• 不管怎么样这件作品仍然让感觉到达风当初宋庄生活片段

    In any case, this work enabled me to shed some light on the life Gao Feng led in Songzhuang.


  • 去年8月开始在农村生活以来,32岁的德米特里已经创作了数百个视频片段,记录了丽水市横樟村放松的生活方式。

    Since Dmitry started to live in the countryside last August, the 32-year-old has created hundreds of video clips that record the relaxing lifestyle in Hengzhang village, Lishui city.


  • (让参与者观看能够引起快乐悲伤情绪电影片段要求他们仔细回想自己生活积极或消极一方面)。

    He did this by having them watch movie clips that either invoked happy or sad emotions, and asking them to dwell on positive or negative aspects of their own lives.


  • 发自肺腑之言,一些漫无边际的叙述,日常生活细枝末节像看牙医交通纠纷失效的洗选强化剂),还有丰富多彩的生活里那些幸福的片段

    They are spontaneous and unstructured, full of daily minutiae (visits to the dentist, car trouble, useless builders) and delightful snippets from her colourful personal life.


  • 失败仅仅我们自然平凡生活片段说不上不能说——只是学习的途径而已。

    But failure is a normal and natural part of life that is neither bad nor good - it's just how we learn.


  • 美国,能家庭生活歪曲拍成精彩片段的导演中,斯皮尔伯格著名的,甚至也的确是最在行的。

    Mr Spielberg became America's best-known, and perhaps best, film director by fusing blockbuster spectacle with an unflinching take on family life.


  • 想起了这时间生活中的几个幸福片段

    I was thinking about some recent moments of happiness in my own life.


  • Lucas:即便我们有着不同工作,但我们关注一起生活一个片段这些意义深刻的。

    LUCAS: Watching every single episode of the Wire together, which is impressive, considering our different work schedules.


  • Amber熟悉这个家庭生活习惯,家中拜访,捕捉那些独一无二生活片段

    Amber first learns about a family and their lifestyle, and then visits them in their home to capture moments that are unique in their lives.


  • 这些发掘片段墨尔本人,了解世纪他们祖先怎么生活

    The fragments unearthed will provide Melburnians a better understanding of how their ancestors lived a century ago.


  • 每一地图绘制者都携带业力片段现今生活处理

    Each map carver has taken a piece of the karma to settle in one's present day life.


  • 影片通过生活之中种种片段一个即将步入天堂父亲对于儿子牵挂关爱表现得细微平淡令人感动观众从中看到父爱的伟大

    The film through the life various clips, will be the father of heaven for son into the care and love, are doing fine dull but moving, let the audience to see the great father.


  • 我们碎片化方式来看每个生活最好一面时,我们往往会这些片段连接起来认为这就是真实的现实,从而产生忽视或者被隔离的焦虑感。

    But when we see the best side of everyone's life in such a fragmented way, we tend to connect the pieces and think of them as reality, which can cause an anxiety of missing out or being left out.


  • 这个概念不仅挪用艺术作品片段或者是单纯把艺术作品从环境转移一个环境中,而且它还是社会文化行为的一个标志对艺术生活的看法的一种改变

    This is not only a borrowing of art work or its fragments for own utility or their transfer to another context, but also a sign of sociocultural act, that changes perception of art and daily life.


  • 里面提前便感受到了大学生活食堂片段——有限的几个窗口前无限长的队伍

    In that inside, I have felt a few years ahead of the university cafeteria grab fragments of life - a limited number of Windows is unlimited long before the team.


  • 与其说关于生活中的片段倒不如说是关于吸引力两个重要组成部分。

    This is not about thin-slicing as much as it is about two crucial components of human attractiveness.


  • 制作剪贴时候,生活照片一些片段一个的、书里这样可以回顾看看取得的成就。

    When you scrap-book, you take snippets and photos of your life and stick them in a big, empty book so you can look back on them and see what you've accomplished.


  • 记录生活片段实在太多了。

    To record the lives of fragments is too much.


  • 记录真实生活场景、用影像保存真实历史片段纪录片最为基本社会文化功能

    Documentary has quite a few functions. Its most basic cultural function is to record the real life and the historical fragments.


  • 全高的黑白照片当地著名视觉艺术家摄影作品拼贴而成,充满了浓厚的生活气息热情的待客之道,让宾客品味到了成都市民丰富生活片段,还延续了酒店公共空间的艺术体验

    The artistic flavour of the hospitality experience was completed by a full-height black and white photo-collage wall of the city life by a famous local visual artist.


  • 本片15个片段,记录依然生活当地矿工已故者和那个即将消逝的时代

    This film mainly reflects local old miners' life either alive or dead as well as that special time, with 15 film sections.


  • 我会播放一个片段,是关于如何绘画的,你还会了解一些住的地方,班加罗尔。(音乐)这些画作生活中的

    I'm going to show you a very quick clip to show you how I painted and a little bit about my city, Bangalore. (Music) They had to be larger than life.


  • 荷兰已经将近一个篇日志主要展示荷兰一些有意思口袋书籍设计的一些生活片段

    I've been in the Netherlands for about one month, Here are some pocket-mini book designs that really impressed me and my life scene in Rotterdam.


  • 生活就是世界中的存在片段时钟我们记录生命历程分分秒秒,日历为我们记录了生命历程日日夜夜。

    Life is the presence of fragments in the world, the clock for us to record every second of the life course, the calendar records the life course of our days and nights.


  • 生活就是世界中的存在片段时钟我们记录生命历程分分秒秒,日历为我们记录了生命历程日日夜夜。

    Life is the presence of fragments in the world, the clock for us to record every second of the life course, the calendar records the life course of our days and nights.


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