• 名称版本公钥的组合始终生成同一LIBID。

    A name, version, and public key combination consistently yields the same LIBID.


  • 由于可以快速访问更改活动配置因此容易生成同一项目多个配置

    The active configuration can be quickly accessed and changed, allowing you to easily build multiple configurations of the same project.


  • 用于数字加密密钥可能最初请求中传送的同一密钥,可能是另一个随机生成的密钥,而后者更具代表性

    The key used for the data encryption could be the same key passed in the original request or another randomly generated key, the latter being more typical.


  • 内容生存期内同一页面后续请求缓存代理直接响应因而不会门户服务器生成工作负载

    Subsequent requests to the same page within the lifetime of the content are responded to directly by the caching proxy, and thus do not generate load on the portal server.


  • 虚拟化可能利用这样的信息源存在缺陷,或者说同一主机上容纳多个虚拟机运行环境可能会穷尽可用的信息源,导致薄弱随机数生成机制

    Virtualization might have flawed mechanisms for tapping that entropy source, or hav-ing several VMEs on the same host might exhaust the available entropy, leading to weak random number generation.


  • 生成代码XML设计验证 XML 文档使用的代码(MSXSD验证API同一

    The generated code is the same kind of code that is used (MS XSD validation APIs) in the XML designer to validate XML documents.


  • 用于生成代理向导预期XSDWSDL文件位于同一文件夹中并且同一级别上。

    The wizard to generate the proxy expects the XSD and WSDL files to be in the same folder, at the same level.


  • setsize也是multiplot命令一起使用才有用,multiplot命令用于同一输出屏幕文件生成多个

    Set size is also useful in conjunction with the multiplot command, which is used to produce more than one graph on the same output screen or file.


  • 对于同一业务对象我们不同数据对象,RationalXDE导入一种WSDL文件生成

    We have two different sets of data objects for the same business objects -- one imported from Rational XDE, and the other generated from the WSDL file.


  • 通过使用XForms,开发人员无需进行脚本编制可以生成动态Web表单,在同一页面包括多个表单、以及不同的有效方法约束数据

    With XForms, developers can also generate dynamic Web forms without scripting, to include multiple forms within the same page, and to constrain data in various useful ways.


  • 第2部分中的同一JUnit测试工具用于生成本文中的流程显示使用ACLPerspective主要方面

    The same JUnit test harness from Part 2 was used to generate the tables in this article; the process illustrates the key aspects of using an ACLPerspective.


  • EclipseHelp目录中的Pattern1主题列表与具帮助生成功能列表同一级别出现

    The topic listing for Pattern1 in the Eclipse help table of contents will appear at the same level as the listings for libraries that have used the help generation feature.


  • URL生成对于各种类型客户十分重要,因为客户可以利用该服务创建指向其他Portlet(位于同一页面其他页面)的操作链接呈现链接。

    URL generation is critical to various customers because it lets them create action or render links to other portlets, on the same or different pages.


  • 借助于SourceMate v1.1,用户可以定制生成方法签名代码风格比如说左花括号放在或是下一行等)。

    With 1.1, users can customize the code style of the generated method signatures (for example, put the open bracket on the same line or next line).


  • 这种重复有意因为文法对话管理器生成最终可以同一程序完成

    This duplication is intentional because eventually the generation of the grammar and the dialog manager can be accomplished in the same program.


  • 编译器执行该工作方式智能化的:如果多个绑定需要同一添加代码,那么绑定编译器只要生成代码一次

    It's smart about how it does this: If the same added code is needed by more than one binding, the binding compiler only generates the code once.


  • 因此如果依赖数据库序列(自动生成),有可能在一个数据库集中出现同一主键。

    As a result, if you rely on database sequences (such as for automatic primary key generation), it's likely that an identical primary key will show up across a set of databases.


  • 生成XPDL中,全局流程成为同一级别定义主要流程的工作流流程(7)。

    In the generated XPDL, the global process will be a workflow process, defined at the same level as the main process (Figure 7).


  • 同一应用程序可能既生成消息接收消息。

    It is possible that the same applications could both generate and consume messages.


  • 生成窗体设计器时,同一组件不能出现一个以上设计图面上

    When building a forms designer, the same component cannot appear on more than one design surface.


  • 现在同一查询运行时生成原生sQL单个选择语句语句在数据库联接来自不同目录两个如图10所示。

    Now, when the same query is run, the native SQL that is generated is a single select statement joining the two tables from the different catalogs at the database tier as shown in Illustration 10.


  • 假设同一页面可能会怀疑向导生成什么

    Given that it's the same page, you may wonder: What exactly did the wizard generate?


  • 同一文件生成多个

    Generating multiple classes in the same file.


  • 最终结果Apache生成ETags精确同一组件IIS不会匹配服务器另一个

    The end result is ETags generated by Apache and IIS for the exact same component won't match from one server to another.


  • 2解释一次编译部署多个环境一概念:构建机器生成同一brewery . war部署到每个目标环境。

    Figure 2 illustrates the compile once, deploy to many philosophy as the same brewery.war generated on the build machine is deployed to each of the target environments.


  • ITDs允许Roo一个单独编译单元生成代码ITDs编译合并同一编译

    ITDs allows Roo to generate code in a separate compilation unit, but ITDs are combined into the same compiled class at compilation time.


  • 加入同一ant脚本第二个实例这次一个可以生成框架样式表来格式化

    I include a second instance of the same Ant script, this time formatted with a stylesheet which generates frames.


  • 如果同一事务已经存在svpt 1同名的保存点,那么语句生成错误

    If a savepoint with the same name that is specified for svpt1 already exists in the same transaction, this statement generates an error.


  • 生成一个称之为client可执行程序,这其中假定代码同一目录(- l. - lprint决定)。

    This produces an executable called client, which assumes that the library resides in the same directory as the code (this is indicated by -l. -lprint).


  • 再次生成SDO 以用于同一schema命名空间时,任何没有使用 @generated标签注解方法或者变量不能替换。

    Any added methods or variables that are not annotated with @generated tags will not be replaced when the SDOs are regenerated for the same schema namespace.


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