• 中国生物学家余勇向我们展示这座宽敞建筑空荡荡桌子,上面有插图时间轴详细介绍了20世纪80年代以来中国南极行动快速增长

    Yong Yu, a Chinese microbiologist, showed off the spacious building, with empty desks under an illustrated timeline detailing the rapid growth of China's Antarctic operations since the 1980s.


  • 中国生物学家余勇向我们展示这座宽敞建筑里面课桌空空如也。他一张配有插图时间轴上详细描述中国南极探险活动上世纪80年代以来的快速增长

    Yong Yu, a Chinese microbiologist, showed off the spacious building, with empty desks under an illustrated timeline detailing the rapid growth of Chinas Antarctic operations since the 1980s.


  • 20世纪20年代生物学家在一个装着巢穴附近发现了一只小恐龙化石遗迹

    In the 1920s, a paleontologist discovered the fossil remains of a small dinosaur near a nest containing eggs.


  • 大利亚正经历着自20世纪30年代以来最严重的干旱,丛林大火已经持续了很长时间,造成许多生物死亡。

    Australia is undergoing its worst drought (干旱) since the 1930s, leaving bushfires burning so long and causing many deaths.


  • 1770年代得到改变当时一个死了这种奇怪生物作为英格兰公共奇物展览

    That changed in the 1770s, when a dead specimen of this odd beast was exhibited in England as a public curiosity.


  • 华盛顿大学心理学生物教授麦克·比(Michael Beecher)在20世纪80年代建立一种假说认为社会群体大小个体区别有关

    Michael Beecher, a professor of psychology and biology at the University of Washington, developed the hypothesis in the 1980's that social group size predicts individual differences.


  • 上世纪70年代佐治亚大学生物专业研究生马克迪丽娅欧文斯突然产生了在遥远非洲重新安家冲动。

    In the early nineteen-seventies, Mark and Delia Owens, two graduate students in biology at the University of Georgia, were seized by the idea of resettling in remotest Africa.


  • 1980年代幅人熊照片澳大利亚科学家TimFlannery最初这种生物定性袋鼠

    In the 1980s, a photograph of the Bondegezou was sent to Australian research scientist Tim Flannery, who initially identified the creature as a young tree kangaroo.


  • 08年一月研究人员发现这种硕大生物残骸据此猜测生物生活年代,以及体重可能为1

    In January of 2008 researchers uncovered the remains of the enormous creature and guessed that, back when it was alive, the rodent weighed about 1 ton.


  • 上世纪80年代法国科学家联手开展研究以来,泰国生物学家们记录了五个恐龙属种六个以前未知物种

    Paleontologists have documented five new genuses of dinosaurs and six previously unknown species since research began in the 1980s in partnership with French scientists.


  • 这个物种19世纪20年代南边扩展佛罗里达州,基本上正是那里变成自有生物天堂时间。

    This species only colonized the Florida (from the South) in the nineteen twenties, which corresponds approximately when the state became a haven for the older of own species.


  • “八十年代开发生物沙子饮用水过滤系统”,利森,“迄今为止全面研究不同效率饮水系统的特点。”

    BSFs were developed in the 1980s, ” says Jellison. “This is the most comprehensive study to date to characterize the efficiency of different filter types.”


  • 这些研究始于90年代那时从事植物研究的研究人员线虫生物学家学会使用RNA分子关闭基因

    The story started to unfold in the late 1990s, when plant researchers and nematode biologists learned to use small RNA molecules to shut down genes.


  • 二十世纪七十年代许多美国公司开始走出更加传统工业进入IT硬件软件生物技术领域

    In the 1970s, he says, many Americans started to get out of more traditional industries and into it hardware, software and biotech.


  • 与老式木制不同大型金属船只骨架历经海洋磨砺,经过漫长年代,最终变成各种海洋生物家园避风港

    The bones of great metal ships, unlike the wooden vessels of old, survive the ravages of the sea long enough to become home and 6 haven for Marine life of all kinds.


  • Aurora生物燃料公司魏斯曼自从上个世纪70年代石油危机以来一直研究种植海藻作为燃油可能性

    Joseph Weissman of Aurora Biofuels has been researching the potential of growing algae as a potential source of fuel oil since the oil crisis of the late 1970s.


  • 1885年它们英国列为灭绝的生物19世纪50年代80只繁殖的雄鸟归来。

    They were judged extinct in the UK by 1885 but then made a comeback so that by the 1950s there were some 80 booming males.


  • 20世纪70年代以来,分子生物学家物种之间转移基因转移种基因;他们工作我们带来了转基因农作物生物技术药物

    Molecular biologists have been transferring genes between species, one at a time, since the 1970s; their work has given us genetically modified crops and biotechnology drugs.


  • 和70年代生物科技一样地球工程学无法和通常科学获得一样的对待

    Like the biotechnology of the 1970s, geoengineering cannot be treated just as science-as-usual.


  • 上世纪90年代克服非洲谷类生产最大生物障碍,就是能使庄稼枯死的一种叫斯特赖加的寄生杂草

    In the 1990s, he conquered the greatest biological constraint to cereal production in Africa - the deadly weed Striga.


  • 不过20世纪80年代生物学者发现了完整的牙形刺化石标本直到最近科学家们开始揭露出它们秘密

    In the 1980s, however, paleontologists found full fossilized conodont specimens, and only recently have scientists begun to unravel their secrets.


  • 20世纪80年代科学家们认为地球周期性生物灭绝可能遥远太空涅墨西斯星球造成星球和太阳很相似。

    In the 1980s scientists believed that Earth's regular extinctions could be the result of a distant dark twin of the Sun, called Nemesis.


  • 二十世纪七十年代开始,在古生物学圈,关于鸟类是否是就是一种被称作兽脚亚目的双脚恐龙群组进化而来争论一直喋喋不休。

    Starting in the 1970s, a growing number of paleontologists argued that birds had evolved from a two-legged group of dinosaurs called theropods.


  • 普林斯顿获得宗教史博士学位以后,进入一家叫Medarex美国生物技术公司工作丈夫上世纪80年代进入了领域

    After a doctorate at Princeton in the history of religion, she went to work at Medarex, an American biotech firm that her husband was just getting off the ground in the 1980s.


  • 普林斯顿获得宗教史博士学位以后,进入一家叫Medarex美国生物技术公司工作丈夫上世纪80年代进入了领域

    After a doctorate at Princeton in the history of religion, she went to work at Medarex, an American biotech firm that her husband was just getting off the ground in the 1980s.


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