• 除非一个计算机高级用户或者你要深入进去解决一些硬件软件问题,否则你将永远不会接触到它,甚至需要考虑到它的存在。

    Unless you are an advanced user, or you run into some sort of hardware or software problem, you'll almost never interact or even need to think about the kernel itself.


  • 确保大型对象系统处理方面获得最优性能中间件软件用户面临一个常见问题

    Ensuring optimum performance is attained on systems processing large objects is an issue commonly faced by users of middleware software.


  • 加剧问题所用软件工具用户IT基础没有办法直接参与进程业务什么意思

    And to exacerbate the problem, the software tools used were meant for an it user base, which leaves the business without a way to directly participate in the process.


  • 然而我们概念化划分优先级并且选择哪些业务问题用户需求需要软件实现采取方法我们行业仍旧是非常有价值的过程

    However, the ways in which we conceptualize, prioritize, and select which business problems and user needs to implement in software remains a highly variable process throughout our industry.


  • 例如这家公司发行软件日子里消费者发现了的一个问题贴出了一个用户处理它的方法。

    For instance, within days of the release of a new piece of software by the company, consumers spotted a problem with it and posted a way for users to deal with it.


  • 微软公司可能进行软件升级解决这个问题,并表示用户浏览器安全级别调高级保护他们免受侵害。

    The company said it might release a software update to fix the problem, adding that adjusting the browser's security Settings to 'high' will protect users from vulnerability.


  • 首先用户手工配置带有多个插件(每个插件都自己的依赖兼容性问题)的软件已经变得日益困难

    First, it has become increasingly difficult for users to manually configure a software stack with multiple plugins that each have their own dependencies and compatibility concerns.


  • 他们可以共同工作发现软件中的问题不是用户发现问题

    Both will be working together to find defects in the software, rather than having their customers find them.


  • 一旦软件发现问题等待用户是否解决方案

    Once the software sees that there's a problem, it waits to see if the user has figured out a solution.


  • 自动化生成文档便可以解决这两个问题可以保持文档的时效性从而使软件用户更加有用

    Automating your documentation's generation will help you keep it up to date and thereby make it more useful for your software's users.


  • 最后软件兴趣集中于问题表象的解决盈利不是从源头上解决(通过用户订阅定期安全更新)。

    In the end, the software industry's interest is in making money from the problem (by selling subscriptions to regular security updates) rather than tackling it at its source.


  • 话而言,试图SharePoint的基础之上制作一个用于协同工作软件,而不会IT企业用户带来令人头痛问题

    In other words, it's a comprehensive attempt to build a working collaborative software package on top of SharePoint, without all the headaches for it or business users.


  • 这个工具代码问题(如我的客户端软件可能设置正确)进行调试时有帮助并且有助于识别其他用户软件问题

    This tool has helped me debug issues with my code, how my codes client software might not be setup correct, and help identify issues with other users software.


  • 最终用户不确定他们添加软件如何符合系统其他部分,并且需要采取什么额外的安全量度时,产生另一个问题

    Another problem arises when the end-user is uncertain as to how their added software fits with the rest of their system and what additional security measures need to be taken.


  • 这个软件可以用来解决那些模型已知,详细结果未知的问题滚动允许用户设置他们希望解决问题参数值

    The software works for problems whose form is know but whose particulars aren't; slider bars allow users to set the values for which they want the problems solved.


  • 问题中的项目包括一个企业级用户应用软件正在进行中的维护以及重要特性增强

    The project in question involves both ongoing maintenance and major enhancements to an enterprise-scale, custom software application.


  • 用户界面(UI)需要解决问题因为长期以来提供一个便于使用的UI就意味着许多产品尝试精确地模仿同类商业软件观感

    The user interface (UI) is a good issue to address because providing a usable UI has historically meant that many products try to exactly mirror the look and feel of a commercial equivalent.


  • 那么用户需要贯穿浏览,手工标记杀毒软件所有功能,从而找出真正问题显示

    The user then needs to sift through those, manually flagging all of the sanitization functions, to get to a point where only the real issues are shown.


  • 软件产品在开发解决问题越多那么使用暴露给用户问题就越少。

    The more issues you fix during the project the less issues you expose your customers to when the application is live.


  • 一旦足够用户采集数据,软件就可以其他用户同种问题提供建议

    Once data is gathered from a large enough number of users, the system can recommend actions that could help other users.


  • 面临HTML5问题因为用户接受浏览器运行软件需要一个适应过程。

    This still suffers from many of the same disadvantages of HTML 5, because it requires a psychological change in customers to accept running apps in the browser.


  • 许多软件产品开发人员最后解决用户界面问题作为一种事后来考虑的问题

    Many software product developers tackle the user interface last, adding it on as an afterthought.


  • PC类似用户同样需要保护他们手机以免受到恶意软件病毒数据丢失问题的困扰。

    Similar to a PC, users need to protect their phones from malware, viruses, data loss and more.


  • 苹果可能平息iphone3g用户的不满,因为苹果通过软件升级解决iphone 3g连接缺陷问题而不是进行召回。如果召回,将会给苹果公司带来巨大损失。

    Apple may attempt to alleviate what iPhone 3g users have perceived to be connectivity problems by way of a software update instead of a recall, which would take a significant chunk from its profits.


  • 简单地说UI软件一部分,它可以帮助用户解决各种问题,而无论问题是如何 Amazon.com找到本书,还是如何控制反应堆

    A UI is simply a piece of software that helps a user solve a problem—whether that problem is how to find a book from Amazon.com or how to control a nuclear reactor.


  • 除此以外,微软愿意安全问题方面,向从事开发第三软件中国程序员提供帮助,保障Windows系统IE浏览器用户安全风险。

    Microsoft also wants to educate more Chinese software developers on security issues to shield Windows and Internet Explorer users from vulnerabilities in third-party programs, said Lambert.


  • Linux用户没有这样好运问题多数发行版使用不同软件安装方法而进一步恶化。

    Linux users have no such luck, and the problem is compounded by the way most distributions use a different installation method.


  • 如果亚洲移动互联网用户,你将会很快面临这个问题互联网架构软件供应商infoblox总裁Cricket Liu说。

    If you are a mobile Internet subscriber in Asia, you may pretty soon, according to Cricket Liu, vice President of architecture at Internet software vendor InfoBlox.


  • 如果亚洲移动互联网用户,你将会很快面临这个问题互联网架构软件供应商infoblox总裁Cricket Liu说。

    If you are a mobile Internet subscriber in Asia, you may pretty soon, according to Cricket Liu, vice President of architecture at Internet software vendor InfoBlox.


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