• 实验动物身上显示明确的延长生命效应唯一实验使大小老鼠们遵循严格限制饮食

    The only experiments on laboratory animals that have definitely shown a life-lengthening effect have involved subjecting rats and mice to a severely restricted diet.


  • 不难解释消防员效应存在因为他们都是典型的体格健壮男子,而且总是面对极大的身体风险,需要去拯救陌生人生命

    It is not difficult to explain why such a "fireman" effect might exist. They are typically athletic men who face great physical risks, as a means of saving strangers' lives.


  • 如果没有这种温室效应”,地球变得非常寒冷,而不适于生命存在过度温室效应导致现在金星所见地狱般的景象。

    Without this so-called " greenhouse effect, " Earth would probably be too cold for life to exist, although a runaway greenhouse effect led to the hellish conditions now seen on Venus.


  • 如果没有这种温室效应”,地球变得非常寒冷,而不适于生命存在过度温室效应导致现在金星所见地狱般的景象。

    Without this so-called "greenhouse effect," Earth would probably be too cold for life to exist, although a runaway greenhouse effect led to the hellish conditions now seen on Venus.


  • 造成失控的严重温室效应——这反过来海洋很难金星表面存在,海洋是孕育地球上一切生命摇篮

    That leads to a runaway greenhouse effect — and that, in turn, makes it awfully hard to hold on to the oceans and seas that served as the incubators for all terrestrial life.


  • 考虑到星际之间令人畏惧的路程真实生命说法几乎必然较之于电影中所描绘外星人入侵紧急降落太空飞船带来的耸人听闻的轰动效应

    Given the daunting distances between the stars, the real-life version will almost certainly be a lot less sensational than the movies depicting alien invasions or crash-landing spaceships.


  • 许多人认为如果火星上也有强的温室效应可能适宜生命生存

    Many thought that if Mars had a stronger greenhouse effect, it might be more hospitable to life.


  • 结果发现生命问题财产问题中没有发现框架效应存在。

    The results indicated there was no framing effect both in the life problem and in the property problem.


  • 就是生命因果效应仲裁者

    Arbitrator of Cause and Effect in thy life.


  • 概述了基于生物电效应人体生命特征探测假说

    A hypothesis based on bioelectric effect concerning human body life sign detection is reviewed.


  • 通过建立一个55生命周期一般均衡模型进行模拟演算,对社会养老保险制度改革所产生经济效应加以分析研究

    By establishing a 55 period life cycle model to perform simulative calculations, this thesis aims to analyze and study economic effects emerging from social pension system reform.


  • 气候变化复杂原因全球变暖多米诺骨牌效应人们健康生命造成直接后果

    The complex causes of climate change and the domino effects of rising global temperatures are predicted to have direct consequences on people's health and lives.


  • 激光生物学一个学科交叉新兴学科,其中以激光束的效应为基础技术生命科学生物工程研究的有力工具

    Laser Biography is a multi-discipline crossed new area, and the optical tweezers technology based on microbeam laser is an effective tool in the research of life science and bioengineering.


  • 一切决定产生改变生命方向效应都是寂静状态完成的。

    All the decisions, which result in a change in life direction, are made in a state of silence and stillness.


  • 试想,破产国家怎会享有悠长生命?一两万个亿债务明显地在迅速吞噬着我们经济失控雪球效应

    A bankrupt nation can't survive for long and raking up debt of two trillion dollars a year will surely hurt our economy, which will cause a snow ball effect.


  • 消费社会背景精神生命虚弱品牌神话效应实现提供机遇

    Under the background of the consumers' society, the weakness of people 's spiritual life has offered the opportunity for it.


  • 本文对股份制原理进行了详细阐述对股份制生命之所在——“资本增殖效应作了分析

    A detailed exposition of the principle of share system is made in this paper. Also made is an analysis of the system's vitality, capital increment effect.


  • 辐射损伤远后效应之一白血病,含有干细胞骨髓细胞移植是目前挽救急性放射病病人生命惟一有效治疗方法

    The one of long-term effects of irradiation injury is leukemia. The bone marrow cells(BMC)transplantation including stem cells is the only effective therapy for acute radiation syndrome patients.


  • 老了然而,我并不是头发灰色的,我需要根手杖走路,我只是说:生命第一,我看到一些负面效应

    When I say that I'm old, however, I don't mean my hair is gray and that I need a cane to walk, I just mean that for the first time in my life, I'm seeing some negative effects of aging.


  • “地水”是否蕴含较强的能量效应,作用于生命机体促进新陈代谢还有待进一步进行深入研究。

    We also think there are unknown energy field near "GI Jang Soo". Other testing have been done for proving these energy field can facilitate the metabolism of human body.


  • “地水”是否蕴含较强的能量效应,作用于生命机体促进新陈代谢还有待进一步进行深入研究。

    We also think there are unknown energy field near "GI Jang Soo". Other testing have been done for proving these energy field can facilitate the metabolism of human body.


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