• 新的巡回照片首站巴黎网球场美术馆,所300张图片结合了娴熟的光影技术诗意而又冷静的生活视角几何图形的观察。

    A new travelling show of 300 images, that begins at the Jeu de Paume in Paris, combines a mastery of shadow and light and eye for geometric shapes with a poetic yet unsentimental vision of life.


  • 生活就如此C ' est la vie .但是才华或是改善关系永远都是个加分项。

    Sometimes life is this way, but actually, having a chance to polish your performance or improve a relationship is always an appealing thought.


  • 所有这些应用提高生活质量促进经济发民

    All of these application will enhance the quality of life and spur economic growth.


  • 做人太急惟有计。若想宏图,尽生活里。

    Do not rush life, only hundreds of years. To grand exhibition, all in life.


  • 拼充实风采:积极参加学校班级活动敢于锻炼自己大学生活充实精彩

    Participate in school activities and classes actively, dare to show ourselves so that campus life is more wonderful.


  • 宁静春天作为艺术中心2010年三位生活北京年轻女性艺术家近期作品组成

    As the first exhibition of Yan Club Arts Center in 2010, "My Serene Spring" is composed of the recent works by three young female artists living in Beijing.


  • 宋琨2005年中国艺术三年上被称为“值得期待年轻女性艺术家”,作品关注于日常现实中的生活细节。

    Hailed as one of the most promising young female artists during the 2005 Triennial of Chinese art, Song Kun's work examines the minutiae of daily existence.


  • 2007年,工作室负责人傅筱南京21世纪生活艺术

    In 2007, the chief architect Fuxiao participate in the 21st century art of living exhibition in Nanjing.


  • 术后10恢复日常生活工作2出现轻度肩关节撞击征,肩关节活动部分受限

    After 10 weeks, were back to their daily life and work, 2 patients had mild impingement shoulder abduction, shoulder part of outreach activities is limited.


  • 广州户外及休闲精彩亮相意味着广州家具室内家居扩至户外生活领域尝试获得成功

    Its good performance also indicated the success of CIFF's trial of extention from purely interior furniture to the combination of indoor and outdoor livings.


  • 纽约春季时装' 09,神气活现的谭燕玉模型沿着跑道穿牡丹创作生活

    During the New York Spring '09 Fashion Show, the Vivienne Tam models strutted down the runway wearing peony creations that came to life.


  • 然后济南日报报业集团主办现代生活方式个案,深入采访了该会的主办方方代表,在访谈中检验前两部分理论分析

    After the theoretical analysis and interview test, the thesis at last draws a corresponding conclusion about modern expo research in the view of IMC.


  • 我们仍坚持继续前行,一边怀揣目的观察人们生活,一边回想家乡朋友——朋友们梦想着有一天能到我们所在的地方旅行,却不知我们现在正在这样的地方费力摸索,一筹莫

    Bruce Chatwin But we press on15, watching people with purpose go through their day, remembering friends back home who said they've always dreamed of visiting the place where we now schlep16.


  • 如今SIBEX深圳国际游艇已经成为中国规模最大的水上游艇盛会,开创了高端人士海洋生活文化新的聚焦点。

    Nowadays, SIBEX has become the largest-scale distinguished boat show party in China, initiating the new focus point for the high-end people's Marine life.


  • 艺术公社主办的《留住的时间-中国当代艺术这些北京年青一代艺术家如何透过作品表达生活中的困惑

    Artist Commune presents "the Time Being Kept - Group Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Artists" and shows how these new power from Beijing express the confusion in their life through art.


  • 作为毕业设计命题隐喻同学们通过大学学习生活即将面临新的生活和工作环境的一状态

    Broken cocoon as a graduate design exhibition propositions, metaphors that the students through four years of university study and life, will soon face a new life and working environment of a state.


  • 天盛场盛大生活方式,它包括游艇私人飞机房产以及多种高端生活品牌

    The Hainan Rendez-Vous is a major lifestyle exposition comprised of a yacht show, private aircraft exhibit, luxury property showcase and displays of various high-end brands.


  • 建设界文中心项目是为了满足区内员工、体生活需求

    Jinjie Cultural Exhibition Center 15 constructed for the purpose of satisfying the needs of employees for cultural and sports activities .


  • 建设界文中心项目是为了满足区内员工、体生活需求

    Jinjie Cultural Exhibition Center 15 constructed for the purpose of satisfying the needs of employees for cultural and sports activities .


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