• 废水生物处理系统运行管理水平会极大影响处理效果

    The operation and management level of the biological wastewater treatment system plays important role in treatment efficiency.


  • 稳定性废水厌氧生物处理系统重要特性环境水质条件变化常见失稳致因

    Stability is an important characteristic of anaerobic wastewater treatment systems, environmental and wastewater composition variations are usual causes of instability.


  • 标记用于快速准确地鉴别监测有机工业废水生物处理系统中的功能QX-5。

    The mark is used in identifying and monitoring functional bacterium QX-5 in organic industrial effluent treating system fast and accurately.


  • 沿海城市海水利用后,海水污水城市污水处理生物处理系统可能造成影响进行了研究、试验,结果表明。

    The possible effect of sewage containing seawater from seawater utilization in coastal cities on biological treatment system of urban sewage treatment plants was studied and tested.


  • 实践证明利用解氧化降低浓废水中的磷化物盐浓度,对保证后续生物处理系统正常运行重要作用

    The operation results show that the basic oxidation is effect to decrease the contents of ammonia nitrogen, phosphide and salt. This is very favorable to the following biological treatment.


  • 因此,建议W6工段废水直接进入好氧生物处理系统W1W3工段废水在好氧生物处理前后采取必要的脱毒措施。

    It is proposed that wastewater from W6 should not be discharged directly into biological treatment systems, and wastewater from W1 and W3 should be detoxified before or after the biological treatment.


  • 讨论了国内外有机废水生化处理技术研究进展以及盐生物处理系统影响,并全面分析了高盐度有机废水生物处理可行性

    Influence of salt on microbial system and development of biotreatment technology are reviewed, and feasibility of biotreatment of highly salinity wastewater is also discussed.


  • 这套处理系统按照国际标准设计,可以限制压舱水中生物含量

    The treatment system is designed to meet international standards that limit the number of living organisms in ballast water.


  • 美国各地许多城镇已经开始现有污水处理系统当中采用这种细菌生物的半圆形设备

    Several towns nationwide have started using the domes lined with bacterial biofilm to clean water in existing facilities.


  • 来自夏威夷大学生物学家JonPuritz主导的一项研究表明,污水处理系统受污染河流排放的水会使得这种海星发生基因变异。

    A study led by biologist Jon Puritz of the University of Hawaii found discharges from water treatment systems and contaminated rivers led to genetically different sea star populations of the species.


  • 进行了生物反应器(MBR)用于火电厂中水用水处理系统试验获得运行优化参数

    Test of using membrane bioreactor (MBR) in water treatment system for reusing intermediate water in power plants has been carried out, obtaining parameters for operation optimization.


  • 介绍一种基于IBM PC微机或其兼容机核心通用生物医学信号采集处理系统

    This paper introduces a biological medical signal data acquisition and process system in common use based on IBM-PC microcomputer for the core.


  • 污染物中央空气处理系统能够成为模子霉菌其它生物污染源饲养地,并且能够通过房间这些污染物排出。

    Contaminated central air handling systems can become breeding grounds for mold, mildew, and other sources of biological contaminants and can then distribute these contaminants through the home.


  • 生物破碎结合机理阐述了活性污泥法处理系统曝气相关性

    Description on the correlation of aerobic basin in activated sludge treatment system to secondary sedimentation basin from bioflocs breaking and incorporated in its mechanism were presented.


  • 生物反应器新型处理系统

    Membrane bioreactor is one of the new wastewater treatment systems.


  • 本文提出了一个关于纺织厂生物污水处理系统数学模型

    The paper proposes a mathematical model of a biomass wastewater treatment system in textile factory.


  • 环保处理系统沼气设备生物能源设备。

    Environment treatment systems, biogas installations and bio energy installations.


  • 人工神经网络模糊识别理论作为模拟生物信息处理系统

    The artificial neural network(ANN) and the fuzzy recognition(FR) are information process systems to simulate biological mechanism.


  • 文章针对国内生物发电项目锅炉补给处理系统进行简要介绍

    The article gives a brief introduction on the replenishment water treatment system of certain domestic biomass power generation projects.


  • 生物医学信号采集处理系统硬件软件部分组成。

    The acquisition and processing system of biomedical signals is composed of two parts: hardware and software.


  • 方法利用激光陷阱技术,激光器、生物显微镜CCD传感器计算机图像处理系统构成进行操纵

    Methods we constructed an optical tweezers which consists of a Laser, a microscope, a CCD camera and computer image processing system, and manipulated some cells with the tweezers.


  • 养殖排污水循环处理系统净化沉淀净化池、反冲物理过滤装置生物净化池组成。

    Recycle system of shrimp culture wastewater was consisted of rotifer pond, deposit pond, bounce-back physical filtrate instrument and biological filtrate pond.


  • 最后指出了一些值得关注的研究问题过程控制并行设计集成化城市污水处理系统以及现代微生物分析方法利用。

    Some research challenges such as integration of process design and control, the integrated urban wastewater system and application of novel analytical and investigative methods are presented.


  • 常规藻类处理系统难以达到藻类高生物生长发挥净化潜力

    Normal algal treatment system is difficult to make algal grow up to maximum biomass and give full play to its purification potential.


  • 成立于1970年,提供先进高性能超高压食品生物制品加工处理系统,包括实验型到生产型等一系列设备

    STANSTED FLUID POWER LTD, established in 1970, offer a full rang of advanced, high performance, instruments for research and development in high pressure food processing and bioscience.


  • 寻找污水处理系统的膜生物反应器

    I am looking for MBR wastewater treatment.


  • 我们采用数字图像处理系统根据生物力学原理我省女子举重队队员抓举动作进行了分析。着重研究了杠铃重心轨迹及速度;肩关节、膝关节和髋关节的角度变化。

    According to the principles of mechanics, we have analysed the snatch of a. Female athlete of our provincial weightlifting team by means of a data image processing system.


  • 针对两个问题,本文利用污水厂的污泥富集硝化菌,然后添加到污水处理系统,探讨生物添加对污水处理系统硝化性能生物群落结构及数量的影响。

    Ihese two issues can be solved simultaneously by bioaugment, that is sewage sludge water is used to enrichment the nitrifier, and then added to the sewage treatment system.


  • 广州威达高实业有限公司A引进芬兰YIT公司物化生物二级废水处理系统

    The physicochemical and biological two stages treatment systems was imported to Pa- per Mill A of Guangzhou Victorgo Industrial Co. Ltd. from YIT, Finland.


  • 广州威达高实业有限公司A引进芬兰YIT公司物化生物二级废水处理系统

    The physicochemical and biological two stages treatment systems was imported to Pa- per Mill A of Guangzhou Victorgo Industrial Co. Ltd. from YIT, Finland.


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