• 但是由于相互干扰扫描治疗能够同时完成

    But the scan and the treatment cannot usually be done at the same time, because they interfere with each other.


  • 由于传递过滤了列表所以需要控制器的一个变量内处理一点。

    Because you are potentially passing back a filtered list, you need to handle this in a variable in the controller instead.


  • 另外由于重新生成整个页面,因此主题使用原始url创建i Frame

    Also, because the whole page is regenerated, the theme creates the iFrame with the original URL.


  • 很早以前就懂得长久不要争斗。由于得很脏,而猪就喜欢这样

    I learned long ago never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty and besides the pig likes it.


  • 现在日常生活基本不说英语了,而且由于多种外语而大大扩展了我朋友圈子

    In my day-to-day life I almost never speak English and my travels and scope of friendships have been greatly enriched because of this.


  • 由于反复调用该类,因此应将初始WebSphereTXAPI代码移动一个静态块中

    Since this class will be invoked repeatedly, move the code that initializes the WebSphere TX API into a static block


  • 最近研究表明So -Low太阳镜由于造成一种虚假安全感实际增加人们眼睛受损伤危险

    A recent study suggests that So-Low sunglasses can actually increase the risk of damage to peoples eyes by creating a false sense of security.


  • 由于削减成本,邮件递送可能延迟

    Deliveries of mail could be delayed because of cost-cutting.


  • 由于这些电子带负电荷它们相互排斥

    As these electrons are negatively charged they will attempt to repel each other.


  • 由于滞后效应气候持续变暖段时间

    The climate continues to warm for a while because there is a lag effect.


  • 一个弊端由于它们觅食期间躲避陷阱或者通常很少遇到陷阱,有些物种无法收集到

    One disadvantage is that some species are not collected as they either avoid the traps or do not commonly encounter them while foraging.


  • 由于一百万人可能有一乘客携带武器登上飞机其他999,999名乘客必须接受搜查延误

    Because of the possibility of one passenger in a million boarding an aircraft with a weapon, the other 999,999 passengers must subject themselves to searches and delays.


  • 相反由于最有可能捐款那些过去款的人,优秀募捐不断尝试那些不太可能捐款的人,努力扩大捐款者的基础。

    On the contrary, since the people most likely to donate are those who have donated in the past, good fund-raisers constantly try less-likely prospects in an effort to expand the donor base.


  • 由于焦虑学生们可能睡觉并且不吃东西。

    Students tend to avoid sleep and starve themselves due to anxiety.


  • 然而由于忽视缺乏特定治疗这些疾病往往伴随一生。

    However, these disorders often remain throughout life due to neglect or absence of specific kind of treatment.


  • 由于温度计传输通路或者进行记录计算机各种失误有一些数据丢失。

    Some of the data is missing, because of various failures in the thermometer, the transmission channel, or the recording computer.


  • 由于所有媒体的不信任感上升人们可能开始加强他们的媒介素养技能

    As distrust has risen toward all media, people may be starting to beef up their media literacy skills.


  • 如果在上游发现了问题或者如果我们停止生产产品由于制品库存报废更高

    If something wrong is found upstream, or if we stop building the product, the scrap will be higher due to the in-process inventory.


  • 由于更改立即内容交付网络中反映出来文件影子副本往往持续几天几周

    Because changes aren't reflected across the content delivery networks immediately, ghost copies of files tend to linger for days or weeks.


  • 由于地产价格暴跌委员土地目前不如原来所希望的那么值钱了。

    The council's land is now worth much less than originally hoped because of a slump in property prices.


  • 委员议程由于不时有人发火中途退席而无法进行下去。

    The commission's proceedings have been wrecked by tantrums and walkouts.


  • 由于下雨我们我们不得不推迟运动

    We've put off our sports meet because of rain.


  • 由于贝多芬于1827年,可能疑惑他们从哪里得到这位伟大音乐家头发

    Since the great musician died in 1827, you may wonder where they got Beethoven's hair.


  • 床上发烧了几个星期最后专科医生诊断红斑狼疮。由于担心红斑狼疮损害内脏紧急送往医院

    A few feverish weeks in bed ended in specialist appointment, where I was diagnosed with Lupus and rushed into hospital for fear that it may have attacked my internal organs.


  • 由于人口增长放缓目前用于种植作物耕地可能恢复森林荒野

    Thanks to slowing population growth, land currently ploughed up for crops might be able to revert to forest or wilderness.


  • 由于金星地球更近,所以视差更大哈雷计算利用金星可以测量出太阳与地球之间的距离,误差为五百分之一。

    As Venus was closer to the Earth, its parallax angle would be larger, and Halley worked out that by using Venus it would be possible to measure the Suns distance to 1 part in 500.


  • 费拉罗认为由于种植水稻重要性市场准入方面共性这些成果可能转移亚洲其他地区

    Ferraro suggests the results may transfer to other parts of Asia, due to commonalities such as the importance of growing rice and market access.


  • 由于海豚一旦停止接触它们迅速地将身体里化合物清除,所以如果禁止使用这种船用油漆,它们的死亡率迅速下降。

    Since dolphins rid their bodies of the compounds rapidly once exposure ceases, their mortality rate should decline rapidly if such boat paints are banned.


  • 由于很多建筑景观都不穿透即使是温和雨水立刻屋顶街道停车场流下。

    With much of the built-up landscape impenetrable by water, even gentle rain runs off almost immediately from rooftops, streets, and parking lots.


  • 由于那些因素影响教育成功后续收入童年早期经历人的一生蒙上阴影

    Because those influence educational success and later earnings, early childhood experiences cast a lifelong shadow.


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