• 其他出版商陷入生存危机之际科学出版公司运营利润率却如往常一样接近40%。

    Scientific publishers routinely report profit margins approaching 40% on their operations at a time when the rest of the publishing industry is in an existential crisis.


  • 努纳武特人认为生存不断变化环境最大希望在于结合先人智慧先进现代科学

    Nunavut believe their best hope of survival in this changing environment lies in combining their ancestral knowledge with the best modern science.


  • 科学指出这些食肉动物生活群岛中的四个小岛那里猎物基数太小哺乳类食肉动物无法生存

    These carnivores live only on four small islands in the archipelago where, scientists note, the prey base is too small to support mammalian carnivore.


  • 很难理解为什么它们不会受到影响,恐龙却因为残疾而无法生存尤其是如果恐龙一些科学认为的那样温血动物。

    It's hard to understand why they would not be affected, whereas dinosaurs were left too crippled to cope, especially if, as some scientists believe, dinosaurs were warm-blooded.


  • 家认为,这是植物防止树木疾病传播的方法,并给像毛毛虫之类的食叶昆虫制造些生存上的困难。

    Scientists think this is the plants' way to prevent the spread of any tree diseases and make life more difficult for leaf-eating insects like caterpillars.


  • 只有科学技术才能使大量人口有限空间生存成为可能因此教育必须传授这些必要基本知识。

    The existence of a large population on a limited area is only possible owing to science and technique; education must, therefore, hand on the necessary minimum of these.


  • 只有科学技术才能使大量人口有限空间生存成为可能因此教育必须传授这些必要基本知识。

    The existence of a large population on a limited area is only possible owing to science and techniqueeducation must, therefore, hand on the necessary minimum of these.


  • 他说,比如科学曾经火星很多地方发现液态水存在的证据,而生物生存必要条件。

    For example, scientists have found evidence that there could be liquid water-which is necessary for life on earth-at many places on the Mars.


  • 改善全世界生存条件本质上不是科学知识而是延续人类传统实现其理想

    Betterment of conditions the world over is not essentially dependent on scientific knowledge but on the fulfillment of human traditions and ideals.


  • 科学推断说,任何生存火星上的微生物必须地球上盐生物某些类似之处,才能够从容应对颗行星盐度

    Scientists have theorised that any microbes living on Mars would have to be something like terrestrial halophiles in order to cope with the planet's high salinity.


  • 科学利诺理论:鳄鱼作为一个能够生存恐龙时代物种,源于它们陆地水中都很灵活

    Scientist Sereno theorizes that crocodiles as a species survived the dinosaur era because of their agility on land and in the water.


  • 航天局科学家们回避这些突然从科学杂志出来迅速网络上流行的报道说那个地方也许什么东西生存

    Space agency scientists waved off reports - which had been popping up in science publications and bouncing around the Internet - that something might be stirring out there.


  • 先前努力视为园丁科学农民粮食爱好者们的资源不是一种人类生存所用的工具

    Earlier efforts had been regarded as resources for gardeners, scientists, farmers and food aficionados rather than a tool for human survival.


  • 科学希望那里发现与地球早期相同状况也许还可以发现在地球早期蓬勃生存生命形式

    There, scientists expect to find the same conditions as those in the early earth-and perhaps the same life-forms that thrived then.


  • 不同寻常细菌格陵兰冰原深处找到的,科学家们相信其中蕴含着生命如何其它星球上生存线索

    The unusual bacterium was found deep within a Greenland ice sheet and scientists believe it holds clues to how life might survive on other planets.


  • 科学难以回答这个问题。不过可能是因为秋天里人们生存愿望强。

    Why? Science doesn't know, but it is quite possible that the will to live is stronger in the fall.


  • 科学家们相信这项发现可以今后发现更多适宜生命生存行星拓宽道路,其中可能包括怪异意想不到的星球。

    Scientists believe the findings could pave the way to more discoveries of potential havens for life among the stars, including some that are strange and unexpected.


  • 因此,只要掌握这种探寻文化子孙后代能够生存下去我们大多数科学知识技术或早重新发现或重新发明出来。

    As long as the modern descendant of this culture of enquiry survives, most of our scientific knowledge and technology could be rediscovered and reinvented sooner or later.


  • 例如科学可以借此寻找一个生存某些藻类物种相关生化标记物

    For example, scientists can search for a biochemical marker that is tied to certain species of algae that live only in ice.


  • 菲律宾这个试验站国际水稻研究所科学正在研发抗旱转基因水稻,而干旱是水稻最严峻生存压力之一。

    At this research station in the Philippines, scientists at the International rice research Institute are developing GM rice that can tolerate drought, one of the toughest stresses on crops.


  • 一方面,科学需要弄清这些生物的生存机理

    On the other hand, scientists have had to explain how such creatures functioned.


  • 科学很久以前就知道由于生存环境恶劣,青蛙皮肤含有大量能够对抗微生物的物质

    Scientists have long known that the skin of frogs contains plenty of powerful germ-fighting substances because of the hostileenvironments they exist in.


  • 科学家们担心北极气候的不断变化可能会威胁物种生存

    Scientists fear that the shifting Arctic climate could threaten the species' survival.


  • 科学这个新的证据首次表明脑袋尺寸影响动物城市环境中生存关键因子

    Scientists say this new evidence is the first to show that brain size is a key factor for animals' survival in urban environments.


  • 这项调查将帮助科学这种在过去30中的生存情况进行比较

    That allowed the scientists to directly compare how the turtle has fared over the past 30 years.


  • 俄罗斯科学正在建造诺亚方舟人类机会生存下去

    Russian scientists are building Noah's Ark. Now the mankind has a chance to survive.


  • 悖论或许可以帮助科学分子分离设计微型马达以及理解个体基因水平进行的生存博弈方面找到新的方法。

    Parrando's paradox may help scientists find new ways to separate molecules, design tiny motors and understand games of survival being played at the level of individual genes.


  • 合成生物学需要这些起初纤弱无比镜像细胞转变成在自然环境中生存某种生命,但这样科学进步近乎遥遥无期。

    And the advances in synthetic biology required to transform those first delicate mirror cells into anything that could survive in the wild are even more remote.


  • 合成生物学需要这些起初纤弱无比镜像细胞转变成在自然环境中生存某种生命,但这样科学进步近乎遥遥无期。

    And the advances in synthetic biology required to transform those first delicate mirror cells into anything that could survive in the wild are even more remote.


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