• 这些作家代表了一个充满活力社区由于成员有着不同历史立场期望信仰,这个社区必须经过不断的协商和再协商

    These writers represent community as dynamic, as something that must be negotiated and renegotiated because of its members' divergent histories, positions, expectations, and beliefs.


  • 由于历史原因两种不同拓扑称为同构异构

    The two different topologies, for historical reasons, are called homogeneous and heterogeneous.


  • 由于历史以及习惯上原因常用若干不同参量表示这些损耗

    For historical reasons as well as for reasons of convenience, these losses are often characterized by a number of different parameters.


  • 但是由于各国本身社会历史经济法律条件不同决定不同国家转轨道路及转轨模式有所不同

    However, differences in each country's social history, economic and legal conditions decide that each country will take a different way and model in this system transition.


  • 由于国家幅员辽阔历史悠久不同的地方不同习俗尽管它们大体上一致

    Due to vast expanse and long history, there are different customs to follow in different places, although they are generally the same.


  • 由于唐代几个不同历史阶段和诗人们不同艺术视角边塞诗呈现出不同的艺术风格主题

    Because of different historical periods of Tang Dynasty and artistic visual angles of poets, frontier poems present different artistic styles and themes.


  • 它们由于所处历史阶段不同,因而内容特点方面存在很大的差异。

    Because of the different historical period, they have very big difference in contents and characteristics.


  • 我们关心我们现在与未来,于历史针砭,我们不会由于技能血统、等不同条件今昔不同的合法地位的承认的限制而感觉受到恐吓

    We do not feel threatened by debates on the history of the Craft, the origins of various terms, or they of various ts of different traditions.


  • 比如例图11 - 5中的两个字,尽管视觉它们的感觉非常相似的但是由于没有历史关联字义也迥然不同,故而不能将它们统合为一。

    For example, the ideographs in Figure11-5, although visually quite similar, are nevertheless not unified because they are historically unrelated and have distinct meanings.


  • 每一个历史时期由于教育价值取向不同教育文本理解呈现出不同特点

    Because of different education values, educational text understanding is characterized differently in each historical stage.


  • 由于历史地理原因舟山方言语法可能具有不同周边其他吴语地区的语法现象,具有一定研究价值

    Because of historical and geographical reasons, Zhoushan dialect has a different grammar from other surrounding areas, which may have research value.


  • 由于经济文化历史传统等各方面原因不同文学研究机构区域学术影响力是有差别的。

    Due to various reasons of economy, culture and historical traditions, there have been differences in the academic influences in different literary organs and regions.


  • 由于中国几千历史沉淀,形成不同其他世界各国文化传统价值观念。

    As thousands of years cultural sedimentation in China, the cultural traditions and values are different from the other countries of the world.


  • 有的汉字虽然为简化字,但是由于中日两历史文化背景不同,所以简化方式有所不同

    Although some Chinese characters are simplified characters, the simplification way is diverse as the difference between Chinese history culture background and Japanese.


  • 然而由于几十年来一些历史社会原因高等中医药教育中的人文素质教育不同程度地存在着减少与削弱的问题。

    However, due to some historical and social reasons, education of humanity quality in recent decades of years has been weakened in higher learning of Chinese medicine to certain degree.


  • 由于它们各自成长不同历史背景地域文化两者之间存在许多差异

    Due to they developed independently with the different historical backgrounds, geography and culture. Of course, there are also many differences between them.


  • 由于历史不同民风有别,最重要是两国的传统哲学的走向分歧,以至造成是同一项目技术理论上存在巨大差异

    This is because histories and customs of the two countries are different. So although the cause is the same project, there are still quite different in technology and theory.


  • 由于东西方历史文化背景地理环境思维方式不同礼貌语言在表达上有很大的差异

    Differences of polite language exists because of differences between Oriental historical and cultural background, geographical environment and thinking manner and those of western.


  • 然而由于历史背景文化传统宗教信仰价值观念等方面的差异,同一颜色两种不同语言中的含义相似之处,也存在着差异。

    However, owing to historical background, cultural tradition and religious beliefs, and values, the same color words in two different languages have similarities to the meaning but more differences.


  • 由于中西哲学观社会模式历史背景不同,导致中西方时间的看法有很大的差异性

    Owing to the different philosophical concepts, social patterns, and historical backgrounds, western and eastern time concepts bear great diversity.


  • 中国西方国家体制不同由于历史原因中国企业往往承担了大量社会职能难以一种简单数学公式来计算

    China's system is different from that of Western countries. Due to historical reasons, Chinese companies perform many social functions, which are hard to measure with a simple arithmetic formula.


  • 汉维语礼貌用语由于历史文化宗教信仰民族心理风俗习惯不同存在差异

    There lies difference between polite spoken language of Chinese and those of Uygur because of their different history, culture, religion, national psychology and customs.


  • 但是,一直以来,由于历史现实原因,对自由观理解人们认识理解总是不同

    But due to historic and realistic reasons, people have different recognition and understanding of Berlin's liberalism all the time.


  • 由于中西方不同社会文化背景历史演变使得两个地区习俗有所差异

    As in the West different social and cultural background and historical evolution of the custom of making the two regions differ.


  • 一方面,由于不同历史文化,习俗,宗教信仰等因素英语动物词汇文化内涵并不完全汉语中动物词汇的文化内涵相符合

    On the other hand, due to the different historical, cultural and religious factors, the connotations of animal words in English do not necessarily coincide with those in Chinese.


  • 由于东西方历史文化背景不同哲学思想大相径庭

    Due to the different historical and cultural background of western philosophy, differ greatly.


  • 由于不同国家有着不同语言不同历史文化必然形成交流障碍

    Because the different country has the different language and the different historical culture, this inevitably can form the exchange the barrier.


  • 上面说看起来或许不是很重要毕竟由于有著悠久历史中国维持自己文明的方式与西方很大不同,而且看起来对我们没有什么威胁

    After all, for most of its long history, China has maintained a civilization upon principles very different from those of the West, and it didn't do us much harm.


  • 上面说看起来或许不是很重要毕竟由于有著悠久历史中国维持自己文明的方式与西方很大不同,而且看起来对我们没有什么威胁

    After all, for most of its long history, China has maintained a civilization upon principles very different from those of the West, and it didn't do us much harm.


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