• 由于奔驰4S经销商没有处理漏油事件我们已经看到了可能出现可怕后果

    As Mercedes Benz 4S dealership didn't handle the oil leak scandal, we have seen what terrible consequences can arise.


  • 立方体卫星(CubeSat研究人员认为由于有机会进入属于自己宇宙空间前所未有地多了起来,现在时候考虑一下其带来的意料计划外后果了。

    CubeSat researchers suggest that now's the time to ponder unexpected and unintended possible consequences of more people than ever having access to their own small slice of space.


  • 企业希望促销活动可能产生积极的后果,但由于一些研究人员能够确定的原因,这种希望并没有得到证实

    Companies' hopes that promotions might have a positive aftereffect have not been borne out for reasons that researchers have been able to identify.


  • 名黑客由于身患自闭症引渡将会带来灾难性的后果包括可能导致精神病以及自杀

    The hacker argued that extradition would have disastrous consequences, including possible psychosis and suicide because of his autistic spectrum medical condition.


  • 例如诉讼案件中由于自然语言歧义性导致误解可能会导致巨大财务后果甚至监禁

    For example, in a court case a misinterpretation due to natural-language ambiguity could lead to a large financial consequence or even imprisonment.


  • 老年人由于骨质较为脆弱,恢复期更长虐待老年人后果因此尤为严重

    For older people, the consequences of maltreatment can be especially serious because their bones are more brittle and convalescence is longer.


  • 由于他们可能以后还会保持这种关系,所以可能无法承受相互攻击的后果

    Since they may have to do so again they could not afford to savage each other.


  • 冰川消失明显后果会是由于冰川滑入海洋而导致海平面上升随着无病海域吸收太阳能增加全球变暖

    The most obvious consequence of ice loss will be rising sea levels from glaciers sliding into the ocean, and increased global warming as ice-free waters absorb solar energy.


  • 由于格鲁吉亚提供互联网占亚美尼亚90%,名妇女无意之引起的后果惨重

    As Georgia provides 90% of Armenia's Internet, the woman's unwitting sabotage had catastrophic consequences.


  • 西方国家并非积极支持由于他们过于担心忙于处理俄国侵略阿富汗,积极反对未来后果

    It was not that the Western countries actively supported it but that they were too scared and occupied with the Russian invasion of Afghanistan and its future consequences to actively oppose it.


  • 考生注册违反考试规定由于任何其他原因无法遵守报名规定,自行承担可能引起后果

    Candidates shall be responsible for any consequences that may arise from their failure to follow the registration rules.


  • 由于利用风力发电涡轮机风速变化非常敏感风速减缓可能对此带来严重的后果

    The decline has the potential to be especially pernicious because turbines are exponentially sensitive to changes in wind speed.


  • 市场失灵增加人们风险偏好,因为人们承担风险不对价于由于风险判断失误而所要承担的后果

    Market failures of this type can cause excessive risk taking because the person taking the risks does not face the full consequences of their decisions when the risky decisions turn out to be wrong.


  • 由于人们转基因(GM)食品的安全和不可预期后果还心存疑虑,所以这类作物欧洲非洲部分地区推广速度还不是很快,尽管转基因作物在美国种植已很普遍,转基因食品也为大众所接受

    Concerns about safety and unexpected consequences have led to a slow rate of adoption in Europe and parts of Africa, although GM crops are already widely planted and consumed in the US.


  • 由于同样原因,有问题战略产生的后果比过去更快暴露出来带来更大痛苦

    By the same token, the consequences of flawed strategies will be revealed sooner and more painfully.


  • 由于过去10年里大量出生男孩那时发育成熟,社会后果变得更加突出

    The social consequences will become more evident because the boys born in large numbers over the past decade will reach maturity then.


  • 但是由于风暴带来后果将可能成为新的应急反应的一个常规部分——至少只要卡特里娜”带来的阵痛没被忘记前。

    But, depending on the aftermath of the storm, that could be part of a new emergency-response normal - at least so long as the sting of Katrina remains.


  • 由于飓风季节已经开始人们不禁问,如果强飓风从墨西哥湾漏油附近经过从该处直接穿过什么后果

    Now that hurricane season has begun, people are asking what will happen if a major hurricane passes close to or directly through the Gulf oil spill.


  • 女人应当自由——跟我们一样的自由,”断然地说。他仿佛有了一种新的发现由于过分激动,还无法估量可怕后果

    "Women ought to be freeas free as we are," he declared, making a discovery of which he was too irritated to measure the terrific consequences.


  • 由于大量资产债务泡沫存在,日本式后果发达国家广泛存在。

    Thanks to a profusion of asset and debt bubbles, Japanese-like outcomes are now prevalent throughout the developed world.


  • 答案很简单,由于缺乏视觉方案产生前因后果了解大部分与会者只能凭着自己的主观直觉而不是客观分析来评估它们

    The short answer is that in the absence of clear context about what they are evaluating, most people don't know how to objectively evaluate visual design, so they rely instead on subjective intuition.


  • 不久前注意由于把问题过于复杂化而造成荒谬后果事。解决这些问题的办法通常简单的。我是一个极其推崇简约的人。

    I've been observing a ridiculous amount of self-inflicted over complication around me lately. The solutions to this are generally simple. I'm a big fan of simple.


  • 由于货币市场基金管理着$3.4万亿资产一家基金倒闭后果不堪设想。

    With $3.4 trillion of assets under management, allowing a run on money-market funds was unthinkable.


  • 由于单宁有点涩了后果可能不太妙。

    With tannins that are a little too astringent, you will get a not-so-pleasant surprise.


  • 资金驱动市场可能会产生意想不到后果股票地产商品由于泡沫产生

    Liquidity driven market may have unintended consequences for stock, property and commodity due to bubbles creation.


  • 虽然众议院发言人约翰·博纳(John Boehner)声明不会众议院内提出法案,但由于问题可能造成不良后果仍值得关注

    Although House Speaker John Boehner has said he has no intention of bringing up the bill in his chamber, the issue merits attention because of its potentially ominous ramifications.


  • 虽然众议院发言人约翰·博纳(John Boehner)声明不会众议院内提出法案,但由于问题可能造成不良后果仍值得关注

    Although House Speaker John Boehner has said he has no intention of bringing up the bill in his chamber, the issue merits attention because of its potentially ominous ramifications.


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