• 确实味道很好

    Raw milk certainly tastes good.


  • 2006年,25个制定销售人们饮用违法法律

    In 2006, 25 states had laws making the sale of raw milk for human consumption illegal.


  • 美国市场占据很小份额大概是0.5%。

    Raw milk makes up a tiny part of the overall American milk market, perhaps half a percent.


  • 因为销售尚未全面宣布不合法,生奶引发的疾病爆发事件在发

    Because raw milk sales have not been outlawed altogether, outbreaks associated with raw milk continue to occur.


  • 一些允许销售,一点奇怪,80%疾病都这些州内。

    Some states permit sale of raw milk and, not surprisingly, about 80% of these outbreaks occurred in states that permit the sale of raw milk.


  • 就算是前者多人,但是也没有办法衡量后者非法市场大小

    Presumably there is also more raw milk drunk in the former group, but there is no good way to measure the size of the illicit market in the latter.


  • 这些不幸案例说明制成的新鲜同样让人被危险的细菌感染

    These unfortunate cases show how raw milk made into fresh cheese can cause dangerous infections.


  • 限制销售法规20世纪前半叶证明全国公共上的一成功

    The regulation of raw milk sales in the first half of the 20th century proved to be a major public health success in this country.


  • 降低不安全食用鲜血动物组织引起动物向人类传播病毒的风险

    Reducing the risk of animal-to-human transmission arising from the unsafe consumption of fresh blood, raw milk or animal tissue.


  • 既然我们澄清了关于谣言,接下来说说食用生奶生奶制品的真相

    Now that we've put to rest the myths about raw milk, let's discuss the recent facts about the illnesses caused by consuming raw milk and raw milk products.


  • 由于存在沙门氏其它令人厌恶细菌风险跨越边境销售违法的。

    Because of the risk of salmonella and other nasty bugs, it is against the law to sell raw milk across state lines.


  • 特别是临床医我们迫切请求你们告诉患者食用制品危险性

    Specifically for clinicians, we urge you to educate your patients about the dangers of consuming raw milk or raw milk products.


  • Siemon声称自己支持生奶销售但是他会尊重最终决定

    Mr Siemon says that he was in favour of raw-milk sales himself, although he respects the final decision.


  • 我们相信没有问题的,但是问题必须追溯到市面上被商业化

    We believe there is nothing wrong with raw milk but the problems observant nutritionists see can be traced to commercial milk.


  • 销售仍然合法某种形式上几乎全国有一半引起疾病爆发事件在发

    The sale of raw milk continues to be legal, in some form or another, in almost half of our states, and the attendant risk of raw milk-related outbreaks therefore also continues to be present.


  • 但是超过24允许农民满足各种规定直接农场销售有些甚至允许零售

    But more than two dozen states let farmers sell raw milk directly from their farms, subject to various rules, and a handful even allow retail sales.


  • 控制销售地方性监管体系参差不齐一些禁止销售未经巴氏灭菌乳品,一些州则允许。

    The regulatory scheme controlling the sale of raw milk on a state and local level was spotty; some states banned the sale of milk that was not pasteurized, some states did not.


  • 这个不对即使有机仍然安全只有经过巴氏灭菌的有机生奶才可以安全饮用。

    Again, this is not true. Even raw organic milk is not safe. Only organic milk that has been pasteurized is safe to drink.


  • 1998年至2008年见,根据疾病控制中心数据,1600生奶

    Between 1998 and 2008, according to the Centres for Disease Control, some 1,600 people became sick after drinking the stuff.


  • 1998年至2008年见,根据疾病控制中心数据,1600生奶

    Between 1998 and 2008, according to the Centres for Disease Control, some 1, 600 people became sick after drinking the stuff.


  • 如今2011年,未经过巴氏灭菌的回到美国人餐桌上,一次引发了疾病爆发

    Now in 2011, raw, unpasteurized milk has made its way back into some Americans' diets and is once again causing outbreaks of disease.


  • 1998年2005年之间,总共45起和有关(生奶制成)食源性疾病爆发

    During 1998 — 2005, a total of 45 outbreaks of foodborne illness were reported to CDC in which unpasteurized milk (or cheese suspected to have been made from unpasteurized milk) was implicated.


  • 卡布·奇诺不同,摩卡咖啡不会饮料面加上那些著名而是在表面加入和和肉桂可可粉

    Unlike cappuccino, cafe mochas do not contain the well-known milk froth on top. They usually have whipped cream and a dusting of either cinnamon or cocoa powder.


  • 事实上,1999年至2008年间引发疾病感染事件死亡食用了加工的新鲜墨西哥有关。

    In fact, both people who died in outbreaks related to unpasteurized milk between 1999 and 2008 died of infections caused by fresh Mexican-style cheese made from raw milk.


  • 上月一起针对销售态度反转全国有机农场合作组织有机委员会投票反对允许成员销售生奶作为副产品

    This reverse for raw milk followed another last month, when the board of Organic Valley, a national co-operative of organic farmers, voted against letting its members sell raw milk on the side.


  • 即使生奶检测报告显示阴性(译注:阴性为致病菌存在),但仍然不能保证这些乳品乳制品能一直不致病菌污染。

    Even if the farm's raw milk tests come back negative, it is no guarantee that the milk, or the products made from the milk, are always free of those pathogens.


  • 但是最终合作组织因为组织的原因采取了保守方法他们农场会员因为销售作为副产品分心完全是愚蠢的。

    But ultimately the co-op took the conservative approach for organisational reasons: it was a nuisance to have farmer members distracted by their raw-milk sidelines.


  • 那里已经允许零星出售——加仑的规模——但是州长JimDoyle否决提案,该提案允许生奶更大的范围内销售

    It already allows incidental sales of raw milk-a few gallons here and there-but Jim Doyle, the governor, has vetoed a bill that would have allowed it to be sold more widely.


  • 1999年2008年10年间,共有86起和相关的疾病爆发事件报告疾控中心导致1676人患病,191人住院2人死亡

    In the 10 years from 1999 to 2008, 86 outbreaks related to unpasteurized milk were reported to CDC, leading to 1676 illnesses, 191 hospitalizations, and 2 deaths.


  • 1999年2008年10年间,共有86起和相关的疾病爆发事件报告疾控中心导致1676人患病,191人住院2人死亡

    In the 10 years from 1999 to 2008, 86 outbreaks related to unpasteurized milk were reported to CDC, leading to 1676 illnesses, 191 hospitalizations, and 2 deaths.


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