  • 完整存储好处任何由于采购订单变化(运输等其他信息)而发生模式演化都不会有什么影响。

    An advantage of intact storage is that any schema evolution due to changes in the purchase order (additional information like shipping), is painless.


  • IBMSupport接到许多求助电话都是由于已经某个IBM修复程序解决问题发生的。

    Many calls to IBM Support occur because of problems that have already been fixed in an IBM fix pack.


  • 霍姆斯,截至去年年底为止,有2700万由于本国发生的武装冲突流离失所,这个数字创造历史新高。

    John Holmes said 27 million people were displaced within their own countries at the end of last year due to conflict - the highest number on record.


  • 必须出个词来,然后看看到底会不会发生得是某些似乎不能发生,但却证明由于单词的力量而发生的事情。

    I have to play something and see if it happens.


  • 事务再次读取数据发现最后一次操作之后由于另一个事务修改提交了该数据而发生了更改,则发生不可重读。

    An unrepeatable read can occur when the transaction reads some data again and finds that it changed since the last read due to another transaction that modified this data and committed.


  • 事务再次执行查询发现结果最后一次查询后由于另一个事务提交了新的数据发生更改,则会发生幻像

    A phantom read occurs when a transaction re-executes a query and finds a set of results changed since the last query due to another transaction that committed new data.


  • 例如只有由于访问的页面已经交换磁盘上而发生页面失效的情况时,PPE 才会接收到一个中断

    Only when a page fault is hit, for example, because the accessed page has been swapped out to disk, does the PPE receive an interrupt.


  • 差异报告比较两种类型覆盖率数据报告覆盖率数据怎样由于源代码或者测试中的更改而发生变化的。

    Difference reports compare two sets of coverage data and report on how the coverage Numbers have changed due to modifications in the source code or in the tests.


  • 管理开发过程所有工件设计模型代码到对由于执行一些活动发生变更的工件测试

    It manages all artifacts in the development process, from design models and code to test to the artifacts that are changed because of performing these activities.


  • 如果石油价格继续走跌,盛宝银行相信这会发生伊朗社会由于这个国家最最依赖日用品短缺严重的影响。

    If oil prices continue to decline, which Saxo Bank believes they will, the Iranian society will be badly affected due to the country's reliance on its number one commodity.


  • 现在同样事情由于冰岛火山灰阴影而发生了:世界似乎已经停止体育日程正在努力继续下去。

    Something similar is happening under the shadow of volcanic ash from Iceland: the world seems to have stopped, and the sporting calendar is struggling to cope.


  • 他们发现剂量氧化多酚物质由于通过切断肿瘤生长所需要血管形成减少预防肿瘤发生具有明显治疗作用。

    Most notably, they found that very high doses of antioxidant polyphenols shut down and prevent cancerous tumors by cutting off the formation of new blood vessels needed for tumor growth.


  • 由于角色继承分配工作不能继承工作对象传输只能发生人员解析原始对象传输。

    Work items assigned due to role inheritance cannot be transferred on the object that inherited the work item, but only on the original object, where staff resolution occurred.


  • 由于人为自然事故发生触发强迫停机期间这些冗余被动安全系统不需要操作员或者电力帮助即可工作

    These redundant and passive safety systems work without the help of an operator, or even electricity, during times of duress, be it man-made or natural.


  • 最近发生房屋没收拍卖事件已经不再贷款人无力支付房贷或是由于重置引起还贷额造成的,资产攀升失业率的恶果。

    The latest foreclosures are no longer the result of loans that were unaffordable from the outset or payments rising from resets. Rather, they are a product of negative equity and rising unemployment.


  • 很少有传统工程领域组织能够处理大量由于发生故障召回产品

    Few organizations involved in traditional engineering can cope with vast Numbers of their products being recalled due to malfunctions.


  • 根据这项研究这一过程几千年中自然发生但是由于人为造成的气候变暖加速

    According to the study, the process occurs naturally over thousands of years but is being accelerated by man-made climate warming.


  • 由于提交SUBSCRIBE请求不是向组每个成员提交请求,因此仍然发生更改接收SIPNOTIFY消息

    Because you submit a SUBSCRIBE request to a group but not each member of the group, you still receive SIP NOTIFY messages whenever the group changes.


  • 发生由于晶状体后部——手术当中为了用于支撑人工晶体被摘除的晶状体部分——变得浑浊损害视力

    This happens when the back of the lens capsule - the part of the lens that wasn't removed during surgery and that now supports the lens implant - becomes cloudy and impairs your vision.


  • 石墨或是颗钻石很悠然自得地躺实验台上不会被灼火焰化,并且由于透水性,它不会和发生反应的。

    A lump of graphite or a diamond will sit happily on a laboratory bench without bursting into flames, or even rusting, and is impervious to the action of water.


  • 有时设置需求出资方更加了解他们需要并且随时更新需求;有时他们的需求由于上下文变化而发生改变

    Sometimes the stakeholders who set requirements gain better understanding of their needs and update requirements in flight; sometimes their needs actually change because of changes of their context.


  • 脑膜炎球菌性脑膜炎一种细菌形式脑膜炎,由于围绕大脑脊髓很薄的内皮发生严重感染造成。

    Meningococcal meningitis is a bacterial form of meningitis, a serious infection of the thin lining that surrounds the brain and spinal cord.


  • 脑膜炎球菌性脑膜炎一种细菌形式脑膜炎,由于围绕大脑脊髓很薄的内皮发生严重感染造成。

    Meningococcal meningitis is a bacterial form of meningitis, a serious infection of the thin lining that surrounds the brain and spinal cord.


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