• 这些用于配置WSIT用户信息的自定义扩展服务器客户看起来一样但是用于扩展元素XML名称空间不同

    The custom extensions used to configure WSIT user information look the same on the client and server sides but differ in the XML namespace used for the extension elements.


  • 为此可以定义特定过滤器这些过滤器定制被获取用户信息列表

    For this, you may define specific filters that will customize the lists of retrieved user information.


  • 一个信息架构正在形成,定义用户访问他们音乐其它媒体文件的习惯。

    An information architecture is emerging that will define the user experience for people accessing their music and other media.


  • 呈现信息可以语义上定义用户喜好相关联

    The information to be presented can be semantically defined to correlate with the user preferences.


  • ui字段如果不是这个信息定义那么通常只是用户必须填写输入就有可能产生输入错误

    At a UI level, the fields for values not defined by this information domain are frequently just boxes that a user must fill in, which leaves room for typing mistakes.


  • RFC 2307定义网络信息服务(NIS)模式标准集合其中包括用户其他的NIS对象。

    RFC 2307 defines a standard set of schema for Network Information Services (NIS), which covers users, groups, and other NIS objects.


  • 信息储存用户定义的、应用每个文档属性中。

    This information is stored in a user-defined property sheet that is applied to each document.


  • 不同实现使用不同的对象指定用户信息并且使用不同的方法定义组成员关系。

    Different implementations use different object classes to specify user and group information, and different ways of defining group membership.


  • 一个部分(004)使用用户定义位置字段,这是自由格式字段,用户可以在其中提供有用无用位置信息

    The next section (line 004) USES the user-defined location field, a free-form field into which the user can provide both useful and non-useful location information.


  • 通过文档,可以定义应用邮件用户公司信息

    With it, you can define a set of corporate information that you want to apply to your mail users.


  • 可以许多用户定义的东西添加信息包括版本组织名称附加文件等。

    You can add information for many user-defined categories, including versions, organization names, attached documents, and more.


  • 每次打开关闭一个标记或者每次解析器看到文本时,节点或文本的信息用户定义函数

    Every time a tag is opened or closed, or any time the parser sees some text, it makes callbacks to some user-defined functions with the node or text information.


  • DarwinInformationTypingArchitecture文档各个部分处理程序信息用户团体之间定义一些关系

    The Darwin information Typing Architecture defines a set of relationships between the document parts, processors, and communities of users of the information.


  • Session使用前面定义属性文件确定适当目标数据库用户信息等等

    This Session makes use of the properties file defined earlier to determine the appropriate target database, user information, and so on.


  • 为限制用户只能查询他们的登录帐户相关信息我们定义以下Query Filter(11)。

    Allowing users to query information only related to their logon account, we define the following query Filter: (Figure 11).


  • 系列第 2部分讨论如何使用DB2forz/OS用户定义函数 z/OS 数据USS文件信息DataWebServices操作集成起来。

    The second part of this article will show you how to use DB2 for z/OS user defined functions to integrate z/OS data set and USS file information with Data Web Services operations.


  • 我们来看信息内容如何按照定义用户需要客户商业需求组织的。

    We look to see how the information and content are structured in terms of defined user needs and client business requirements. Statements used to measure content can include


  • 获得关于Greasemonkey如何开始编写定义用户脚本更多信息请参阅参考资料。

    Consult the Resources for more information about Greasemonkey and how to get started programming your own user scripts.


  • 可以使用系统编目视图轻松地检索关于用户定义数据类型例程信息

    You can use the system catalog views to easily retrieve information about user-defined data types or routines. For example


  • xmlIzPack特有的xml脚本用于定义用户一个安装程序面板输入信息时的行为(验证默认字段大小)。

    UserInputSpec.xml: an IzPack-specific XML script for defining behavior (validation, default values, field size, and so on) when a user enters information into an installer panel.


  • UserTags关于资产用户定义描述性信息附加资产清单分类部分的。

    User Tags - user-defined descriptive information about the assets, which is in addition to the classification section of the asset manifest.


  • 注意清单3定义sessiondata用于保存各种购物车信息用户定义数据结构(点击本文顶部底部的code图标)。

    Note that the SessionData class defined in Listing 3 is a user-defined data structure to store various shopping cart information (Click the code icon at the top or bottom of this article).


  • 除了这些提供空间以外,定制的框架允许业务用户定义他们信息视图满足变化需求

    In addition to these supplied Spaces, the customizable framework empowers business users to customize views of their information to meet their ever changing needs.


  • 构造允许用户定义新的UML概念,而标记则允许用户存储关于这些概念的信息

    While stereotypes allow users to define new concepts in UML, tags allow users to store additional information about these new concepts.


  • 示例定义步骤完成小部件然后使用接收工作项目事件处理信息用户显示信息

    The example custom step completion widget then uses the receive work item event to handle the information and to display the information to users.


  • 除了存储用户信息外,LDAP定义用户可以使一些可选特性得到启用,例如限制登录数量

    In addition to storing user information, defining users in LDAP allows for such optional features as limiting the number of logins.


  • 考虑日志信息(事件、事件用户信息)其他信息(比如负载定义消息)需要数据

    Consider the amount of data required in the log (time, event, and user information) or additional information like payload, custom messages, and so on.


  • 一旦产品后,网站会用户提供找到所有信息帮助用户找到划算的产品(当然,什么最划算是由网站来定义),然后用户可以是否购买决定

    Once a product is chosen, the user is given access to any amount of information he may need to find the best deal - however he defines that term - and makes a purchase decision.


  • 一旦产品后,网站会用户提供找到所有信息帮助用户找到划算产品(当然,什么最划算是由网站来定义),然后用户就可以做是否购买决定

    Once a product is chosen, the user is given access to any amount of information he may need to find the best deal - however he defines that term - and make a purchase decision.


  • 单一ldap服务器定义大量用户信息导致响应时间增加整个系统可能会

    A large amount of user information defined in a single LDAP server can cause the response time to increase and the overall system may slow down.


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