• 今天科学家主流观点没有生物学意义社会结构

    Today, the mainstream belief among scientists is that race is a social construct without biological meaning.


  • ·波依斯担心用来作为生物学层面上解释,并用以说明所理解不同人群之间社会文化差异

    Du Bois was concerned that race was being used as a biological explanation for what he understood to be social and cultural differences between different populations of people.


  • 按照进化生物学术语,其使得间日疟原虫预适应了一没有进化到以便处理威胁

    It has also, in the jargon of evolutionary biology, pre-adapted vivax to a threat it has not evolved to deal with.


  • 壶有效性更加具有生物学意义解释称为纤毛细小毛发结构有关,排列鼻腔以及鼻窦腔内

    A more biological explanation for how the Neti pot works has to do with tiny, hair-like structures called cilia that line the inside of the nasal and sinus cavities.


  • 瑞典乌普萨拉进化生物学中心西班牙塞维利亚纳纳生物研究人员22的82个进行了研究。

    Researchers from the Evolutionary Biology Centre, Uppsala, Sweden and the Donana Biological Station, Seville, Spain studied 82 species of birds from 22 families.


  • 所以有人坚持待议身份,之间生物学差异,我们可能并不觉得是个问题。

    So there is an insistence here on a biological difference between these two forms of discussing identity which may or may not seem to us to be problematic.


  • 我们兴趣在于行为灵活性能否提高某个城市成功立足的几率,”进化生物学专家AlexeiMaklakov博士解释说

    "We were interested whether behavioural flexibility can increase the chance of a given species to successfully colonise cities," explained evolutionary biology expert Dr Alexei Maklakov.


  • 研究人员在本周的《当代生物学》上报道说,贝塔微精原蛋白第一海洋动物发现的能够激发进攻性本能的化学物质。

    microseminoprotein is the first aggression-triggering compound found in marine animals, the researchers reports this week in Current Biology.


  • 目前生物学常用的有二十化学家可以制造出上千其他核酸。

    At the moment only 20 are used routinely in biology, but chemists can make thousands of others.


  • “与其说生物学问题,不如说这是行为学上的问题,”Popkin博士:“有些‘非营养性甜味剂作为拐杖”(译者注:‘拐杖’引申为一假性帮助,而且让人产生依赖,例如巴达维主张马来人应该要丢下‘拐杖’,继续前进),而其他人利用它们帮助建立一个健康的饮食习惯。”

    It’s more a behavioral issue than a biological one, ” Dr. Popkin said. “Some people use non-nutritive sweeteners as a crutch; other use them to help create a healthy diet.”


  • 过去十年的努力之下,新的生物学形成了。

    As the decade played out, a new kind of biology emerged.


  • 其实我们得到这些实验数据之前我们生物学基础上“被拒绝”一定的了解,具有特殊职能进化而来反应

    Even before the results come in, there is a lot we can say about the biology of rejection which suggest that it is an evolved response with specific functions.


  • 有些甚至认为,大脑中存在直觉生物学模块,所具有人类物理学知识,并不相同的常识性生物学知识

    Some have even argued that there is an intuitive biology, a common-sense biological understanding of the world that's separate from your understanding of people and physics.


  • 确实我们模仿喜爱可能是出自求生方面好处它深深根植于我们进化生物学中,甚至连猴子喜欢模仿他们打交道。

    Indeed our fondness for imitation may be a survival advantage, deeply rooted in our evolutionary biology - even monkeys become more willing to engage in a kind of commerce with those who imitate them.


  • 我们可能需要更加深入地把历史学当作生物学分支学科来研究,专注研究动物行为表现,那便是智人

    We might even go further and argue that history has become a sub-field of biology, focusing on the behaviour of one animal, Homo sapiens.


  • 当然除外那些生物学角度上,某些物判断力相当

    Except, of course, that those two senses are probably, biologically speaking, the same thing.


  • 项最新科学研究表明,不遵守诺言复杂神经生物学反应活动,对大脑进行图像扫描能够预测一个是否是不遵守诺言却作出虚假承诺的食言者。

    Breaking a promise is a complex neurobiological event, a new study shows-and a brain scan may be able to predict those who are making false promises before they break their word.


  • 教育者空怀着一希望,希望学生学习地理数学语文生物学等等课程的过程学会批判性思维。

    The vain hope is that in the process of studying geography, math, English, biology, and so on, students will learn to think critically.


  • 只有将来采用抑郁生物学标志疾病机制研究才能明确假设贴切的”。

    Only a future mechanism of disease study with a biologic marker for depression can clearly identify which of the . . . hypotheses is most pertinent.


  • 始祖鸟曾经被广泛认为是最早鸟类最新研究发现其实恐龙给古生物学带来哪些改变?

    Archaeopteryx, widely regarded as being the world's oldest known bird, has just been knocked off its scientific perch, since new research concludes this feathered animal was, in fact, a dinosaur.


  • 全新遗传密码已经诞生了,一同面世的还有新的翻译机制使得具有生物学效应。

    A TOTALLY new genetic code has been devised, along with machinery that could make it a biological reality.


  • 在这里输入译文自闭症经常报道神经生物学相关条件集合

    Autism is a collection of related neurobiological conditions that is being reported more often.


  • 当人类能用类似原体方法或者其它方法制造生命时,需要考虑立法的形式阻止有害生命体形式被释放出来的情况就是生物学差错生物恐怖攻击。

    With regard to regulations to prevent the release of hazardous life forms made in ways akin to the new Mycoplasma or by other means, there are two scenarios: bioerror and bioterror.


  • 华盛顿大学心理学生物学教授麦克·比(Michael Beecher)在20世纪80年代建立假说认为社会群体大小个体区别有关

    Michael Beecher, a professor of psychology and biology at the University of Washington, developed the hypothesis in the 1980's that social group size predicts individual differences.


  • 笛卡尔我们需要全新思考方式因为那时新的科学技术使得新的思考成为可能。生物学告诉人们微生物导致了人们生病,于是人们很快找到了治病的良方,无数的病人不再遭受痛苦的煎熬。

    Descartes said we need an entire new way of thinking when the scientific method provided that new way of thinking, and biology showed that microorganisms caused disease, suffering was alleviated.


  • 肿瘤基因疾病当前分子生物学领域中,细胞癌变细胞信号传导系统、细胞周期调控、细胞生长和分化以及细胞凋亡等均有关联

    Tumor is a kind of gene disease in the field of molecular biology, canceration is correlated with signal transduction system, regulate of cell cycle, differentiation and development of cell apoptosis.


  • 肿瘤基因疾病当前分子生物学领域中,细胞癌变细胞信号传导系统、细胞周期调控、细胞生长和分化以及细胞凋亡等均有关联

    Tumor is a kind of gene disease in the field of molecular biology, canceration is correlated with signal transduction system, regulate of cell cycle, differentiation and development of cell apoptosis.


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