• 科学家们完全掌握物化学过程但是此次发现开启了无行星复杂形式存在可能性

    Scientists don't yet fully understand the biochemistry - but the discovery opens the possibility of complex life forms on oxygen-free planets.


  • 气体分子就可以破坏玻璃键,并诱缺陷。”Pennsylvania州立大学材料科学教授CarloG . Pantano

    Even one gas molecule can break a silicon-oxygen bond in glass, generating a defect, said Carlo G. Pantano, a professor of materials science at Pennsylvania State University.


  • 因此通过测量不同年轮(ring)两种同位素比例结果比对年轮所显示的树龄,就再现树木经历的所有飓风

    So, by measuring the ratio of the two isotopes in the rings of trees, and matching the result to the age of the ring, a history of hurricanes spanning the life of the tree can be reconstructed.


  • 伤口某些种类细菌孽理想场所因为那里供血切断。(译原因状语从句)。

    A deep wound, where the supply of blood and oxygen has been cut off, is the perfect place for certain kinds of bacteria to grow.


  • 研究掺杂直拉硅单晶中掺杂元素硼、磷、砷、锑沉淀及其二次缺陷行为的影响

    The effect of dopants on oxygen precipitation and induced defects in heavily doped Czochralski (CZ) silicon is investigated.


  • 胶囊可以提高运动员血红蛋白含量,增加运动员血液能力。

    The Bloodproduction Capsule may increase the player's hemoglobin content and the oxygen content in the blood.


  • 方法:采用BL 410机能实验系统检测犬心脏血流动力学,同时测定冠状动脉的含量

    Methods: Cardic hemodynamics was detected by BL-410 biological function experiment systems, and blood oxygen content was measured at the same time.


  • 通过分析试图了解态系统中降解有机磷农药乐果细菌季节消长动态。

    Through analysing, we attempt to know the degrading omethoate bacteria's development of seasonal growth and decline in this ecosystem.


  • 本文超高压透射电子显微镜研究退火含量无位错直拉硅单晶沉淀缺陷

    In this paper, oxygen precipitates and induced defects in annealed dislocation-free CZ-Si with high oxygen content have been investigated by HVEM.


  • 介绍了具有代表性处理个典型实验方法讨论了作为研究阶段开设这两个实验具体的实验内容以及最佳运行方案。

    The article introduced two typical experimental methods of aerobic biological treatment. And it discussed the experiment's concrete content and the best process in postgraduate period.


  • 结果CFU计数培养基CFU 计数结果明显优于营养琼脂培养基琼脂培养基(P<0.01);

    Results:The CFU counting efficacy of CFU counting culture medium for Clostridium sporogenes was apparently better than those of nutrient agar medium and anaerobic bacterial agar medium(P<0.01).


  • 研究结果提示MK-447很可能通过作为前列腺素酶色氨酸样协同因子,从而发挥选择性增加PGI_2作用。

    These results suggest that MK-447 may selectively enhance the prostaglandin I2 (PGI2) level by acting as a tryptophan-like cofactor of PG endoperoxide synthetase.


  • 重掺砷硅单晶高温退火形成密度较高沉淀缺陷。

    The experimental results showed that high density of oxygen precipitation and induced-defects were formed after annealing of wafers at moderate and high temperatures.


  • 本实验考察应力前体氨基酸酿酒酵母hsjb1物合成谷胱甘肽(GSH)影响。

    Effects of addition of precursor amino acids, glutamic acid, cysteine and glycin at varying concentrations on Saccharomyces cerevisiae HSJB1 biomass and GSH yield were also investigated.


  • 结论:注射液通过对抗自由基脂质化,AMI所致缺血心肌起到一定的保护作用

    Conclusion with the effects of anti-oxygen-derived free radicals and anti-lipid peroxidation, Shengmai injection has protective effects on the ischemic myocardium in patients with AMI.


  • 目的制备氯普胺缓释层组成的双层

    OBJECTIVE to prepare bilayer tablet, which consists of a metoclopramide rapid release layer and a naproxen sodium sustained release layer.


  • 结论过量除用于血乳酸消耗外,可能用于丙氨酸代谢中的

    Conclusion we conclude that oxygen consumption after exhaustive maximal exercise is related to glucose resyntbesis through alanine metabolism, as compared with that from lactate metabolism.


  • 川乌炮制大多数酯型水解转化酯型,水解反应最容易发位置C8位,水解反应的类型键发断裂的酯的碱性水解。

    After processing of crude aconite roots, most of the diester diterpenoid alkaloids converted to the monoester form, while C8 was the major location for such reaction. It is a ty…


  • 川乌炮制大多数酯型水解转化酯型,水解反应最容易发位置C8位,水解反应的类型键发断裂的酯的碱性水解。

    After processing of crude aconite roots, most of the diester diterpenoid alkaloids converted to the monoester form, while C8 was the major location for such reaction. It is a ty…


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