• 大多数志愿者他们塑料瓶喝水海鲜,其中可能包含海洋污染带来塑料

    Most of the volunteers said they drank from plastic bottles and also ate seafood that could include plastic from ocean pollution.


  • 更进一步,即便是只有很少验证器可以多种语言(英语汉语法语)发出错误消息

    Furthermore, few validators, if any, render error messages in multiple languages (English, Chinese, French, and so on.).


  • 希望流利英语我们名胜介绍英语的朋友,我希望他们可以我们一样的我们的国家

    I also want to use my good English to introduce our great places to the English spoken people, I hope that they can love our country like us.


  • 人类精神的某些状态比如精神变态,这种理论不通。

    Some human conditions, such as psychopathy, do not make much sense according to this theory.


  • 饭后照样拿起来,杯是所立新约,是为你们流出来的。

    Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you.


  • 真实的并非总是陈述他们实际所指或是所感而是暗语因此人物应该一样

    Real people don't always state what they actually mean or feel, but speak in code, so your characters should do the same.


  • 人们异样目光打量着于是惧怕起来,灵魂,“我们离开这里吧,那赤跳舞的姑娘并不在这儿。”

    And the people of the city looked curiously at him, and he grew afraid and said to his Soul, `Let us go hence, for she who dances with white feet is not here.


  • 人们电话时候电子邮件的时候写,发短信的时候

    People would answer their phones with the saying or use it in E-mails and instant messages.


  • 索贝尔:“方法去想,我们知道这个化学单词’”。

    "Put in the bluntest of ways, we've identified the chemical word for 'no,'" Sobel said.


  • 而且不想隔壁的休息室智能手机再去把你愉悦假期弄没,你呢?

    And besides, you don't want me blowing your blissful vacation high by clutching my smartphone in the chaise lounge next to yours, do you?


  • 世界官僚们最为人熟知本领稀松平常让人费解的术语形容他们的话只有其他同样身为公务员的人才听得懂

    BUREAUCRATS the world over are famous for their ability to describe the most mundane matters in such convoluted terms that only other civil servants understand what they are saying.


  • 其实这与技术多大关系或者我们技术做事能力关系不大,关键如何技术解决具体问题,帮助客户实现需求。

    It's not so much about the technology or our ability to do things with technology that really matters. It's about how you can apply it to solving a specific problem and getting things done for people.


  • 没钱不起外教的学校,通常雇佣印尼人英语教授全部课程即使他们的英语不标准。

    The less expensive ones, unable to hire foreigners, are often staffed with Indonesians teaching all subjects in English, if often imperfect English, she added.


  • 跨国企业已经到处英语进行管理高管他们也说意大利语西班牙语乌尔都语。

    International companies are already full of senior executives who manage in English, but speak Italian or Spanish or Urdu too.


  • 感染病毒感染猪猪与人传播方式大致相同,星期三至少公司他们开发了一种猪疫苗。

    At least one of the companies said Wednesday it's developing a vaccination for pigs, which can contract the virus from infected peoplein much the same way people do.


  • 日本外交大臣冈田克相信可以天安沉没证明为什么日本应该支持美国日本驻军

    Katsuya Okada, Japan's foreign minister says he believes the sinking of the Cheonan helped show the Japanese people why they should support the American troop presence in Japan.


  • 这项研究老鼠来进行发现老鼠对重要应激激素,即使水平老鼠更为敏感就是,相对来,雌老鼠能够适应这种激素的水平。

    The new study, done on rats, finds females are more sensitive to low levels of an important stress hormone and less able to adapt to high levels of it than males.


  • 满以为早就知道了,要是以前我那样多的时间交谈或许向你这些的。

    I took it for granted you knew, but if I had spent as much time talking with you as I did polishing chrome, perhaps I would have.


  • 他们上下楼梯困难下楼时,脚先下楼。但是研究者们报道看到过他们“奔跑”,灵活地越过不平地形,奔跑很长一段距离

    They also have difficulty with stairs and descend feet-first. However, researchers also report seeing quadrupeds' running ', moving agilely over rough terrain and travelling long distances.


  • 接收人想报答的话可以这个社会化售货可以通过谢谢一瓶百事可乐的方式给其他人礼物

    When the recipient redeems the gift notice at any Social Vending System machine, he or she can reply with a thank you or pay it forward by gifting a drink to someone else.


  • 比如,食物奖励藏家里某些角落,让自己出来或者,你可以“食物玩具来给狗喂食”,安德里亚·雅顿

    Place a meal or treats in spots around the house for him to sniff out, orfeed him out of a food-dispensing puzzle toy instead of his bowl, ” says Andrea Arden.


  • 然后做出回答可以录音机记录下你的回答,如果你更喜欢自己想法的话

    You might also answer into a tape recorder if you'd rather talk out your ideas.


  • 在信中虽然大量家务活,但对他来重要的并不是碗、洗衣吸尘器清扫,不是伟哥药片

    Although he does plenty of housework, 'to me it's not the dishes, laundry, vacuuming (or Viagra) that matters,' he writes.


  • 哀歌去哀哭列国女子埃及群众必以此悲哀。 这耶和华的。

    This is the lamentation wherewith they shall lament her: the daughters of the nations shall lament her: they shall lament for her, even for Egypt, and for all her multitude, saith the Lord GOD.


  • 然而卡洛·康泰迪GPS人造卫星同步时钟远远达不到这个准确度,这是因为GPS人造卫星的信号本身受到重力时间膨胀效应的影响。

    But Contaldi says that GPS synchronization is not nearly that accurate, because GPS satellite signals are themselves subject to gravitational time dilation.


  • 应该指出方法5.9,就是“倒置一个表”,可以TieHashTwoWayCPAN模块完成模块做的要比方法中展示很多(假如我自己!)

    I should mention that recipe 5.9, "Inverting a hash," can also be done with my Tie: : hash: : TwoWay CPAN module, which does a lot more than what the recipe shows (if I do say so myself!)


  • 应该指出方法5.9,就是“倒置一个表”,可以TieHashTwoWayCPAN模块完成模块做的要比方法中展示很多(假如我自己!)

    I should mention that recipe 5.9, "Inverting a hash," can also be done with my Tie: : hash: : TwoWay CPAN module, which does a lot more than what the recipe shows (if I do say so myself!)


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