• 开发人员常常以为计算用于网络管理

    A common misunderstanding for developers is that cloud computing applies only to network administrators.


  • 典型的主动式网络主要网络管理主动路由等方面

    The active network can be mainly used in network management and active routing etc.


  • 典型主动式网络主要应网络管理和主动路由等方面。

    Study of active network congestion control model based on Agent;


  • 智能移动代理技术应网络管理系统网络管理系统进行革新一种方式

    It is an innovative way for network management systems to adapt intelligent mobile agent technologies.


  • 此外管理系统可以设置代理信息参数但是通常用于更改网络配置

    In addition, managing systems can set information and parameters on the agent, but this is usually only used to change the network configuration.


  • 混合电力驱动集成功率管理系统技术基础,后者设计用于满足未来地面战斗车辆网络环境下需要

    The hybrid electric drive is the cornerstone of integrated power management designed to meet the demands of future ground combat vehicles in a networked environment.


  • SIPSIP相关标准提供基于标准机制用于任何其他协议上的任何网络查找协商管理对等连接

    SIP and the standards surrounding SIP provide the standards-based mechanisms to look up, negotiate, and manage connections to peers on any network over any other protocol.


  • 论文简要介绍了语义网络用于管理传感器社会化网络之间兼容性

    The paper also Outlines how the Semantic Web can be used to manage the interoperability between sensor networks and social networks.


  • 此外面向对象的DBMS技术用于提供图形数据库管理社交网络解决其他面向关系的数据问题关键

    In addition, object-oriented DBMS technology is being used to deliver graph databases, which are key to managing social networks and addressing other relationship-oriented Big data problems.


  • 基于。net数据共享网站设计运用MicrosoftVisual Studio . netSQLserver软件联合开发用于互联网用户进行数据管理浏览下载一个网络平台

    "The design of date share website based on.net" used by Microsoft Visual Studio.net and SQL server software develop which is a network platform for users manage data, browse and download.


  • SSHSecureSHell用于远程管理UNIX计算机一个网络协议

    SSH, or Secure SHell, is a network protocol for remote administration of UNIX computers.


  • 以下用于WLAN无线承载网络管理的部分常用netsh命令,还有许多命令组合并未列出。

    The following are a few netsh commands commonly used with for wireless LAN and the wireless Hosted Network, although other combinations of commands are supported.


  • 中央工具单一位置存储整个网络用户标识访问控制信息提供用于进行全面管理界面

    Central tools store user identity and access control information for the entire network in a single location and provide screens to manage it all.


  • 每个节点计算网络需要两个地址用于计算地址另一个用于管理控制器BMC),BMC用来进行硬件监视电源控制

    Each node requires two addresses on the compute network: one for the compute address and another for the Baseboard Management Controller (BMC), which is used for hardware monitoring and power control.


  • 运营多个网络并使每个网络针对某种特定服务例如用于传送语音电话的双绞线,难度大,费用高,相比管理单个网络相对容易而且费用偏低。

    Managing a single network is easier and cheaper than struggling to cope with multiple networks, each geared for a specific service, such as the "twisted-pair" wires upon which voice calls travel.


  • 作为5年前关于界面概念系列文章一部分总结一些可用于衣橱管理(wardrobe management)的网络设备的提纲和要点。

    As part of a series of articles on interface concepts five years ago, I outlined a networked device for wardrobe management.


  • 这里说的网络用于管理GigE网络而不是专门用于应用程序通信高性能网络

    We are referring to the GigE network used for management, not specialized high performance networks used for application traffic.


  • Network Auralizer开发用于提供一种环境式”音效环境辅助管理判断网络基准紊乱状态

    The network Auralizer was developed to provide an "ambient" audible environment to assist administrators in sensing a baseline and a perturbed state of their networks.


  • Rational QualityManager一种协作性的、基于网络质量管理软件用于集成性测试规划手工测试以及自动测试工具的集成

    Rational quality Manager is collaborative, Web-based, quality management software for comprehensive test planning, manual testing, and integration with automated test tools.


  • 两人成立了Py ra实验室,目标简单:设计用于网络项目管理应用软件,出售其他公司

    They founded Pyra Labs with a simple mission: to build project-management applications for the Web and sell them to companies.


  • PBNM描述实现用于管理整个网络不是单个设备高层策略

    PBNM describes and implements the high-level policy to manage the entire network rather than individual equipment.


  • 目录服务可以信息发布网络设备管理网络应用管理网络安全各个方面。

    Directory Service can be applied to information publication, network device management, network application management, network security and so on.


  • 简单网络管理协议一套TCP/IP上运行网络管理协议,用于管理服务器代理程序之间传递网络管理信息

    Simple network management protocol is a network management protocol running above TCP/IP that is used to communicate network management information between a management server and an agent.


  • 因此可以广泛用于信息发布网络设备管理网络应用管理网络安全等各个方面。

    Therefore, it can be applied to information published, network equipment management, network application management and network safety systems.


  • 目前基于计算机网络管理信息系统自动控制系统已经广泛地应各个行业的各个领域

    Management information system and automation system based on computer and net has been used in each field of each vocation widely at present.


  • 请选择用于网络联网协议如果无法确定,系统管理员联系

    Select the networking protocols that are used on your network. If you are unsure, contact your system administrator.


  • 用于服务器存储器存储系统中的用于交换,信号传输以及电信网络管理网络基础设施设备焊料中的铅。

    Lead in solders for servers, storage and storage array systems, network infrastructure equipment for switching, signalling, transmission as well as network management for telecommunication.


  • 结论计算机网络技术药品管理前途广阔,今后药学服务模式转变奠定坚实基础

    CONCLUSIONS the technique of computer network applied in drug management has a bright prospect and laid a solid foundation for the transformation of medication service model.


  • 先进网络备份系统用于管理备份媒体其中连接备份服务器通过网络

    Advanced network backup systems can manage backup media which are also connected to the backup server via a network.


  • 在电信网络告警管理,告警关联系统很重要部分,它是用于分析告警数据的专家系统。

    Alarm correlation system is an expertise system to analyze alarm data, which is an important part of telecommunication network management of alarm.


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