• 崭新一天来临面对生活抉择可能自己说不行

    The advent of a new day, in the face of life's choices, you probably will not do himself.


  • 真正生活每个青少年都可以而且应该做出自己的抉择

    In real life, every teen can, and should, make his or her own decision.


  • 错误决定加剧贫困生活困顿之做出明智的抉择似乎也不大容易。

    Bad choices can worsen poverty; and it is harder to make good choices when life is grim.


  • 生活对她而言太重了,她很遗憾这样伤害了最好抉择

    She said that the life she was living was just too much for her. She said she regretted her decision because it hurt others, but that it was the best she could do at the time.


  • 生活一点评估,一丝真诚度,实用性以及一种热情度能够受激励让你做出正确生存抉择更是正确的职业抉择

    A little bit of evaluation, Genuineness, practicality and passion is all it would take to be motivated and to make the correct choices in life, especially in your career.


  • 现在时候启程做出正确事业抉择了,这些抉择要让我们自身有所提高能够激励我们达到生活极限

    It is time for us to pull up our socks and make the correct career choices that will motivate and stimulate a passion to live life to the maximum.


  • 如果遵循十个基本步骤的话,你发现自己无论是职业生涯中还是在个人生活中都将做出明智的抉择

    If you follow these ten basic steps, you will find yourself making wiser decisions in your professional as well as your personal life.


  • 购物日常生活一部分,对于来说需要他,你可能这个星球上度过余生,你现在抉择将直接影响你将来生活质量

    You need to shop and you’re likely to be spending the rest of your life here on this planet. The choices you make in the first case can have direct effects on the quality of the latter.


  • 研究人员还建议一种新的测量幸福感指数方法:将设定点理论生活方式偏好抉择等这些因素一起纳入考量的范围。

    The researchers suggest a new measure of happiness that takes into account both set-point theory, as well as lifestyle, preferences and choices.


  • 有趣很多时候我们生活看起来都会面临很多问题和左右为难的抉择.其实大多数时候解决这些问题的最好办法却是什么也不甚至直接放弃它们!

    It’s interesting how we seem to have so many problems, so many dilemmas. But most of the time the answer to solving them is doing nothing.


  • 情绪驾驭着我们它们确立我们生活体验影响了我们所有抉择并且通过它们我们决定了自己要如何去行动

    Emotions drive us, they determine our life experience, affect all of our choices and through them we decide what we will do.


  • 生活清醒理智真诚的做抉择吧。选择幸福

    It is YOUR life. Choose consciously, choose wisely, choose honestly. Choose happiness.


  • 又一次实际生活当中,中世纪的人们发现自己不得不根据良心自利而他们要求效忠相互冲突呼吁之间做出抉择

    In practical life over and over again in the Middle Ages men found themselves having to make genuine choices according to conscience or self-interest between conflicting appeals to their loyalty.


  • 生活一个威胁拯救在行善作恶抉择虚构世界

    He lives in a fictional world of good and bad, of threat and rescue, of the choice between doing good or doing harm.


  • 生活就是一连串自我抉择的结果。

    My life has been a series of decisions.


  • 这些信息公之于众这样做原因不是自己添加标签而是一个选择权,由自己抉择生活什么样的国家里”

    "I gave this information back to the public, to public hands, and the reason I did that was not to gain a label but to give you back a choice about the country you want to live in," he said.


  • 艰难的抉择通常不会这件事那样轮廓清晰,如果涉及其他人,别人的干扰经常使虽然做正确的决定却生活悔恨之中。

    The hardest choices usually aren't as clear-cut as this one was, and if the choice involves other people, they often will try to make you live to regret doing the right thing.


  • 今天生活年前我们选择决定的,今天我们的抉择决定我们三年后生活

    Today's life is from three years ago, our choice decisions, and our choices today will determine our life after three years.


  • 今天生活代表了昨天的态度抉择明天生活一切所带来后果

    Your life today is the result of your attitudes and choice in the past. Your life tomorrow will be the result.


  • 我们今天生活以前抉择我们三年以后生活今天抉择的。

    Our today's life is a choice of three years ago, we after three years of life's choices today.


  • 明日生活之果,孕育于今天态度抉择

    Your life tomorrow will be the result of your attitudes and the choices you make today.


  • 我们今天生活年前抉择的,我们三以后生活就是今天抉择的。

    Our life today is three years ago, our life three years later is today's choice.


  • 给予夫妻另一个成长的机会,学习如何成为团队分工合作;处理生活上的矛盾争执;留出时间思考未来的路,进行抉择

    It is another opportunity to learn about cooperation and becoming a team, about dealing with differences and conflicts, and about taking time to pause and choose.


  • 开始大学生活十分兴奋的一件事情:拓展思维,面对新挑战以及做出许多抉择未来这里起航

    Beginning college is exciting: new ideas to explore, new challenges to be met and many decisions to be made; your future begins here.


  • 生活,会一些困难的抉择或许对你最终的预算甚满意,但是如果你过度调拨预算,结果会造成预算不足

    In life, there are tough choices. You may not like the budget you end up with, but it is only insufficient if you overcommit.


  • 我们生活,我们有时必须做出艰难抉择

    In our lives, sometimes we must make a difficult decision.


  • 情感上的迷惑个人生活方面做出错误抉择

    Confusion at an emotional level will cause you to make wrong decisions concerning your personal life.


  • 不安一种消极情绪通过连续瑜伽练习发现自己变得坚强,并且学会生活做出乐观抉择

    Tension is a negative emotion and through the continuing practice of yoga you will learn to be stronger and make more positive choices in your life.


  • 不安一种消极情绪通过连续瑜伽练习发现自己变得坚强,并且学会生活做出乐观抉择

    Tension is a negative emotion and through the continuing practice of yoga you will learn to be stronger and make more positive choices in your life.


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