• 不要“信息强迫症控制生活行动

    Don't let FOMO control your life and actions.


  • 过去生活行动都基于他只是一个人独来独往这个假设上,现在他看出并非如此

    He had lived and acted on the assumption that he was alone, and now he saw that he had not been.


  • 即使去年之前就已开始观察生活中的普通注意他们中的不少人实际上克里斯托式的诚正生活和行动,即使他们并不使用那些术语

    Even before last year, I had begun to look around me at the 'ordinary' people in my life, and observe how so many of them were acting in Kristiac integrity, even if they wouldn't have used that term.


  • 我们现代生活我们已经失去行动休息之间节奏

    In our modern life, we have lost the rhythm between action and rest.


  • 行动决定生活愿景

    Your actions, your decisions and your vision of life.


  • 无论梦想什么,决定生活质量最终会是你的决定行动质量。

    Whatever your dreams, it is the quality of your decisions and your actions that ultimately determines the quality of your life.


  • 社会经济条件及其人们生活影响决定他们面临的患病风险以及防病患病治疗疾病所采取行动

    Social and economic conditions and their effects on people's lives determine their risk of illness and the actions taken to prevent them becoming ill or treat illness when it occurs.


  • 取决于想要什么,要多少,你必须就此采取行动然后根据自己自己财务生活的切实需要做出深思熟虑,且有方向的选择

    Depending upon what and how much you want, you need to commit to taking action and to making some well-thought-out, informed choices regarding what is really important to you and your financial life.


  • 我们这一轻巧的设备将形成了以公众核心的革新性服务基础我们希望帮助其他城市各自社区行动城市生活质量改进计划使用技术

    Our Senspod technology forms the basis for innovative citizen centric services. We look forward to helping other cities use it for their own community action and urban life quality improvement plans.


  • 生活无时无刻不在变化过去等于将来现在你过去信念和行动必然结果

    Life is change, and the past doesn't equal the future. Your reality today is the result of your.


  • 2005年2月23日—年前在于北京召开第四世界妇女大会上,国际社会通过一项行动纲领》,提高妇女女童生活质量

    February 23, 2005-ten years ago, at the Fourth World Conference on women in Beijing, the international community agreed on a Platform for Action to advance the lives of women and girls.


  • 所以努力培养学生思维方式,让他们一样生活工作视为一体,明白每次行动与其他行为息息相关

    So I've tried to develop a way of thinking that sees life, and the things I do, as a whole, with every act relating to anther set.


  • 该项行动计划基础是非传染病预防控制全球战略(2000年)。采取全球战略目的降低过早死亡率提高生活质量

    The foundation for the action plan is the global strategy for the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases (2000), whose aim is to reduce premature mortality and improve quality of life.


  • 人类群居的动物,猴子也是成群生活玩耍行动,且猴王统领,猴王对其它猴子有着绝对权威

    Men are gregarious and generally live in groups, and monkeys also live, play and act together and are led by a Monkey King, which has an absolute authority over the other monkeys.


  • 支持解放伊拉克行动黎明行动我们很多贡献了很大一部分生活有些人甚至贡献了全部生活

    Many of us gave large parts of our lives, some gave all in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation New Dawn.


  • 然后要考虑如何采取行动自己生活自己真正价值、自己想要的生活保持一致。而不是仅仅因为它们是负面的而封闭或否认自己的烦恼。

    And then consider how you can take action to align your life a little more with what you truly value and who you really want to be.


  • 促进精神卫生涉及创建居住条件环境的各类行动这些条件环境有利于精神卫生使人们采纳维系健康生活方式

    Mental health promotion involves actions to create living conditions and environments that support mental health and allow people to adopt and maintain healthy lifestyles.


  • 改善自己态度并且一种总体更为积极向上的生活需要花费大量时间精力这种努力可以较为简单的。你可以用小小的行动来向周围洒播积极向上的情绪。

    Improving your attitude and living a more positive life overall can take a lot of time and effort. But a part of it can also be simple.


  • 所以冥想不是一种孤立行为而是日常生活需要合作敏感智慧行动

    So meditation is not an activity of isolation but action in everyday life which demands co-operation, sensitivity and intelligence.


  • 时间生物学提示,生活方面要有规律学会使行动你的身体自然节奏同步很重要的。

    But what chronobiology reveals is the importance of regularity in all aspects of your life and of learning to act in synchronization with your body's natural rhythms.


  • 世界地球日40周年之际,让我们相聚盒子想一想我们环境未来,开展绿色行动提倡生活”,共同守护我们唯一的家园!

    In the 40th anniversary of earth day, let's get together at Family Box, to think about our environment and future, take green actions, promote "Low Carbon Life", and protect our one and only homeland.


  • 不管生活中有多少烦恼,都应该爱人一个微笑……心中我们应该大声出来应该做出来,用行动语言标的心中那份温暖幸福

    however upset, never forget to show her a smile…… so long as we harbor love in heart, we should blurt it out and fulfill it so as to signal our warmth and happiness to our beloved!


  • 大量生活6500万至2亿5千万年前肉食恐龙夜间活跃

    Numerous predatory dinosaurs and reptiles that lived 250 to 65 million years ago also came alive at night.


  • 大量生活6500万至2亿5千万年前肉食恐龙夜间活跃

    Numerous predatory dinosaurs and reptiles that lived 250 to 65 million years ago also came alive at night.


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