• 北极星似乎脉动恒星衍变而来。

    The Pole Star appears to be changing from a star that pulsates.


  • 漂亮链坠紫光水晶只富彩白效果的水晶蝴蝶组成

    A pretty pendant comprising a Vitrail Light crystal heart and Aurora Borealis crystal butterfly.


  • 漂亮链坠紫光水晶只富彩白效果的水晶蝴蝶组成。

    A pretty pendant comprising a Vitrail Light crystal heart and Aurora Borealis crystal butterfly. Let the reflections mingle and cause a subtle shimmer on the link chain!


  • 他说,「大量统计证据表明,密集彗星事件应该太阳伴星导致的。

    There is statistically significant evidence that this concentration of comets could be caused by a companion to the Sun.


  • 哈勃这次发现这片产有两极中央向外延展所形成的高温气流

    The bipolar star-forming region spotted by Hubble is actually two giant, super-hot streams of gas blasting outwards from a central star.


  • 这次飞来横祸彗星瓦解造成,同时地球完全无数尘埃组成的冰所覆盖。

    The catastrophe was caused by a disintegrating comet and saw the planet sprayed by thousands of frozen boulders made of ice and dust.


  • 直到现在天文学家直在讨论这些强光恒星发出,还是我们太阳数千超级恒星产生的。

    Until recently, astronomers debated whether the source of the intense light was a tightly bound cluster of stars, or perhaps an unknown type of super-star thousands of times bigger than the Sun.


  • 它可能太阳系形成初期时,大型小行星所造成色彩经过强化嵌影像里,这个寛达1,500公里盆地带有黄色之色调。

    Created during the early history of the solar system by the impact of a large asteroid-sized body, the basin spans about 1,500 kilometers and is seen in yellowish hues in this enhanced color Mosaic.


  • 2009年,俄罗斯飞船撞上通讯卫星形成数百片碎片组成的云团危及其他硬件设备

    In 2009 an old Russian craft slammed into a communications satellite, creating a cloud of hundreds of pieces of debris and putting other hardware at risk.


  • 延续1961奥斯卡计划开始的行动。奥斯卡计划是总部设在美国组织人造卫星“斯普特尼克”之后年就制造发射了非政府卫星。

    It continued the efforts, begun in 1961, by Project OSCAR—a US-based group that built and launched the very first nongovernmental satellite just four years after Sputnik.


  • 这种短信文图片字母数字的组合代表某个单词的,感觉像字谜样。比如:"i <3u"就代表“”(中间的<3像是一颗心的形状,代表“爱”),b4就是before(以前)这个单词的缩写形式,lol则是laugh outloud(大声笑出来)这三个单词的缩写。

    It can be likened to a rebus, which uses pictures and single letters, or numbers to represent whole words (e.g, "i <3 u" meansI love you”, b4 means before, lol means laugh out loud, etc. ).


  • 然而最近智利欧洲南方天文台西蒙·克拉克领导文学家团队宇宙汤中找出一颗“老鼠屎”。

    Recently, however, a team of astronomers working at the European Southern Observatory in Chile, led by Simon Clark, spotted a fly in the cosmic ointment.


  • 撞击几百万之前一颗陨石撞击形成的,如果当时星球上这些可能已经聚集到了撞击坑里,使变成蒸发

    The crater was formed by a meteorite impact billions of years ago, and if there were water on the planet back then, it would have accumulated in the crater, turning it into an evaporative lake.


  • 亚当上帝创造的,看到移动,设身处地想象下。

    Adam is just being created by God he sees one billiard ball moving towards another, put your self in his position.


  • 虽然我们太阳系只有恒星但其实大部分我们太阳相似的恒星不是单个的而是两个恒星相互旋转组成的双星系统,或者甚至包含更多恒星的星系统。

    Although our solar system only has one star, most stars like our sun are not solitary, but are binaries where two stars orbit each other a pair, or multiples involving even more stars.


  • 之前人们报道另外岩石组成太阳系行星但是它们围绕着脉冲星(恒星爆发后遗留的发光的残存物)运转的,不是一颗常态的恒星。

    Three other extrasolar planets believed to be of rocky composition have been reported, but they orbit a pulsar - the flashing corpse of an exploded star - rather than a normal type of star.


