• 你要开始现在时间看成生活时光不是为未来忧虑时光

    Begin to view your present moments as times to live, rather than times to worry about the future.


  • 安迪知道日复一日同样事情并且任何有创意的事拥有任何能够享受生活时光

    Andy: You know, doing the same thing day in day out, and not doing anything creative, or having any time to enjoy life.


  • 是个指引女性们穿越她们生活黑暗时光希望的灯塔。

    She is a beacon of hope for women navigating the darkest passage of their lives.


  • 这宝贵的晨间时光做一些锻炼,享受早餐,享受生活

    Use that precious (宝贵的) morning time to get some exercise, eat breakfast and enjoy life.


  • 那些孩子送进大学父母,“生命最美好的时光”,加上一句“如果应对大学生活压力的话”更加合适。

    For parents who send their kids off to college saying, "These will be the best years of your life," it would be very appropriate to add, "If you can handle the stress of college life."


  • 所以他用一种方式怀念渴望人还是孩子生活过的地方,渴望经历那种时光渴望成为他们之一。

    So, in a way, by longing to be where they were when they were children, by longing to inhabit that time, as well, he wants to become them.


  • 有些时候我们应该不断提醒自己人无完人,我们所要的只是享受我们孩子在一起的这些时光生活应该充满欢乐——一定要快乐啊

    Sometimes we need to remind ourselves that no one is perfect, that we should be enjoying this time with our kids, and that life should be fun -and funny.


  • 简单生活传媒六月份主题旅游家庭时光所以今天问题非常符合这个话题

    June's theme for Simple Living Media is travel and family time, so today's question is perfect for this topic.


  • 看着时光流逝我们知道:就是生活的全部了吗?

    We see time leaking away and begin to wonder, "is this all there is to life?"


  • 乔治桑孩子一起生活游历西班牙,到乔治桑诺昂古宅度过幸福时光

    They lived together with her two children, travelled to Spain and blissfully whiled away their time at Sand's ancestral property at Nohant.


  • 野营给了我们一段美好时光,患有自闭症只是人们正常生活中的一部分

    What the camp has given us is an opportunity to have a good time, and to do that among people for whom -autism is a -normal part of life.


  • 通过这种方法我们便学习如何生活拥有越来越宁静时光

    And we can learn to have more and more moments of peacefulness in our life.


  • 这种生活方式最棒一点就是我们真正品尝享受生活的特殊时光

    The great thing about this way of life is that we truly taste and enjoy the special moments.


  • 工作生活即将结束之时,预期还有长的黄金休闲时光呢?

    HOW much golden leisure can you expect at the end of your working life?


  • 那些获得徽章交易受到挫折段用来消遣的好时光他们的生活消失了

    Those who use it to gain mayorships, badges and deals will be frustrated that a fun pastime is missing from their lives.


  • 杨雷作为一个志愿者度过了生活最好时光

    The time Yang Lei spent as volunteer was the best of her life.


  • 这里要强调的生活找出完全没有杂音时光自己置于一种允许被非自然外部力量消极影响生活的境地。

    What I am stressing here is to find time in your life to be without noise. Put yourself in a position that does not allow unnatural outside forces to negatively affect your life.


  • 警方表示他们希望就是结束城市乞讨儿童乞讨生活那么孩子就可以时间在家享受他们童年时光

    Police say all they hope for is an end to child beggars in the city, so the children are given time to enjoy their childhood at home.


  • 劝说自己我还年轻,在这个年龄应该率性而无忧无虑开心而又愉快的生活不要浪费了美好的青春时光

    I tried to tell myself that I'm young, that this is the time to be casual, careless, lighthearted and fun; don't ruin it.


  • 生活一串串快乐时光,我们不仅仅为了生存而生存。

    Life is a chain of moments of enjoyment, not only about survival.


  • 实际上留学生活中的大部分时光无聊的。

    Actually most of the time my life of studying abroad is really boring.


  • 过了一会,感觉好像是脆弱的,生活感到很好奇,时光漫漫干净的家,花园桥牌但是的注意力还是迅速恢复

    For a moment she seems fragile and lost, and I wonderabout her life, the telescoping days of cleaning and gardening and bridgeplaying, but then my own concerns crash back in again.


  • 自豪地回首时光健康的、免于残忍生活开端作为自己给予新生儿礼物而心满意足。

    You'll look back on this time with pride and the satisfaction ofknowing that you gave your newborn the gift of a wholesome, cruelty-freeentrance into the world.


  • 生活最美好的时光之一开始职业棒球联盟出现的冲突不和。

    One of the most idyllic times in my life began with strife and discord -- in the professional baseball world, that is.


  • 习惯可以引导进入一种静心生活,从而产生更高、优质的工作效率继而更多闲暇时光喜欢事情

    It is a habit that will lead you to a life where you have peace of mind, better and more efficient work churn out and more time on your hands to do the things you enjoy.


  • 成功意味着要牺牲童年的美好时光但是回报是——摆脱累人生活

    Success would mean a childhood sacrifice but the rewardan escape from this that backbreaking life.


  • 如果我们幸运的话,我们甚至可以将午睡慢慢引入我们生活文化中,帮助我们摆脱酷暑难耐的时光

    If we're really lucky, we might even find the siesta, or afternoon nap, starting to creep into our culture to help us escape the worst heat of the day.


  • 如果我们幸运的话,我们甚至可以将午睡慢慢引入我们生活文化中,帮助我们摆脱酷暑难耐的时光

    If we're really lucky, we might even find the siesta, or afternoon nap, starting to creep into our culture to help us escape the worst heat of the day.


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