• 无论是否意识到,遵循当地文化可以削减冲犯当地人机缘否则导致尴尬甚至冲突

    Observing local culture, consciously and unconsciously, can reduce the chance of offending the locals, or it will lead to the embarrassment and even conflict.


  • 情感冲突甚至可能会动摇牢固关系基础

    Emotional conflict may shake the foundation of even the strongest relationship.


  • 父母冲突破碎家庭教育方法不当以及家庭环境影响都会导致青少年形成不良个性甚至走上犯罪的道路。

    Disputes between parents, breakdown of a family and improper ways of education can lead to adolescents forming negative personalities and even committing an offence.


  • 这样导致工作个人职责之间的冲突人们如果试图放弃这种行为,他们甚至会有“旧病复发”的体会

    This may lead to conflict with work and personal responsibilities, and people may even experience "relapses" if they try to give up.


  • 这家国家通讯社刊,周刊援引某位军事学者警告称,滥用核心利益可能会削弱威慑价值甚至导致军事冲突

    Outlook Weekly, part of the state news agency, quoted a military academic warning that to misuse the term "core interests" might undermine its deterrent value or even lead to armed conflict.


  • 毕竟直到近期,在西方记者帮助下,苏丹南部一场甚至比我们所知道的更加漫长残酷冲突中的受害者证言才开始出现

    Itis only recently, after all, that the personal testimony of victimsof the even longer-lasting and more brutal conflict in south Sudanhas begun to emerge, with the help of Western writers.


  • 许多工作人员亲属冲突丧生,但他们甚至不能安排其葬礼。

    Many staff, whose relatives died during the conflict, could not even arrange their burials.


  • 一些人甚至暗示产生利益冲突

    Some even suggest a conflict of interest.


  • 压力,心力疲惫精疲力竭可能是由工作家庭生活冲突甚至缺乏良好睡眠引起的。

    Stress, mental fatigue and exhaustion can be a result of your work, family life, conflict, or even a lack of good quality sleep.


  • 明确指定元素冲突时,它们不再违背UPA,它们可以排除名称空间一组名称甚至可以设置默认通配符

    They no longer violate UPA when conflicting with explicitly specified elements, they can exclude a list of namespaces or a list of names, and they can even be defaulted.


  • 很多集束炸弹并没有立即爆炸可能潜伏长达数年甚至冲突结束数十年后,炸死炸伤平民其中包括儿童

    Many of them fail to explode immediately and can lie hidden for years, killing and maiming civilians, including children, even decades after the original conflict is over.


  • 爱情有时候就是柴米油盐、琐琐碎碎感受,有的时候宁可两个人话不投机冲突甚至脾气聊要好。

    Love can be fuel, rice, cooking oil and salt all these daily necessities, or kinds of feelings. Sometimes lovers have conflicts or even lost their temper when they didn't talk to the point.


  • 总是考验他经常注意如何面对他人困难成功冲突疾病失望甚至天气

    You are always being tested. God constantly watches your response to people, problems, success, conflict, illness, disappointment, and even the weather!


  • 还补充说,一些记者认为,此举将令记者们冲突地区报道工作更加困难特别是中东地区,甚至可能危及他们的人身安全

    He added that some journalists said it would make it more difficult for them to report from conflict zones, and particularly the Middle East, and that it could have repercussions for their safety.


  • 就是说可以作用“你””,可以俚语如果网站本身的目标没有冲突的话,你甚至可以用发誓口吻

    That means you can useIand “you”, you can use slang, you can even swear if it fits your site’s purpose.


  • 就是说可以作用“你””,可以俚语如果网站本身目标没有冲突的话,你甚至可以用发誓口吻

    That means you can use "I" and "you", you can use slang, you can even swear if it fits your site's purpose.


  • 著不顺从、别人有冲突、生活忙碌、与世界为友,甚至其他,都会使忧伤疏离了我们的关系。

    We grieve God's Spirit and quench our fellowship with him by disobedience, conflict with others, busyness, friendship with the world, and other sins.


  • 不过,因为水资源而导致利益冲突的确会恶化国家间的关系甚至在两国间因为实力严重不均从而利益受损敢诉诸武力的局面下,情形依然如此

    But conflicts of interest over water can certainly poison inter-state relations, even when an imbalance of power is so great that the aggrieved party could never consider using force.


  • 新的产品可能会与以往长期习惯甚至清洁文化概念冲突

    Yet the new products can run up against longtime habits and even cultural concepts of cleanliness.


  • 不利一面由于各州各市甚至校区都制定自己政策,互有冲突也在所难免。

    The downside is that with states, cities, and even school districts formulating their own policies, we're likely to hear conflicting advice.


  • 当年甚至驾安装了自动加农炮阿尔马兹轨道舱美国空间站发生了“太空歌剧冲突

    One Almaz orbiter even came armed with an automatic aircraft cannon in the event of a "Moonraker" style space battle with the United States.


  • 但是由于一些以前沙特很少出现问题土地分配成本超支甚至工人冲突等的出现,工程建设陷入僵局。

    But the project ran into problems over the allocation of land, cost overruns and even workers' riots, which rarely occur in Saudi Arabia.


  • 中美两国甚至还有可能可能涉及冲突各自支持对立一方

    There is even a risk that China and America would find themselves supporting opposing sides in a conflict that could involve nuclear weapons.


  • 另外一种说法甚至让人吃惊认为冲突配色方案可能会对“唾液分泌”产生有害影响

    Another suggested, even more alarmingly, that clashing colour schemes might adversely affect "salivation".


  • 语法使程序简洁过度的使用也导致混淆甚至出现更糟糕作用域冲突错误

    Syntax can make your program more succinct, but overuse can cause confusion — or, even worse, scope conflict errors.


  • 他们性格可能顽固、不愿接受风险、不愿陷入冲突——也就是说他们必需每个人所喜欢甚至那些不好自己本职工作雇员销售者)。

    They may be stubborn, risk adverse, conflict adverse -- meaning they need to be liked by everyone (even employees and vendors who can't do their jobs).


  • 甚至中亚海湾地区,争夺石油天然气提供了更多引发冲突原因今天那块地盘还是美国人说了算。

    The scramble for oil and gas offers ample causes of yet more conflict in Central Asia and even the Gulf, where today America’s rules supreme.


  • 甚至中亚海湾地区,争夺石油天然气提供了更多引发冲突原因今天那块地盘还是美国人说了算。

    The scramble for oil and gas offers ample causes of yet more conflict in Central Asia and even the Gulf, where today America’s rules supreme.


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