  • 13时,巴布尔进军撒马尔罕帝国首都帖木儿在劫掠印度波斯阿拉伯时劫持工匠们建造明珠

    At 13, Babur headed off to capture samarkand-the former imperial capital, a jewel built by craftsmen Timur had kidnapped from raids into India, Persia and Arabia.


  • 幕斯塔法禽类沙门氏检测非常重要,因为沙门氏菌会长期依附禽类脾脏生殖系上,每一颗感染禽类所生的鸡蛋都会被感染

    Mustapha said salmonella testing in poultry is important because it persists in birds' spleens and reproductive tracts. An infected bird passes the infection on to all of its eggs.


  • 国际空间站超过15个国家太空组建的大型载人地球卫星

    The International Space Station is a large, inhabited Earth satellite that more than 15 nations are building in space.


  • 科学家们称发现了碳元素含量超高的钻石星球——星球上的山脉钻石构成的。

    Scientists discovered a massive planet that is so abundant in carbon that any mountains on it could be made from diamonds.


  • 然而最近智利欧洲南方天文研究站西蒙克拉克带领文学家发现宇宙个污点,确切地说是磁星

    Recently, however, a team of astronomers working at the European Southern Observatory in Chile, led by Simon Clark, spotted a fly in the cosmic ointment. Or, more precisely, a magnetar.


  • 西班牙国内经济转型——欧盟个四面碰壁的失败者变为炙手可热的明星——有力的促进了西班牙公司海外的扩张。

    Spanish companies' overseas adventure has been boosted by the transformation of their home economy from an also-ran into one of the star performers of the European Union.


  • 土星外面有冰冷土星环,可能遥远时期它的一颗冰和岩石组成卫星的遗留物,而卫星已经被土星这个巨大的气质行星撕裂、吞噬了

    The icy rings of Saturn could be what's left of an ancient ice-rock moon that got stripped and swallowed by the gas-giant planet. Christopher Intagliata reports.


  • 很多年以前天文学家已经知道有些星系的组成中没有任何形成星体它们都是些年代十分久远的恒星组成的。

    Astronomers have also known for years that some large galaxies don't seem to be forming any new stars; they are full of aging SUNS.


  • 苔丝眼睫毛上,挂满漂浮的雾气凝结而成的细小钻石头发上的水珠,也好像一颗珍珠样。

    Minute diamonds of moisture from the mist hung, too, upon Tess's eyelashes, and drops upon her hair, like seed pearls.


  • 每个耳环部分组成上面红宝石,红宝石下面坠着一颗珍珠

    Each earring is in two parts. There is a red ruby on top and hanging under the ruby there is a large white pearl.


  • 较特斯提卫星另外土星卫星——土卫十三轨道更加靠近土星它们共同创建出独特土星卫星系,称做“特洛伊卫星”。

    Another moon, Telesto, orbits in front of Tethys, creating a grouping unique to the Saturnian system known as trojan moons.


  • Ia型超新星太阳像地球样小致密爆炸而成,这样超新星发射出的光整个银河系

    It is an explosion of an old compact star that is as heavy as the Sun but as small as the Earth. A single such supernova can emit as much light as a whole galaxy.


  • 铁甲威龙》时髦心脏装置雅马哈延森制造;《星际旅行》中“进取号”舰长让。路克•皮卡德(Jean -Luc Picard)2328年移植人造心脏。

    In "Robocop", snazzy cardiac devices are made by Yamaha and Jensen, and in "Star Trek", Jean-Luc Picard, captain of the Enterprise, has one implanted in the year 2328.


  • 铁甲威龙》时髦心脏装置雅马哈延森制造;《星际旅行》中“进取号”舰长让。路克•皮卡德(Jean -Luc Picard)2328年移植人造心脏。

    In "Robocop", snazzy cardiac devices are made by Yamaha and Jensen, and in "Star Trek", Jean-Luc Picard, captain of the Enterprise, has one implanted in the year 2328.


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