• 由于木星其中一条棕色隐藏起来了,所以木星的亮度平常亮4%。

    Jupiter is also brighter than usual by about 4 percent because one of its brown cloud belts is hidden.


  • 由于木星海王星房子家庭应该东道国贵党在家里而不是一家餐馆。

    Because Jupiter and Neptune will be in your house of home, you should host your party at home, not a restaurant.


  • 由于木星每天晚上升起的时间不同这些想象中的外星人,将很难划定时间制订日程表

    But because the Saturns would rise at different times every night, the hypothetical alien civilization would have a hard time using its companion planets to tell time or create a calendar.


  • 如果需要家中进行相关的变化现金本月即将召开由于木星天王星帮助

    If you need money to allow you to make home-related changes, the cash should be forthcoming this month, thanks to help from Jupiter and Uranus.


  • 由于木星火星引力作用干扰火星的轨道天文学家仅仅能够确定火星此前五千间,从未地球靠的如此之近。

    Due to the way Jupiter's gravity tugs on Mars and disturbs its orbit, astronomers can only be certain that Mars has not come this close to Earth in the Last 5,000 years.


  • 然而由于木星强调工作生活方式会有新的根本上值得的改变很快探索最近所设想已经超越范围选择

    Yet with Jupiter accenting new, and ultimately worthwhile, alterations in your work and lifestyle, you'll soon be exploring options that only recently you'd have imagined beyond your reach.


  • 然而木卫二行星运行时,由于姊妹卫星木星之间引力拉锯战弯曲。

    As Europa orbits its planet, however, it flexes due to the gravitational tug-of-war between it, its sister moons, and Jupiter.


  • 由于哥白尼行星运动理论托勒密解释一致,伽利略木星卫星的观察证明了哥白尼理论的正确性。

    Since the Copernican theory of planetary motion is inconsistent with the Ptolemaic account, Galileo's observations of Jupiter's satellites proved the truth of the Copernican theory.


  • 此外由于气体分子运动依赖温度木星行星低温下,即使是轻的气体不可能获得逃逸所需速度。

    Also, because the molecular motion of a gas depends on temperature, at the low temperatures of the Jovian planets even the lightest gases are unlikely to acquire the speed needed to escape.


  • 300日外恒星大多数发现原因都是由于他们自身位置会受到巨型行星(大小与木星类似的行星)的公转影响而产生微小摆动

    The majority of the more than 300 "extrasolar planets" now known were spotted by watching the tiny wobble in stars' position as enormous, Jupiter-sized planets swung around them.


  • 由于椭圆形环状体处在海拔高纬度所以科学家认为椭圆形环状体可能木星强大的极光有关

    The oval was at high altitude and high latitude, so scientists think the oval may have been associated with Jupiter's powerful auroras.


  • 由于一个木星自身拥有强大重力几乎毫无置疑地自我粉碎成晶型——就是,钻石

    And because a Jupiter's worth of carbon would have a pretty powerful gravity of its own, it would almost certainly have crushed itself into crystalline form - in other words, diamond.


  • 不过由于发现行星HIP 57050b体积只有土星那么没有木星那么大或者更大,所以行星如果卫星的话,卫星可能会比较尤其是不具有类行星的特征。

    But because the newfound planet, HIP 57050 b, is only Saturn-size rather than, say, the size of Jupiter or larger, any moons it may have are probably rather small and not especially planetlike.


  • 由于地球木星公转轨道是椭圆,同时地球的轨道周期木星我们角度观察,像“追上”了颗巨型气态行星

    Due to the near-circular orbits of Earth and Jupiter, as Earth has a faster orbital period than Jupiter, from our point of view we will appear to "overtake" the gas giant.


  • 由于月亮木星相连,也就是交流区域演讲理想时机

    Since the moon will also link up in a positive way to Jupiter, in your communication sector, it will be an ideal time to give a speech.


  • 由于空间持续不断压力以及拉伸作用使得卫星表面温度不断上升木星卫星就是一个典型例子

    These moons heat up from the constant stress and stretching; Jupiter’s moon Io is a leading example.


  • 由于水星天王星木星关系整整度过一周,你一种真实感觉就是事情各归其

    As Mercury and Uranus spend their first full week with Jupiter in your relationship sector, there is a real sense that things have clicked into place.


  • 多亏金星木星完美角度726周日会是个浪漫日子,同时由于与海王星的和谐角度,7月27日周一也会是个好日子。

    Other outstanding days for romance will fall on Sunday, July 26, thanks to Venus in perfect angle to Jupiter, and Monday, July 27, thanks to a similar conversation with Neptune.


  • 天际笑脸由于行星金星木星月亮之间相互结合结果,上面显示的是菲律宾马尼拉

    The celestial smiley face is the result of a planetary conjunction between Venus, Jupiter, and the moon, shown here over Manila in the Philippines.


  • 火卫二火卫一可能由于小行星扰动木星作用使它们围着火星运动的。

    Deimos and Phobos may be due to disturbance of asteroids and Jupiter's role was to make them around Mars movement.


  • 由于2010年开始木星仍然宝瓶座直到1月18日移动双鱼座第9你们的第8宫

    As 2010 begins, Jupiter is still in Aquarius and your eighth house until January 18th when he moves into Pisces and your ninth house.


  • 由于2010年开始木星仍然水瓶座直到1月18日移动双鱼座第10宫你们第9

    As 2010 begins, Jupiter is still in Aquarius and your ninth house until January 18th when he moves into Pisces and your tenth house.


  • 最好说明木星尽管已有几十亿历史,但由于引力作用,在收缩

    The best suggestion is that Jupiter is still contracting gravitationally despite its age of several billion years.


  • 由于三个强有力的行星和谐相处(木星火星天王星),将会鼓励不屈不挠的去开辟新的天地

    With three powerful planets in cosmic harmony (Jupiter, Mars, and Uranus), you'll be encouraged to persevere and break new ground.


  • 财政方面,由于火星木星相遇会在2月17日得到一些好消息

    Financially, you are due for some excellent news on February 17, due to the meeting of Mars and Jupiter.


  • 财政方面,由于火星木星相遇会在2月17日得到一些好消息

    Financially, you are due for some excellent news on February 17, due to the meeting of Mars and Jupiter.


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