• 千雅拥有朝气蓬勃技术人员储备队伍实现企业的永久经营技术我们奉行生产研发一代,储备一代”的原则

    With the vigorous QianYa technical personnel team to achieve its reserves of permanent management, we pursue "in technology, research and production of generation generation generation" principle.


  • 厂家正在生产更便宜数码收音机

    Manufacturers are working on a new generation of cheaper digital radios.


  • 受过高等教育工资大幅上涨这些在步入老年后获得丰厚回报因为如今受过教育的老年人一代生产更高

    Pay has risen sharply for the highly educated, and those people continue to reap rich rewards into old age because these days the educated elderly are more productive than the preceding generation.


  • 工厂2012年生产混合动力电式混合动力车。

    The plant also will produce a next-generation hybrid and a plug-in hybrid in 2012.


  • 公司生产客机,分别代表的重大进展,已经过去的

    The company has produced a string of airliners, each representing significant advances over the previous generation.


  • 努力生产iPhone操作速度更快手机,然而也许不是为了赶超发布的超酷的款机型。

    The company has also worked hard to produce a device that is faster than the present generation of iPhones, although it may not be a match for the souped-up versions that have just been unveiled.


  • 这种机器可以帮助Liquidmetal制造任何东西更好iPhone天线无缝的小零件,当然也有一些人认为,苹果可能会利用这个技术生产全新一代的iPhone。

    Such a machine would allow Liquidmetal to manufacture anything from better iPhone antennas to seamless gadget cases, though some seem to think they might use the technology to manufacture the


  • 作为一代我们两个选择——如果我们想追求质量,要么生产更好汽车,要么去车。

    We have two choices as a generation - produce better cars, or be consigned to buying old ones if we want quality.


  • 知道一旦全球需求反弹因特尔必须时刻准备好生产出新更廉价体积更小高效芯片

    But he also knew that once global demand rebounded, Intel would have to be ready to produce a new generation of cheaper, smaller and more efficient chips.


  • 毕竟这个系统不是生产表面上令人印象深刻一代吗?

    After all, isn't this system producing a superficially impressive generation of people?


  • 学校系统教学大纲60年前设立那时出身农家儿童训练(以适应)生产线上进行长时间的、毫无抱怨的工作。

    The school system and curriculum were designed 60 years ago, when a generation of children from farming communities were being trained for long, uncomplaining hours on production lines.


  • 苹果直到明年早些时候不会生产智能手机。

    Apple is unlikely to have another generation of the smartphone out until early next year.


  • 波音空客已经生产出新更大型喷气机,采用了省油轻质复合材料非arj21所采用传统金属

    Boeing and Airbus already are offering a new generation of larger jets built from fuel-saving lightweight composite materials instead of the ARJ21's traditional metals.


  • 即使是F - 35支持者承认可能会是西方国家生产最后有人驾驶战斗机

    Even the F-35's champions concede that it will probably be the last manned strike fighter aircraft the West will build.


  • 如果能够开发成功生产出来的话,这种一代干扰计划潜在价值可能达数亿美元

    When developed and in production, the Next Generation Jammer program could potentially be worth several hundred million dollars.


  • 1938年2003年间生产的第甲壳虫世界历史悠久、也是生产得最多的一款汽车

    The original rear-engined Beetle, produced from 1938 to 2003, is the longest-running and most manufactured automobile in history.


  • 受过良好教育的妇女不仅更加生产价值抚养更加素质更加健康一代

    Not only will educated women be more productive, but they will also bring up better educated and healthier children.


  • 全球汽车生产认为互联网赢得中国一代爱车人“芳心途径

    Global auto makers think the Internet is the way into the hearts of a new generation of Chinese car enthusiasts.


  • 在上一代女性限制主要从事重复生产仆人工作

    Just a generation ago, women were largely confined to repetitive, menial jobs.


  • 有些奇怪以前那些替文科教育辩护一样,格拉夫顿似乎除了说明这种教育能够生产一代教授之外,人文教育究竟有什么好处,他并无片语相及。

    But I was puzzled that, unlike earlier defenders of liberal-arts education, Grafton did not offer any justification of what such an education is good for, except producing future professors.


  • 生物燃料食用农作物(其中包括甘蔗、大豆小麦)中生产出来的。

    Firstgeneration biofuels are made from food crops including sugar cane, soyor wheat.


  • 汽车制造者不再生产便宜模型并且发展商不在建造那些战后一代房屋买者建造平房

    Automobile makers no longer manufacture cheap models, and developers do not build the tiny bungalows that served the first postwar generation of home buyers.


  • 面临各方的挑战,雷诺订出2011年推出低价目标Logan可能会继续生产时间。

    To meet the challenge, Renault is aiming to get its next-generation low-cost car ready by 2011, although the Logan is likely to continue in production for a while after that.


  • 由于对这种劳动力税赋提高的预期,获取生产技能方面年轻一代可能选择降低投入因为由此赚得更多薪水以赋税形式流失。

    In anticipation of much higher Labour taxes, younger generations may choose to invest less in acquiring productive skills - because the higher salaries they would win as a result would be taxed away.


  • 同轴微小高分子聚合已经实现。 这项技术可以作为一种微型的“吊装设施”,由它来“组装微型的材料,用于制造诸如超小电子设备以及像纸一样的可以用印刷技术生产太阳能电池等新一代产品。

    The strands, she realized, could serve as minuscule cranes to arrange even smaller building materials and manufacture things like ultrasmall electronic devices and paper-thin, printable solar cells.


  • OtelliniIntel承诺买进一代22纳米生产进程少数公司之一。

    Otellini said that Intel is one of the few companies that has committed to a next-generation 22-nanometer manufacturing process.


  • 他们以及你们一代面临巨大挑战之一生产核能过程中燃料自身循环

    One of the great challenges they'll face and that your generation will face is the fuel cycle itself in producing nuclear energy.


  • 他们以及你们一代面临巨大挑战之一生产核能过程中燃料自身循环

    One of the great challenges they'll face and that your generation will face is the fuel cycle itself in producing nuclear energy.


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