• 尽管瓦尔许多钱,但挥霍如此之巨,以至贫困中死去

    Though Vivaldi had earned a great deal in his lifetime, his extravagance was such that he died in poverty.


  • 艾迪·斯基的祖母金姆·奥尔雷德表示艾迪可能是无意中听到了家人之间谈话,他们谈论弟弟做手术所需的费用。

    Addison Witulski's grandmother Kim Allred said Addison probably overheard a conversation between family members talking about the funds needed to get her little brother to treatment.


  • 博士昆汀·洛特用小刀把蚂蚁刮了毛放到加热,蚂蚁的温度上升了

    When Ph.D. student Quentin Willot shaved an ant with a tiny scalpel and put it under a heat lamp, its temperature jumped.


  • 很早时候,就认识到布尔什·巨大威胁奉献给了这场斗争。

    He recognised the terrible danger of Bolshevism at an early date and dedicated his existence to this struggle.


  • 新郎亨利·海格森林大学毕业,现正在吉尼亚大学攻读工商管理硕士

    The groom, Henry Hager, is a graduate of Wake Forest University and is studying for a Masters in business at the University of Virginia.


  • 26岁作家爱林•杜法儿去年为了毕业学校去了洛杉矶发现电子邮件帮助和一个在纳什尔的朋友爱什丽•斯科娃桃亲近了。

    After Erin Duvall, a 26-year-old writer, moved to los Angeles last year for grad school, she found that email helped her become closer to a good friend in Nashville, Ashley Schwartau.


  • 因此贝克博士华盛顿大学电脑科学家邹兰•波波克,研究赛斯·安德瑞恩•特瑞尔着手编制一个引人入胜的游戏

    So Dr Baker, Zoran Popovic, a computer scientist at the University of Washington, and graduate students Seth Cooper and Adrien Treuille set about creating a compelling computer game.


  • 艾迪特·卡茨博士·卡普兰以及该校教育学专业博士塔玛拉建议家长们孩子们多一些选择,比如何时作业以及在哪里写作业。

    Dr.Idit Katz, Dr.Avi Kaplan and doctoral student Tamara Buzukashvily, of BGU's Department of Education, recommend parents give their children some choices, including when or where to do homework.


  • 达拉·佛尔,保罗大学繁忙芝加哥校园交换去年回到慢节奏的加州萨克拉门托的父母住处的经历几乎算得上文化冲击

    Darla Weaver, a transfer student at DePaul University's bustling Chicago campus, says going back to her parents' house last summer in sleepy Sacramento, Calif. was sort of a culture shock.


  • 伊丽莎白·格拉迪斯·米尔娜·迪安1912年2月2日出伦敦大部分时间都是在英国海边小镇南安普顿度过的,这里是泰坦尼克号

    Born in London on Feb. 2, 1912, Elizabeth Gladys "Millvina" Dean spent most of her life in the English seaside town of Southampton, Titanic's home port.


  • 命运和开了个残酷玩笑,让他贵族之家却身为侏儒,然而他迅速地其睿智给出了一个实用·特洛大陆存法则:“不要相信任何人。”

    He's in on the cosmic joke of being a "high-born dwarf" and is quick to give practical Westeros wisdom: "Trust no one."


  • 巴菲特(Warren Buffett)今天》(Today)节目主持人埃拉(Meredith Vieira)均表示尽管理想中的学校拒绝令人沮丧却为他们打开了另扇门,他们遇到改变自己良师益友。

    Both Warren Buffett and 'Today' show host Meredith Vieira say that while being rejected by the school of their dreams was devastating, it launched them on a path to meeting life-changing mentors.


  • 经历丰富克利斯·朵夫又交了很多朋友但是再没有一个比得上奥里这样亲密的了。

    In his eventful life Christophe made many more friends, but none so dear as Olivier.


  • 明尼苏达大学一个博士ShyongLam注意少数女性编辑歪曲上一些引起男性兴趣的条目。

    Shyong (Tony) Lam, a U of M doctoral student, noted that a smaller number of female editors has skewed Wikipedia’s coverage towards topics of interest to males.


  • 据英国《每日邮报》9月25日报道。用餐后埋诺尔·汉丹尼·波特拼命了命才叫到了服务顿饭让他们受挫,继而俩人研发出一套互动点单系统

    A restaurant meal that ended in frustration as Noel Hunwick and Danny Potter tried desperately to get the attention of the waiter to pay the bill led them to develop an interactive ordering system.


  • 总部位于纽约扫描技术提供商s canbuy的首席执行官迈克·威尔斯坦承这种情形下,“多数公司都对营销活动的效果不满。”

    Mike Whers, CEO of Scanbuy, a New York-based provider of scanning technology, admits that in those types of cases "most companies aren't satisfied with the performance of their campaigns."


  • 这个夏天McGloon先三个阳光奥斯实习

    This summer, Mr. McGloon has three SUNY Oswego interns.


  • 通过人物展示,感性凶猛热爱大自然的里妮特丽(Neytiri)栩栩如的出现在了3D银幕之上。

    Sensuous and fierce, the nature-loving Neytiri provided 3-D cinema with its first three-dimensional character.


  • 1月13日,在奥地利首都也纳举行的2011年也纳老爷车,观众观看辆1957年产的奥迪DKW1000S轿车

    People look a 1957 Audi DKW1000S car during 2011 Vienna Classic Car Show in Vienna, Austria.


  • 教授看到了智力社会资本的五分量大多数毕业至少取得了一进步

    Prof Javidan sees an advance of at least one point on a five-point scale in intellectual and social capital in most graduates.


  • 安妮•莱兹,展览:“摄影家:1990年- 2005年”。请跟我来!

    I'm Annie Leibovitz, and this is my show, a Photographer's Life: 1990-2005. Come on!


  • 美国乔治城大学路易斯尔大学俄亥俄州立大学要求本科使用智能手机。

    In America, Georgetown University, the University of Louisville and Ohio State University are among those requiring undergraduates to use one.


  • 贫民窟里服装出口商,改建后的达拉“对企业一定会有帮助,”。

    The revamp will "definitely help my business, " said one garment exporter who works and lives in the slum.


  • 一位顾客非常不情愿地服务那只莫名其妙京人合唱队赞颂这些肉食品

    A customer reluctantly listens as awaitress and her inexplicable chorus of Vikings extol the virtues of the processed meat.


  • 一位顾客非常不情愿地服务那只莫名其妙京人合唱队赞颂这些肉食品

    A customer reluctantly listens as awaitress and her inexplicable chorus of Vikings extol the virtues of the processed meat.


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