• 劳动力不再生产财富重要因素

    Labor is no longer an important factor in the production of wealth.


  • 机器生产财富我们缺衣少食

    Machinery production of wealth, and we lack clothing Shaoshi.


  • 生产劳动意味着生产财富劳动。

    Productive labour means labour productive of wealth.


  • 为什么我们沉迷于这样神话这种生产方式产生神话般的财富适当时候所有所享用?

    Why do we indulge in the myth that the fabulous wealth generated by this mode of production will in the fullness of time become available to all people?


  • 一个国家生活水平不仅取决于国内生产消费财富取决于通过国际贸易间接生产财富

    A country's standard of living does not only depend upon the wealth that is produced and consumed within its own borders, but also upon what is indirectly produced through international trade.


  • 数字化连接生产供应商服务提供者客户创新伙伴关系正在全新方式加速生产创造财富

    Innovative partnerships of digitally linked producers, suppliers, service providers, and customers are accelerating productivity and generating wealth in entirely new ways.


  • 非土地财富两种技术更多采用有关但是未耕地的可用性降低采用提高生产的技术的动力

    Nonland wealth was also associated with more adoption of both technologies, but the availability of uncultivated land reduced the incentive to employ the productivity-enhancing technologies.


  • 我们为什么继续沉溺于这种生产方式产生巨大财富时机成熟成为所有人都可以拥有的这个神话呢?

    Why do we continue to indulge the myth that the fabulous wealth generated by this mode of production will in the fullness of time become available to all?


  • 真正财富只能通过生产来创造

    Real wealth is created only through production.


  • 我们后代负有一项责任运用我们生产财富人民提供教育他们改善自己生活及其子女生活的机会

    We also have a responsibility to future generations to use the wealth that we generate to educate people, to give them an opportunity to better their lives and the lives of their children.


  • 较高商品价格作用消费税,把财富消费资源个人公司转移生产此资源的公司或国家

    Higher commodity prices act like a consumption tax, transferring income from households and companies which use the resources to companies and countries that produce them.


  • 现在美国需要不是,而是打破生产无直接关系金融大佬权力垄断,美国公司回到创造工作岗位国家财富的正路上来。

    Now, instead of raising taxes, America needs to break the power of non-productive, big-money and let America's companies get on with the job of creating jobs and national wealth.


  • 持有阿斯顿·马丁(译注:astonMartin英国豪华轿车、跑车生产厂,建于1913年)半数股权科威特主权财富基金承认正在努力清理自己债务人们愈发担心这家英国老牌豪华汽车公司的未来

    Fears for the future of Britain's Aston Martin car brand were heightened after the Kuwaiti sovereign wealth fund that owns half of the luxury carmaker admitted it was struggling to refinance its debt.


  • 地产农业财富到了非常比重:在美国占到90%,对家庭来说占到20%——不过农田至少一种生产力的资产

    Property accounts for a very high share of farming wealth: about 90% in the United States, compared with 20% for households-though a farm is at least a productive asset.


  • 因为财富生产已经生产有用的商品,所有可以这些交换其它商品。

    Again the wealth producer, because he has produced something useful, can exchange it for other goods.


  • 但是印刷更多货币不能产生更多的商品服务只能现有财富财富生产者转移货币的持有人手中

    Printing more money cannot generate more goods and services; it can only redistribute the existing wealth from wealth generators to the holders of newly printed money.


  • 由于这些指标一个国家财富密切相关,他们人均国民生产总值控制变量来看是否能够单独解释择偶策略差别

    Since there is a strong correlation between these variables and a country's wealth, they controlled for GNP per head by measuring whether it alone accounted for the difference in mating strategy.


  • 健康生产稳定人口永远一种财富尤其是危机时期

    Healthy, productive, and stable populations are always an asset, but most especially in a time of crisis.


  • 提升生产冲动”就可以产生收入财富,这样就鼓动消费者敞开花销

    Improving the "incentive to production" generates the income and wealth to finance consumer spending.


  • 就像其他实业家一样克鲁格打算通过生产普通日用产品来聚集大量财富,这一点约翰·d·洛克·菲勒生产煤油的目的类似。

    Like other industrialists, Kreuger planned to amass a huge fortune by manufacturing something ubiquitous and banal, much as John D. Rockefeller had done with kerosene.


  • 越来越多收入资金并不充裕的石油进口国消费者手中转移那些积聚财富的石油生产手中。

    More income is being shifted from cash-strapped consumers in oil-importing countries to producers who tend to sit on their treasures.


  • 新兴经济体创造巨额财富生产创业行为结果还是寻租的结果呢?

    Are the vast fortunes being made in emerging economies the result of productive entrepreneurship or of rent-seeking?


  • 如果房地产泡沫破灭,家庭财富将会减少,开发商建筑公司、家电汽车生产股价也将下跌。

    A bursting of the bubble would drain household wealth and hurt the share prices of developers, construction companies, home-appliance makers and car companies.


  • 近年来,煤矿赚取巨额财富导致他们许多人漠视生产安全每年致使数千人死煤矿事故

    The huge fortunes earned by coal mine owners in recent years have encouraged many to disregard safety, resulting in thousands of deaths every year from accidents.


  • 全国财富离不开纺织业其相关产品,顿提生产黄麻佩斯利制造丝线柯克·沃尔制作毛毯

    All over the country fortunes were being made in textiles or related products. In Dundee the product was jute, in Paisley it was thread, in Kirkcaldy carpets.


  • 中国汽车生产营销手段专门针对本土市场,有时赤裸裸传达财富成功信息反而能在本土市场收到好的销售效果。奇瑞给其高档汽车品牌取名瑞麒走的就是这条路线。

    Chinese manufacturers' marketing approach is tailored to the local market, with the at-times blunt messages about wealth and success that play well here, such as Chery's choice of name, Riich.


  • 中国汽车生产营销手段专门针对本土市场,有时赤裸裸传达财富成功信息反而能在本土市场收到好的销售效果。奇瑞给其高档汽车品牌取名瑞麒走的就是这条路线。

    Chinese manufacturers' marketing approach is tailored to the local market, with the at-times blunt messages about wealth and success that play well here, such as Chery's choice of name, Riich.


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