• 如果计算一下由于结婚流失职员,数目可不

    When you reckon up the wastage of female staff through marriage, it's quite a total.


  • 而且尽量避开假日一些传统节日这时由于结婚人数比较多,饭店各种服务的价格都会水涨船高

    And as far as possible avert from holiday and some traditional festivals, at this time because the wedding number is more, various service of the hotel of cost metropolis ship rises with the tide.


  • 她们在学校的时间越来越少,找到好工作的机会也越来越少,而且在一些重要的事情上,比如和谁结婚,她们往往没有选择。

    As they spend less time at school, they have fewer chances of getting good jobs, and they often have no choices on important matters, like who to marry.


  • 公司要把另一地方工作时,他们双双辞职。由于两人都觉得旧金山漂亮结婚后他们那里生活

    When he was about to be transferred, they decided to give up their jobs, get married and move to San Francisco, simply because the citywas beautiful”.


  • 正如曾经告诉杰克的那样,17由于前男友分手结婚,她心痛欲绝,于是出走个她毫不了解的人结了

    As she told Jake early on, she ran off and got married when she was 17 to a man she barely knew because she was heartbroken that her ex-boyfriend got married one month after they split up.


  • 其他发达国家一样,由于工作生活问题,现在的年轻人会选择结婚但是少要孩子

    Like in other advanced countries, young people are waiting to get married and choosing to have fewer children because of careers and lifestyle issues.


  • 有些由于他们迫切的想要结婚,而步入了不幸的婚姻

    Some people because they desperately needed to marry entered into certain marriages that don't work.


  • 来自银行业一个可能例子由于根据数据变更检查某人需要结婚,因此该客户可能需要抵押贷款

    An example from the banking industry could be notification that a customer might need a mortgage due to the detection of a life event based on a master data change indicating that someone got married.


  • 由于俄罗斯妇女不能大学苏菲亚一个年轻古生物学家弗拉基米尔·柯瓦列芙斯卡娅结婚,之后他们移居德国

    Because Russian women could not attend university, Sofia Vasilyevna contracted a marriage with a young paleontologist, Vladimir Kovalevsky, and they moved to Germany.


  • 不过纪懿倢表示由于台湾结婚人数逐渐减少人口日益老龄化,婚纱摄影不得不走出台湾寻求增长

    However, Ms Chi says photographers have had to look beyond Taiwan for growth because fewer people on the island are getting married and the population is ageing.


  • 研究表明结婚长寿生活更健康可能由于密切同辈关系所带来心理上精神上好处

    Studies show that married people live longer, healthier lives, which probably can be attributed to the psychological benefits of having close peer relationships.


  • 结婚使人们精神振奋但是比不过由于失业造成郁闷

    Being married gives people a considerable uplift, but not as big as the gloom that springs from being unemployed.


  • 由于存在明确承诺在一起要比结婚容易得多

    Since no explicit commitment is made, it is easier to drift into living together than it is to drift into a marriage.


  • 首都增长人口变得外来化,更民族多元化甚至更少结婚更年轻部分由于老年人移居邻近乡村的趋势)。

    The capital’s growing population will emerge as more foreign, more ethnically diverse, even less married and younger (in part because of a trend for older people to move to neighbouring counties).


  • 首都增长人口变得外来化,更民族多元化甚至更少结婚更年轻部分由于老年人移居邻近乡村的趋势)。

    The capital's growing population will emerge as more foreign, more ethnically diverse, even less married and younger (in part because of a trend for older people to move to neighbouring counties).


  • 但是由于陈薇伊自己结婚无法进行官方注册如果以后找到合适的男人还会结婚

    But as Chen cannot officially register a marriage to herself, if she finds a man later she will wed again.


  • 由于好多家庭这个围地,几个年长兄弟姐妹已经结婚了孩子。

    As a number of families are being held in the compound some of the oldersiblings have been able to marry and have their own children


  • 演奏到过了午夜好久开始由于现在正当结婚季节音乐家舞蹈演员拉合尔赶好几个结婚场子

    The service did not begin until well after midnight. This being the marriage season, the musicians and dancers first had to perform at several weddings around Lahore.


  • 然而如果由于某些原因没有槲寄生的这个女子年内不能结婚

    However, if for some reason no one kisses the woman under the mistletoe, she would not be free to marry for at least a year!


  • 由于暴雨成灾、道路被淹没,因此印度西部一对情侣的婚礼无法正常进行。然而,两人却通过手机交换了结婚誓词

    An Indian couple exchanged wedding vows by mobile phone after the bridegroom could not make it to the marriage ceremony because of torrential rains in western India.


  • 另外由于同居结婚现象比较普遍,排行榜的结果可能存在失真,导致统计数据中的“单身数量增多,而这些实际上不是单身。

    What is more, the prevalence of couples who live together but aren't married may also distort the results, creating higher numbers of 'singles' in the stats who aren't really singles.


  • 黑色大理石后面站着结婚38丈夫由于癌症治疗使身体十分虚弱,面色憔悴。

    There, half- hidden behind the black granite countertop, looking worn and emaciated from his cancer treatments, stood her husband of 38 years.


  • 并不是因为开始相互厌烦了,研究者认为,同居者可能由于各种错误原因结婚

    And it's not because you start to get on one another's nerves. Rather, the researchers figure the Shared abode could lead to marriage for all the wrong reasons.


  • 由于嫁给军人丈夫不在家所以他们结婚前些年都没有孩子

    Having married a Military man, her husband was always away that's why she didn't have a child with him during the early years of their marriage.


  • 同时,由于市场疲软高消费需求结合使得黄金和钻石价格飞涨结婚戒指则

    And thanks to a combination of a weak dollar and high consumer demand, which has sent gold and diamond prices skyrocketing, engagement rings are only getting more expensive.


  • 中国由于大部分80后已经到了黄金结婚年龄无数同龄人一样,刘小姐见证中国新的结婚来临

    As most of the eighties generation in China has reached prime marriage age, Liu, like millions of her peers, is seeing a new boom of weddings.


  • 由于薪水下降6年来失业率首次攀升,去年日本共731000对新人结婚创下了5年来最高纪录。

    Marriages surged to a five-year high of 731, 000 in 2008 as wages stagnated and the unemployment rate rose for the first time in six years.


  • 但是由于当地女性比较并不是所有“遣户”能够幸运的结婚

    Yet not all of them were lucky enough to marry someone, due to the small number of women in the area.


  • 但是由于当地女性比较并不是所有“遣户”能够幸运的结婚

    Yet not all of them were lucky enough to marry someone, due to the small number of women in the area.


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