• 瓦拉塔西班牙城区保护工作者工作队刚刚完成联合国教科文组织所指派修复旧城稳定经济基础的任务。

    In Walata, a team of Spanish urban preservationists has just completed a UNESCO assignment to repair the town and stabilize its economic base.


  • 的确邀请巴博星期四前往亚的斯亚贝巴参加非洲联盟发起的会谈

    He did invite both Gbagbo and Ouattara to African Union-sponsored talks in Addis Ababa on Thursday.


  • 那些没法弄的人们,生活很快就变得十分艰难引起巴博支持者愤怒和反叛。

    For those without access to ready money, life will soon become very difficult indeed. And that will cause anger and revolt-among both Ouattara and Gbagbo supporters.


  • 那些没法弄的人们,生活很快就变得十分艰难引起巴博支持者愤怒和反叛。

    For those without access to ready money, life will soon become very difficult indeed.And that will cause anger and revolt-among both Ouattara and Gbagbo supporters.


  • 正如世界银行非洲事务首席经济学家·德瓦拉指出的,增长只是花费更多用于社会支出。

    As Shanta Devarajan, the World Bank's chief economist for Africa, points out, growth does not just make more money available for social spending.


  • 枪声出现支持者密集居住地区国际社会认可去年选举获胜者

    Shots rang out at an area populated by supporters of Allasane Quatara, who is internationally recognised as the winner of last year's election.


  • 先生已经呼吁了,但是加纳比亚拒绝了

    Mr Ouattara has called for it, but Ghana and the Gambia objected.


  • 宣布对手巴博持续了月的权力争夺中获得胜利表示欢迎

    The announcement welcomed Alassane Ouattara's victory in a power struggle against his rival Laurent Gbagbo, which lasted more than four months.


  • 计划出席会谈。

    Ouattara says he plans to attend that event.


  • 即使大多数将军貌似忠于巴博先生清楚大约三分之二的官兵都把票投给了先生。

    Though most of the generals seem loyal to Mr Gbagbo, he knows that around two-thirds of the forces' rank and file voted for Mr Ouattara.


  • 西非国家经济共同体威胁通过武力巴博赶下台,如果权力交给他对手

    ECOWAS has threatened to remove Mr. Gbagbo by force if he does not cede power to rival Alassane Ouattara.


  • 刚刚从竞争对手巴博艰难赢得权力表示警方维持法律秩序

    Mr Ouattara, who recently won a power struggle with his rival Laurent Gbagbo, said law and order would be maintained by the police.


  • 就是里···宾·阿杜西斯·沃苏王子陛下,是沙特国王法赫德侄子沙特创建人孙子也是当今黎巴嫩创建人外孙

    He is His Royal Highness Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz Alsaud, nephew of King Fahd of Saudi Arabia, grandson of the country's founder, grandson also of the founder of modern day Lebanon.


  • 成百上千反对者解除武装重新融入社会,他们其中很多人基本没受过什么教育

    Thousands of volunteers who signed up to Mr Ouattara’s cause, many of them barely literate, have yet to be disarmed or reintegrated into society.


  • 支持者巴博青年羽翼内阁成员住所

    And Ouattara supporters say Gbagbo's youth wing is ransacking the homes of members of Ouattara's cabinet.


  • 现年69誓言成立真相和解委员会处理那些侵犯人权犯下其他罪行的人。

    The 69-year-old leader also vowed to set up a truth and reconciliation commission to hold those who committed human rights abuses and other crimes accountable.


  • 我们看到许多忠于士兵前往市中心他们说不会参加战斗,他们只是为了占领市中心保护平民

    We've seen a lot of soldiers loyal to Ouattara heading into the city centre, saying they're not going to fight now, they're just going to secure the place and protect civilians.


  • 先生任命那些由下层社会居民组成的武装团体(之前称作势力)为共和军

    Mr Ouattara has decreed that his ragtag bunch of armed groups, previously known as the New Forces, should now be known as the Republican Forces, or FRCI.


  • 大选以来,一直遭到巴博围攻,于是藏身阿比让高尔夫酒店上个月认为时候,该动用军事力量了。

    Late last month, holed up in the Hotel du Golf in Abidjan where he had been under siege since the election by forces loyal to Mr Gbagbo, Mr Ouattara decided it was time to resort to his own forces.


  • 周四忠于不同武装团体主要城市阿比让发生冲突。

    There were clashes on Thursday in the main city Abidjan between different armed groups loyal to Mr Ouattara.


  • 纽博格林赛道拥有四种不同的路线配置并且历史最重要比赛的举办地:1955年德国大奖赛范吉奥1935年大奖赛齐奥·诺瓦拉利的夺冠

    It featured four configurations and was home to arguably the two greatest races in history: Fangio’s victory in the 1955 German Grand Prix and Tazio Nuvolari’s GP win in 1935.


  • 纽博格林赛道拥有四种不同的路线配置并且历史最重要比赛的举办地:1955年德国大奖赛范吉奥1935年大奖赛齐奥·诺瓦拉利的夺冠

    It featured four configurations and was home to arguably the two greatest races in history: Fangio's victory in the 1955 German Grand Prix and Tazio Nuvolari's GP win in 1935.


  • 支持巴博激进分子社区设立了路障

    Gbagbo militants have set up barricades in pro-Ouattara neighborhoods.


  • 表示下令关闭海陆空边境

    Mr Ouattara says he's ordered the closure of land, air and sea borders.


  • 最后找出时间瓦拉纳先生我们死记硬背梵语语法

    And finally, time was also found for Pandit Heramba Tatwaratna to come and get us to learn by rote rules of Sanscrit grammar.


  • 西非国家经济共同体美国欧盟呼吁巴博将权力转交

    The Economic Community of West African States, the European Union, the United States, and the African Union are all calling for Gbabgo to yield power to Ouatarra.


  • 追踪采访中,马特·劳尔格莱·苏斯泰瑞位主持人都记录下了佩林斯加州西家中厨房里家人准备晚餐的样子。

    Both Matt Lauer and Greta Van Susteren filmed the Palins preparing a dinner of moose chili in the family kitchen at home in Wasilla.


  • 追踪采访中,马特·劳尔格莱·苏斯泰瑞位主持人都记录下了佩林斯加州西家中厨房里家人准备晚餐的样子。

    Both Matt Lauer and Greta Van Susteren filmed the Palins preparing a dinner of moose chili in the family kitchen at home in Wasilla.


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